Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska
Dr/Congressman John Fleming: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Louisiana
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Petition: Oppose the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the UN
Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States
Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
As you know if you have been to this website regularly, I am a “Never Trump” voter. However, I am also “Never Hillary.”
The CORRUPTION of the Clinton Campaign:
Watch and learn the truth about the Clinton campaign.
Part 1: Rigging the Election—Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies (I apologize for the language from the Democrats!)
Part 2: Rigging the Election—Video II: Mass Voter Fraud (Again, I apologize for the language from the Democrats!)
“Values: The Foundation of our Culture and Economy
October 14, 2016
The following NCPA column appeared in Townhall:
Economic indicators point to the possibility of yet another financial meltdown, perhaps worse than the United States experienced in 2008. Household debt has risen to nearly $12 trillion,[7 trillion less than the national debt! The federal government sets a poor example for individual households!], downward regulatory pressure on businesses recently reached $6 billion, and the current recovery remains the slowest in the post-World War II era [Imagine what it would be like if the Federal Reserve had not artificially made the cost of money so cheap!]. The numbers look bleak. But those are symptoms of a larger ailment [True!].
Our country is experiencing an ethical malaise [collapse of morality! Look at the two presidential candidates offered by the two major political parties!] that has inspired a value-neutral and morally relative leadership model that continues to negatively impact government policy, business and families. We as a community bemoan public corruption but fail to promote the values that might have prevented it. The illogical conclusion that a Bible can be read in prison but not in school is akin to the old English saying, ‘The beatings will continue until the morale improves.’
A lack of adherence to an ethical code of conduct was at the root of faulty decisions leading to the financial crisis in 2008. From government to banking, credit raters to home buyers, an absence of honesty, integrity and fiduciary duty at the highest level allowed for a near collapse of America’s financial market.
The 2008 meltdown should have taught us that our livelihood rests on more than numbers and spreadsheets. It should have reminded us that neither regulation nor a lack thereof can engender principled behavior [Our citizens have been getting their morality from the government more than from the Bible! A reversal of the original roles of both. Our government sanctions the murder of unborn babies. The Bible warns us that murder is NEVER acceptable!] Instead, these events exposed our culture’s growing indifference to moral convictions; our growing dependence on modern day trends to determine truth. Indeed, some discredited values of honor, truthfulness and integrity as ancient and stale. But how can we as a country fail to promote those values and then express shock when the system fails us [Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton = a major failure!]? Famed author and Oxford Don C. S. Lewis reminded us that we all too often laugh at honor and are then surprised to find traitors in our midst.
Morality is inherently stamped on our souls and connects us with that which we hold in most reverence. It guides our individual actions. It determines our community. Reasoning away absolute truth leads to a self-centered worldview, which breeds confusion and chaos. As Pogo opined years ago, ‘the number one enemy is us. Character requires a reality that is larger than us.’ Leadership must do what is right, when it is right, because it is right [We are in deep trouble! Instead, we murder our own children and claim it is a “right” handed down by government!].
[Proverbs 14: 34 (NIV)
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.”]
American businesses faced a difficult stretch after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the great recession and the near collapse of the world’s financial structure. Businesses became the target of shrill rhetoric and finger pointing from the White House and Capitol Hill. The atmosphere encouraged a bashing of the entire free enterprise system.
Except for those companies responsible for the system of easy credit and disguised risk [federal government encouraged and supported!], American business has nothing for which to apologize. Instead, it must make the moral and ethical case for free enterprise as a system that has lifted more people out of poverty and created more wealth than any other system in history [True! And capitalism works only in a moral climate! Socialism, communism, fascism are all based upon immorality!].
Outside the family, churches and communities, the marketplace is the vanguard for moral truths in a free-market society. Economic freedom makes it incumbent beyond anyone involved in business, from a fortune 500 company to a family-owned bakery, to live by a creed that betters both themselves and the people around them. Business leaders must live by moral convictions and clear principles that guide their company’s operations. This strategy, in turn, positively influences the surrounding community. As business expert and author of Values, Inc., Dina Dwyer-Owens observes, a public ethos can only begin in a company that privately practices a code of values.
