Friday, October 14, 2016

Planned Parenthood, Other Abortion Groups, Warren Buffet, and Prayer

Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate



Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois




Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado




Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska


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Note: [ ] = my additions

Petition: Oppose the establishment of an International Safe Abortion Day at the UN

Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States

Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Ephesians 5: 11 (NIV)

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”

Alatheia Nielsen October 12, 2016

When Warren Buffett [Leftist billionaire] released his tax information on Monday, the media went wild. But they refused to report that nearly $2 billion of hischaritable contributionsfunded abortion [Murder].

According to Buffett’s October 10 statement, he made nearly $2.86 billion in ‘charitable contributions’ during 2015, ‘of which more than $2.85 billion were not taken as deductions and never will be.’

Buffett publicized his tax information in response to Donald Trump’s claim that Buffett took a larger tax deduction than Trump. ‘Many of her (Hillary Clinton’s) friends took bigger deductions—Warren Buffett took a massive deduction,’ Trump said in the October 9 presidential debate.

While records of Buffett’s 2015 donations were not yet available, records from 2003-2014 revealed that Buffett gave at least $1,828,082,697 to abortion [Murder] groups.

Buffett gave more than $440 million to Planned Parenthood alone, which will mark its 100th anniversary on October 16. He has also donated to The National Abortion Federation, the Guttmacher Institute (originally closely associated with Planned Parenthood), and NARAL Pro-Choice America.

The New York Times, CNN Money, USA Today, Vox, Bloomberg, Business Insider, The Huffington Post (via Reuters), The Washington Post, and CBS This Morning have all covered Buffett’s tax returns so far, but only Vox hinted at his involvement in abortion [Murder].

Buffett’s Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation ‘is one of the biggest backers of family planning and reproductive health and rights causes [Abortion/Murder] in the United States,’ Vox writer Dylan Matthews wrote. He refused to use the word ‘abortion [Murder].’

The media previously concealed Buffett’s abortion [Murder] donations when touting his Hillary Clinton endorsement in August 2016.

LifeNews Note: Alatheia Nielsen writes for Newsbusters, where this article originally appeared.”

From: Kristan Hawkins (SFLA)
To: Don Vance
Subject: #100yearsofabuse
Date: October 14, 2016

Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood], the nation’s largest abortion [Murder] provider, is celebrating their 100th anniversary this weekend, hosting parties and generally having a great time sharing their love of abortion [Murder] and we need your help to end it!

Look, we know Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood] betrays women and their families, cuts up the body parts of babies they abort [Murder] to sell for profit, consistently engages in national deceptive campaigns (#mammosham anyone?), and has pattern of covering up sex abuse and rape.

Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood] is offensive. They are deceitful. They claim to be pro-woman but they have made it their business to see how much money they can squeeze out of her when she’s most vulnerable.

Many students have told us why Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood] is offensive and now we want you to tell us too!

Go to to see our “Im Offended by Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood]” video and to share your own!

We need your help in ending this Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood] party. Here are some of the things you can do on Social Media [I do not personally do social media]. Be sure to use the hashtag #100yearsofabuse:

1) Share social media graphics found here.
2) Tweet out the sample tweets
3) Overlay your profile picture with a
#100yearsofabuse Twibbon
4) Change your cover photo to the one we list
5) Share our 100 Abuses of Planned Parenthood list found
6) Post your own video about why Planned Parenthood offends you and tag us in it!

Planned Parenthood has left nothing but destruction and waste in their last 100 years. Lets make sure everyone knows why Planned Parenthood has nothing to celebrate.

For Life,

Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life of America”

100 Abuses of Planned Parenthood

Some pro-life groups have set aside Saturday as a day of prayer at Planned Murderhood facilities. If you do not attend a planned prayer vigil, they and I suggest that you set aside some special time during the day to pray specifically for the end of the murder of our unborn children.

Acts 4: 27-31 (NIV)

“‘Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen [Crucify and murder the SON of GOD!]. Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.’

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly [Prayer led to action!].”

Proverbs 14: 34 (NIV)

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.”

You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.

Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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