Thursday, November 17, 2016

Transsexual Fantasy Strikes Morton, Illinois School District 709 and Four Board Members Capitulate to a Sexual Delusion, Part 4

What will win out at Morton School District 709, Morton, Illinois? The scientific truth or an emotional delusion?

TheFour Pretenders

Shaun Bill elected term ends in 2017

Clint Heinold elected term ends in 2017

Kelly Scarfe elected term ends in 2017

Michelle Bernier elected term ends in 2019

Note: [ ] = my additions

Petition: Support North Dakotas suit against the dangerous transgender mandate

Support North Dakotas suit against the dangerous transgender mandate
By CitizenGO USA · 11/11/2016

Respect practitioners freedom of conscious

Dear Department of Health and Human Services and the Office for Civil Rights,

I am writing to express my disappointment in your department’s final rule on ‘Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities.’ This rule disregards the freedom of medical practitioners to refuse to perform treatments that they believe will seriously and permanently harm their patients. Your mandate forces medical practitioners to violate the Hippocratic Oath [And is morally obscene!].

The State of North Dakota and several other institutions in North Dakota recently filed suit against you for this dangerous mandate. I am writing in support of their suit. I ask you to immediately revoke this mandate to protect the freedom of medical practitioners.

The Department of Health and Human Services previously declared that Medicare and Medicaid need not pay for gender transition treatments since ‘there is not enough evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries with gender dysphoria [It does not! It mutilates the body of a person for no possible reason. Mutilating the body of a person does not change the sex of an individual!]’ Especially given this lack of evidence, the freedom of medical practitioners should be respected.


Don L. Vance”

By CitizenGO · 11/10/2016

“Recommendation on HRC report, Res. 32/2

With regards to the report of the Human Rights Council (#A/71/53)

[ ], resolution 32/2

‘Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,’ I recommend the following:

1) The General Assembly must suppress the office ofindependent expert on violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.’ Anything short of this amounts to allowing the United Nations to launch a global campaign to destroy the family and the health and morals of our children.

2) Abstaining from an inevitable vote to suppress the mandate is not an option and amounts to a betrayal of the family and our children. We will not stand idly by while marriage, the family, and our children are attacked.

3) We will not be intimidated by threats to withdraw development assistance. Development assistance will not save the family and our children if it comes at the cost of sacrificing their heath and morals.


Don L. Vance”

It is past time for the US to get out of the UN and the UN to get out of the US. It has become a corrupt international organization!

“The painful truth is this: Your tax-dollars help finance Planned Parenthood [Of course they do and the Republicans even while having a majority in Congress since the 2014 election keep funding it every year. The Continuing Resolution ends December 9 of this year. Will the Republican majority continue to fund Planned Murderhood?].

Becauseevery yearPlanned Parenthood [Murderhood] gets about $528 million in federal funding, which covers 40% of its pro-abortion [Murder] budget. With that infusion of cash, Planned Parenthood killed [Murdered!] 327,653 babies in one year, according to its own annual report.

That’s 27,304 abortions per month ... 910 per day ... 37 per hour [And about 1/3rd of all abortions/murders per year.].

Please sign this pro-life petition now. Tell Congress to STOP funding Planned Parenthood [Murderhood].

Now is the time to seize the day to win in 2018 with pro-life candidates to abolish the murder of unborn babies once and for all through an act of Congress!

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

From: Brian Brown, President of WCF [World Congress of Families]
Subject: WCF Weekly – Warning signs from Canada
Date: November 16, 2016

Dear Friend of the Family:

In this issue of WCF Weekly we highlight a couple of developments in Canada which provide some perspective to other countries when it comes to the interplay between traditional Christian morality, common sense and the LGBT [Homosexual] Community. Canada is much further down the road of dealing with the fallout of redefining marriage and efforts to redefine gender [sex], and more of the societal consequences are visible there. For example, a Toronto university professor is being viciously targeted by activists for refusing to refer to transgender [transsexual] students using nonsensical pronouns like ‘ze [What!]’ and ‘hir [What!]’ ….” “The Canadian experience makes it clear that once the LGBT [Homosexual] agenda advances, its advocates will tolerate no dissent or disagreement [The MOST intolerant people are those who scream tolerance. They mean by it: “Tolerance for me but not for thee.”].”

“Toronto professor Jordan Peterson takes on gender-neutral pronouns
By Jessica Murphy BBC News, Toronto
November 4 2016

A Canadian university professor ignited controversy by refusing to use gender [sex]-neutral pronouns [What in the world are sex-neutral pronouns? Oh thats right. Made-up words invented by delusional people and their supporters who seem to think that changing words will somehow validate their fantasy that they can somehow change their sex by believing they are a different sex.]. Is he a villain or a victim?