Sadly, this current malaise has imbued our children, our country’s future leaders, with false expectations. We are asking the next generation to return to a value-based society that has not existed in their lifetime. Moral clarity rooted in truth, integrity and faith remains the bedrock of loving homes, successful businesses and a functioning society. We must promote that. The continued teaching of moral relativism and humanistic thinking will only confuse truth [Is designed to displace the truth with lies! We can not murder our own children and be a moral society! It is impossible!].
To paraphrase Bertrand Russell: values are not a matter of taste and perception, but exact and understandable. Such an understanding does not eliminate risk. But a clear set of values can help avoid self-induced destruction as we so recently experienced. We will not act on what we do not believe. We need to prepare for the battles to come: For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle? [I Corinthians 14: 8. Do you think either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton would have recognized the last sentence as a verse from the Bible? I don’t!]?
Cary Maguire is CEO and President of Maguire Oil Company and Components Corporation of America, founder of SMU’s Maguire Center for Ethics & Public Responsibility and one of the leading philanthropists in Dallas.
NCPA President/CEO James H. Amos, Jr. grew Mail Boxes Etc. into the world’s largest and fastest growing franchisor of retail business, communication and postal service centers when he was CEO. He is in the International Franchise Association’s Hall of Fame, is a decorated Marine Corp veteran and author of several best-selling books.
Dr. David Grantham is a Senior Fellow and Project Manager of the Financial Crisis Initiative at the National Center for Policy Analysis. He holds a PhD in history from Texas Christian University.”
“Is It Time For Religious Americans To Abandon Character When It Comes To Elections?
No, character doesn’t matter.
After twenty years of proclaiming that Bill Clinton’s despicable character disqualified him from higher office [Actually, I believe the official reason was lying under oath!]—after spending this entire election cycle stating that Hillary Clinton’s corruption and personal penchant for tyranny made her unacceptable [At least, should make her unacceptable! Seems it does not for many voters! Or maybe, they are doing what the Republicans want conservatives to do—“vote for the lesser evil.” Since there is a third choice that is much better than the other two, I am voting for the third choice.]—many Republicans have now declared that they were wrong: all that matters is policy [Not as far as I am concerned and Donald Trump is also wrong on many policies! All the socialist ones he has proposed.]. Now that Donald Trump—a man who brags about adultery and sexual assault, who lies pathologically, who mocks POWs and the disabled, who engages in despicable activities fairly routinely—is the Republican candidate, and the man who stands between Hillary Clinton and the White House, character simply flies out the window [Not for me! Not for many of us!]. All that matters is the stuff they—those who have no character, remember—promise to do [Who can believe the promises of a person who has no or little integrity?].
Leading the charge are certain Christian leaders, who have now abandoned the pretense that the character of a leader matters enough to disqualify them from a leadership role. This isn’t merely those who express the absolutely foolish argument that Donald Trump is like King David (he isn’t [Absolutely not! Who would even make such a claim?]) or Abraham (nope) or even Jesus (try again [What? Utterly absurd!]). It’s people who acknowledge that Trump lacks all character, but we must side with him in order to prevent Hillary Clinton from implementing her agenda.
Take, for example, the widely-disseminated piece by Eric Metaxes in The Wall Street Journal. Metaxes acknowledges freely that Trump is ‘odious’; ‘yes,’ he adds, ‘many see these comments as a deal-breaker.’ But he does not. Why not? Because ‘we have a very knotty and larger problem. What if the other candidate also has deal-breakers? ... Would God want me simply not to vote [There is a third option. Darrell Castle the candidate of the Constitution Party!]? Is that a serious option?’
