Thursday, November 3, 2016

Transsexual Fantasy Strikes Morton, Illinois School District 709 and Four Board Members Capitulate to a Sexual Delusion.

Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate



Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois




Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado




Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska


Dr/Congressman John Fleming: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Louisiana



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Note: [ ] = my additions

Petition: Oppose the establishment of an International Safe Abortion Day at the UN

Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States

Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful

As you know if you have been to this website regularly, I am a “Never Trump” voter. However, I am also “Never Hillary.”

The CORRUPTION of the Clinton Campaign:

Watch and learn the truth about the Clinton campaign.

Part 1: Rigging the ElectionVideo I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies (I apologize for the language from the Democrats!)

Part 2: Rigging the ElectionVideo II: Mass Voter Fraud (Again, I apologize for the language from the Democrats!)

Part 3: Rigging the ElectionVideo III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Was PERSONALLY Involved (Again, I apologize for the language from the Democrats!)

Petition: Hillary Clinton is unfit to be President of the United States and should be indicted [I will add that if elected President which is possible given the other major party candidate, be impeached by the House of Representative with the process beginning January 3rd before she takes office on January 20th.]:

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

“Transgender Flight from Reality
By Star Parker | November 2, 2016

The late Daniel Patrick Moynihan—ambassador, senator and presidential advisor [and Democrat when Democrats were not immoral Progressive/Regressives pushing for total control over all aspects of the lives of every American except themselves, of course.]—once observed that ‘you are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts [The Left believes they are. They have been ignoring the facts and the truth for years and we, as a nation, have allowed them to do so! Too few people are willing to stand up to these bullies and say NO!” What is a greater act of bullying than government sanctioned murder of innocent unborn babies? Yet, we have allowed this to continue for over 43 years! No wonder we are in such an immoral abyss!].’

To a sober, rational individual, this seems sensible.

Implicit is an assumption—which also seems fair and reasonable—that there is something called reality, consisting of facts [Such as boys are boys and not girls. Girls are girls and not boys!] that exist independent of opinions, wishes or attitudes.

Detachment from reality is generally viewed as a psychological problem, and in the extreme case, mental illness [Unless you are the Left advancing an agenda!].

Yet in our own country, in our public discourse, in our public policy and in our courts, there is diminishing recognition or appreciation that there is a difference between a fact and an opinion [Only when it is to the advantage of the Left! We have allowed evil to be on the prowl for years. The big breakthrough was during the Roosevelt depression years when the federal courts capitulated and allowed absolute violations of the Constitution to become law fearing a loss of what authority they did have.].

The U.S. Supreme Court has just agreed to hear the case Gloucester County School Board v. G.G.

G.G. was born a young girl and now ‘identifies’ as a boy [a make-believe fantasy!] and as result wants to use the boys’ restroom, rather than the girls’ restroom, at Gloucester High [Where it begins! Not where it ends! Once the Left gets its foot in the door, they always push the door wide open. The homosexual mantra started out as government stay out of our bedroom, it has ended with government sanctify and protect our bedrooma complete reversal! The same will be true with this. The Obama Administration has already declared it to be. First, restrooms for the very young; then shower facilities; then athletics, which is a complete reversal of Title 9 and has already occurred on a small scale; and then males and females sleeping in the same bedrooms in overnight school sponsored trips. Then sex. It will happen just as we now have an epidemic of teacher/student sex. Why not? We had a President of the United States involved in sexual activities with a young adult intern in the White House itself, lying about it under oath, “canonizedby his political party, and his wife is now running for President to put him in the White House again! We are an immoral country tolerating immorality at the highest levels to the lowest levels of government. The Obama Administration is pushing it and it will be thenaturalprogression. If males and females use the same restrooms, they should use the same shower facilities, play on the same teams, and share overnight sleeping arrangements. Anything less is discrimination.” “Discriminationagainst a delusion but discriminationnevertheless. If school boards capitulate because of these lies, they are either extremely naive politically or culpable in promoting the immorality!].

When the school received complaints from the parents of boys who use the restroom, it issued guidelines saying that, for the purpose of restroom use, your biology defines your sex, not your opinion (what now is called ‘gender identity’). The school provided GG separate, single-stall facilities to use [Which of course was notgood enough.”].

But because this is really about politics [EXACTLY! Power and control! The nationalization of education!], and not about going to the bathroom, G.G. sued the school. On G.G.’s side was the U.S. Department of Education [an unconstitutional Department but never mind. We have been unconstitutional for a very long time!] which issued a letter indicating that forbidding use of a bathroom to an individual who claims a certain sexual identify, regardless of what the biological facts may be, is discrimination and violation of federal law [which was and is an outright lie!].

The position of the Gloucester County School Board was upheld in district court, but was overturned on appeal, giving G.G. the green light to use the boys’ room.

The Gloucester County School Board appealed to the Supreme Court, which now has agreed to hear the case [And currently five of the eight judges support and promote all things homosexual and related. The House of Representatives should have impeached all five of them after their unconstitutional Obergefell decision which I called for on my blogs. Google locked me out of my blogs and the Republican controlled House DID NOTHING!].

This can be seen as a natural progression from the Obergefell v. Hodges case [Of course it is!], which the Supreme Court heard last year, in which the high court redefined marriage to include individuals of the same sex [unconstitutionally overturning the law or Constitution of over 30 States!] .

Just as the sexual realities of individuals have moved from the realm of fact to the realm of opinion, so has the reality of what was once thought of as holy matrimony—the unique union of man and woman in marriage [Ruled that sinful behavior needed to be sanctifiedandprotectedthrough marriage by the government!].

But as we drift as a society, becoming more and more detached from the discipline of reality and truth [more and more immoral!], and as what we consider truth is increasingly about opinions backed by political power, things become more and more dangerous.

Even those who help make this happen become victims of their own politics.

Peter Thiel, the homosexual billionaire, who has locked onto Donald Trump’s candidacy, spoke at the Republican convention. He said then, ‘When I was a kid, the great debate was about how to defeat the Soviet Union. … Now we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom. This is distraction from our real problems. Who cares [The Left cares and he knows it! It is ALL about power and control. The Left promotes all things homosexual and immoral because it receives support and money from homosexuals and because the Left needs to destroy the moral fiber of society to implement their immoral goals!]?’

But being in touch with reality—knowing the difference between facts and opinion—is anything but a distraction. There is really nothing more important to us as a free society [Being obedient to GOD is more important but Ill not quibble”].

Thiel spoke the other day at the Press Club in Washington and complained, ‘The Advocate, the magazine which once praised me as a gay innovator even published an article saying that as of now I am, and I quote, ‘not a gay man,’ because I don’t agree with their politics.’ Once politics makes facts and defines reality [This is politics and to the Left facts have nothing to do with it! The ends justify any and all means!] no one is safe.

The American Declaration of Independence contains the words ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident…’ But what place is there for self-evident truths in a nation where going to the bathroom has become a political act [Being used to advance an immoral agenda!]?”

Tuesday night our school district board held a meeting to vote for a proposal to assign restrooms and shower facilities to individuals based upon the biological sex of the individual not their delusions which should be the policy already. It was defeated in a 3-4 vote. 3 for the proposal. 4 against the proposal. Tuesday morning before the board meeting, I sent the following e-mail to all seven of the board members and to the school superintendent.

[Note: I did not use red in the e-mail to the extent I am using it for this post.]

“Transsexual policy proposal

As a reminder, I was born and raised in Morton and educated in its schools. I taught American government in Illinois at the high school level. I was a school board member in Arizona. Also not mentioned in my last e-mail, along with a friend, I asked the Morton Village Board to specifically ban video gambling in restaurants and bars as allow by Illinois law. After a contentious meeting, the Board did so with an unanimous vote.

I read the Journal Star article about tonight’s meeting. I have a few comments in regard to tonight’s meeting.

First, the Department of Education is an unconstitutional Department. Nothing in the Constitution gives any branch of the federal government any authority over education. Education is a State power under Amendment X of the Constitution. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to wait for a court decision from the federal government. The Left has been working for years to nationalize education and this is just another push in that direction. I do not expect our school board to placate this federal government bullying.

“Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Second, according to the article, “Board members Michelle Bernier, Kelly Scarfe, Shaun Bill and Clint Heinold said they oppose the ADF policy, mainly because they believe the district would face the threat of lawsuits if the policy was adopted.” Board policy should NEVER be based upon the fear of a lawsuit. Lawsuits and the threat thereof are just another bullying tactic of the Left started years ago by the ACLU. There are organizations who will help the district against any such suit. Buckling to the threat of a lawsuit invites more such threats. That’s basic common sense.

Third, although I have not read the proposed policy from Alliance Defending Freedom, I am very familiar with the organization since it is based in Arizona and I lived in Arizona for twenty-four years. I have supported the organization for most of those years to this day. I am confident that the proposal is the most satisfactory position on the issue for the school district.

Fourth, I listened to the comments from the public given at the last meeting. One statement made by the woman who opposed the ADF policy was true. This is a political issue. However, it is not a political issue because three Board members proposed the new policy. It is a political issue because the Left pushes their radical, immoral agenda at every opportunity and this time period before a new presidential election is one of those opportunities.

Consequently, I wholeheartedly support the adoption of the proposal and support it being passed now rather than any attempt to table it.

To those Board members who vote against the proposal and/or vote to table it:

I will work to defeat each and every member at their next reelection who votes against the proposal.

Shaun Bill:
Secretary Term Expires: 2017

Clint Heinold:
Vice President Term Expires: 2017

Thomas M. Neeley:
Term Expires: 2017 First elected: 1989

Kelly Scarfe:
Term Expires: 2017

Furthermore, if the proposal is not passed tonight, I will work to defeat any and all referendums until it is passed. I will also encourage all parents to home school their child(ren). I will voluntarily teach American government to any student that a parent wishes taught. I am confident that they will learn more American government from me than from any teacher you have in your system.