Metaxes first attempts to disarm the argument that ‘choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil,’ calling it ‘sophistry.’ Why? Because, he says, ‘neither candidate is pure evil. They are human beings. We cannot escape the uncomfortable obligation to soberly choose between them.’ Metaxes then rejects his own argument and argues that it isn’t a choice between two evils at all—it’s a choice between evil Hillary Clinton and decent Donald Trump, at least when it comes to governance. Hillary, he says, will destroy the Supreme Court ‘forever [That is a very long time! We have allowed the federal courts much more power than they have constitutionally! We must hold them accountable and responsible or it doesn’t make any difference who appoints them. Five of the justices who sanctioned the murder of unborn babies were appointed by Republican Presidents!],’ while Trump will presumably preserve it—an amazing contention, given that there are still Republican Senators, that Trump is currently undermining those Senators electorally, and that even Donald Trump being elected and precipitating a Democratic electoral backlash would destroy the Court. Hillary will re-enshrine partial-birth abortion (again, where’s Congress [Very good question! Capitulating as always?]?) while Trump will fight it (where’s the evidence of this from the guy who says Planned Parenthood does wonderful work?). Hillary will leave people at the mercies of ISIS (true), but Trump will save people (no evidence, and actually a fair bit of contra-evidence given Trump’s warmth toward Russian leadership). Hillary will be corrupt (true), but Trump won’t (absolutely false).
Just to rub in the point, Metaxes likens those voting for Trump to William Wilberforce siding with unpleasant politicians to stop slavery and Dietrich Bonhoeffer attempting to kill Hitler, totally undermining the notion that there is no absolute evil in this election.
Talk about loading the argument.
But all of this relies on the purest sophistry of all: that character doesn’t matter, yet we should trust characterless politicians to save us from the lurking evil of the left [I DO NOT trust Donald Trump and I DO NOT trust many of the Republicans in the Senate including Illinois Senator Mark Kirk!]. Character does matter, [Yes, it does!], because we can’t trust the promises of those who have none [Absolutely true!]. If, as Metaxes admits, Trump has no character, then where exactly is the comfort in granting him the absolute power he seeks? More importantly, if Christian leaders say that character doesn’t matter in our leaders in the final calculation— it’s preferred, but not required—then how can we expect others not to act pragmatically rather than morally? And if character doesn’t matter—if all that matters is Trump’s promises—then should we continue to support him from a religious perspective if he shoots somebody on Fifth Avenue [It seems that some would and they would makes excuses as to why it was necessary!]?
Other Christian leaders still believe character matters in elected officials—and believe further that endorsing Donald Trump means embracing an un-Christian argument about the character of public officials. Al Mohler of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary asks, ‘Is it worth our moral credibility to support someone who is beneath the baseline of human decency for anyone who should deserve our vote? ... Can we put up with someone and can we offer them our vote and support when we know that person not only sounds like what he presumes and presents as a playboy, but as a sexual predator?’ Evangelical Julie Roys wrote, ‘How on earth can evangelicals maintain any moral platform from which to speak out against abortion and gay marriage if we’re going to dismiss and normalize adultery and sexual assault [Very good question! Do they have a good answer? I do not think they do!]?’
The Bible presumes that character matters in our leaders [GOD knows it does!]. The prophet Samuel removes the kingship from King Saul immediately after Saul’s greatest victory, because Saul forsakes God. Didn’t that hand a victory to Israel’s enemies, as Israel split into warring factions for years? Perhaps. But character matters. Moses isn’t allowed to lead the people of Israel into the land of Israel because he is the lesser of two evils—instead, he’s barred because of the most minor sin. We expect more of our leaders, not less. Because if nothing is expected of our leaders, they will lead us astray in the name of the principles we supposedly believe. Abandoning character may be the proper political attitude in today’s America. But painting it as a Biblical mandate robs religion of any standards for our leaders, and sets a rotten example for the people they supposedly lead.”
Morality and integrity matter more than policy because policy is formed based upon morality and integrity or the lack thereof. Policy does not come first. Policy is the result of morality (immorality) and integrity (lack of integrity)!
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
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