This is not the first time I have gone to battle over this issue. I e-mailed Target, Dell, the NCAA, the NFL, the NBA, and MLB among others informing them that I will no longer purchase their goods and services because of their support for immorality. In each case I asked them this question: “Does your organization allow both men and women to use the same restroom facilities AT THE SAME TIME throughout all of your buildings? Not surprising, I have received no reply from any business or organization in answer to this question.

Therefore, does the Morton School District allow both men and women to use the same restroom facilities AT THE SAME TIME throughout all of its buildings? If not, why are you even thinking about forcing minors to use the same restroom facilities AT THE SAME TIME when you do not allow it for adults?

Finally, I expect our Board to be a leader not a follower. If this policy passes, please immediately encourage all districts in our area and within the State to pass the same or a similar policy. We need to be proactive. After the election is over, I expect the Left in Illinois to attempt to jam this immoral agenda down the throats of local school boards. That seems to be the pattern in Illinois. Pass immoral policy in the lame duck session.

As is my policy, this e-mail will be posted on my campaign site tomorrow along with information about the results of the Board meeting and any comments I decide to make.

My site:

I will probably also send a letter to the editor and this e-mail to the Morton Tea Party [Not yet. I have some research to do]. With this meeting, you are giving our students a lesson in government, for better or worse.

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Segments from the news story that was published in the Peoria Journal Star Wednesday morning with my comments:

“Many of those who favored rejecting the policy wore a white shirt or sticker that read, ‘Keep Morton Kind [Voting to support a delusion is NOT being kind to the delusional person and it is NOT being kind to the vast majority of students in the school system. However, the Left loves to appeal to emotions rather than to deal with facts. The biological fact is that a boy is a boy and can not become a girl by believing he is a girl. The biological fact is that a girl is a girl and can not become a boy by believing she is a boy. School systems do teach biology do they not? However, why deal with facts in a government body designed theoretically to EDUCATE our children?].’”

“Board members Shad Beaty, Tom Neeley and Schmidgall voted in favor of the policy, which requires students to use restroom and locker room facilities of their biological sex. Michelle Bernier [Term Expires in 2019], Kelly Scarfe [Term Expires in 2017], Shaun Bill [Term Expires in 2017] and Clint Heinold [Term Expires in 2017] cast votes against the policy.”

Adjustments to the current policy were made Tuesday night:

“The student would be allowed to use his or her gender-identified restroom and locker room if professional staff agrees on a case-by-case basis [Gives a lot of power to an individual staff member(s) who is in effect making policy for that one student. Will that staff member(s) be held accountable? Policy is the exclusive purview of school boards. At least it is in Arizona and, I would hope, in Illinois. Will those school board members who are delegating policy making decisions be held accountable if something goes wrong? What makes that staff member(s) qualified to decide whether or not a male may use a female restroom and shower facilities or a female may use a male restroom and shower facilities? What of the rights of females when a male invades their privacy or of males when a female invades their privacy? Of course, depending upon the female, the males may welcome the opportunity to have a female in their presence. My common sense answer is never! One does the child no kindness by placating a delusion! And it is a delusiona girl is a girl and a boy is a boy and neither a boy nor a girl is capable of thinking himself/herself otherwise! Not to mention with all the instances of teachers having sex with students, this could be used as a means to blackmail a student into having sex with the staff member(s). My policy: girls use girlsfacilities and boys use boysfacilities. That is the ONLY moral policy option!]

“‘The procedure is designed to support [Placate!] transgender students, not students who seek to break rules [And of course, it will work correctly 100% of the time! NOT! How about support for all the rest of the students? One unelected minor student gets to dictate to a school system and to all other minors what happens! What? Not even one school board member is capable legally of doing that! When were they given this authority and power? This is the same faulty reasoning that led to government sanctioned murder of unborn babies! It is a continuation of the growing immorality within our society!],’ Hall said.”

“Heinold said that made him more comfortable [That certainly is important!].”

‘It will give someone pause before asking to use an opposite biological sex restroom or locker room [Why? Why should it EVEN BE CONSIDERED! On what rational, educational basis? Biological fact: a boy is a boy NOT a girl. A girl is a girl NOT a boy! If our school board members do not understand this, they should be removed from office!],’ he said.”

“Board members agreed to have district architect Jeff Keach do an assessment of district facilities and determine how additional privacy could be provided in restrooms and locker rooms [Wasting taxpayer money tosolvea problem that should not exist!].”

Wednesday morning, I was expecting an important package to arrive at the post office. According to tracking, it was not delivered. Therefore, instead of walking to the post office to get my daily exercise, I walked to the high school and ran the track for eight laps. Afterwards, I stopped by the high school office to determine if the high school had information packs in relation to running for the school board. It did not. I was told a pack could be attained at the district office. I plan to get a pack before this weekend.

This is far from finished as far as I am concerned. Thirty years ago as a school board member in Arizona, I initiated board action that resulted in changing the sports seasons for girlssoftball and basketball. I will not allow boys to invade girlssports without a fight. I will not allow boys to invade girls restrooms and shower facilities without a fight. I will not allow boys to share bedroom facilities with girls without a fight. I will not allow the federal government to nationalize education without a fight.

You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.

Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation


For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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