University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson had enough of what he saw as a campus culture where ‘social justice warrior, left-wing radical political activists’ ran rampant [As they seem to do in most campuses in both the United States and Canada. This could not happen without the complacency or outright support of the administration and professors.].

In September he released a video lecture series taking aim at political correctness.

He zeroed in on Canadian human rights legislation that prohibits discrimination based on gender identity or expression [There is no such thing as discrimination based on sex identity or expression! Neither one is real! It is a delusion!].

Dr Peterson was especially frustrated with being asked to use alternative pronouns as requested by trans students or staff, like the singular ‘they’ or ‘ze’ and ‘zir [The speech and thought police! Control! Control! Control! Control the language and you control the argument!]’, used by some as alternatives to ‘she’ or ‘he [Because he and she are so offensive to delusional people! Control the language and you control the argument!]’.

In his opposition, he set off a political and cultural firestorm that shows no signs of abating [He enraged the intolerant controllers! How dare he challenge our delusions!].

At a free speech rally mid-October, he was drowned out by a white noise machine [So much for free speech! The only speech that is allowed is the speech of the radical controllers!]. Pushing and shoving broke out in the crowd [Violence and intimidation one of the key methods used by the radicals to get their way!].

He says the lock on his office door was glued shut [More intimidation!].

At the same time, the University of Toronto said it had received complaints of threats against trans people on campus [Were the alleged threats lies or actual?].

His employers have warned that, while they support his right to academic freedom and free speech, he could run afoul of the Ontario Human Rights code and his faculty responsibilities should he refuse to use alternative pronouns when requested [The speech police! No free speech in Canada! What absolute, utter nonsense perpetuated by government! Governments can propagate nonsense by local level governments like school districts up to and including national governments as in Canada.].

They also said they have received complaints from students and faculty that his comments are "unacceptable, emotionally disturbing and painful" [Seriously! “Emotionally disturbing!” “Painful!” Get a life! Life is not a rose garden and government can not make it so!] and have urged him to stop repeating them [Better to repeat a delusion!].

The university is also trying to organise a "civil and respectful" debate [Right! The first one went so well. How can there be a debate when you can not disagree with the premise?], which would include Dr Peterson, to discuss gender [sex] provisions in federal and provincial human rights legislation [THERE IS NO HUMAN RIGHT FOR PEOPLE TO BE DELUSIONAL!].

Either way, Dr Peterson is not backing down [Good for him! He should not! One does cater to or placate a delusion!].”

Arent you just so sick and tired of these intolerant people! THERE IS NO HUMAN RIGHT FOR PEOPLE TO BE DELUSIONAL!

Claim something as a human right and one MUST allow it! What happens when they start claiming that murder is a human right? Oh, wait! That has already happened 43 plus years ago in the United States. As a result, the federal government has sanctioned the murder of almost sixty million unborn babies!

                                                                     Obviously hardened criminals

“Oregon Official who Bullied Christian Bakery Loses Election
Todd Starnes | November 16, 2016

An Oregon bureaucrat who waged political jihad against the owners of a Christian bakery was given the heave-ho by voters [He lost!].

Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian [I though this would be an appointed position. However according to it is an elected position. The term of office is for four years. He was originally appointed to fill a vacancy. His term expired this year so he should be out of office by the end of the year or early 2017.] was defeated in his bid to be Secretary of State by Republican Dennis Richardson.

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch: a must-read for Conservatives!

It’s the first time a Republican has been elected to a statewide office in Oregon since 2002 [Not even Illinois is that bad although the Republicans lost their only Statewide office this year.].

So consider thisAvakian was too liberal for what is arguably one of the most liberal states in the country.

Avakian, a passionate advocate for the LGBTQIA crowd [Homosexual radicalism! I dont even try to keep up with the letters anymore. They just keep adding on and adding on! Making-up more and more nonsense!], was thrust into the national spotlight when he declared war on a Christian bakery in 2013 [When he abused his government position!].

Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of Sweet Cakes By Melissa, declined to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple’s ceremony [Such a crime! Why werent they thrown in prison for twenty years? In a free enterprise system it is a WILLING buyer and a WILLING seller. Either party may refuse the transaction! Radical Democrats, I repeat myself, who hate the free enterprise system, have thrown that out for forced participation by the seller but NOT forced participation for the buyer! That IS NOT the free enterprise system.].

The Kleins, who are devout Christians, explained that participating in a same-sex wedding would violate their deeply-held religious beliefs [In a free enterprise system, the reason for the refusal doesnt matter. I never refused to do the tax return for a homosexual client. However, if I was doing taxes today and two of them wanted to file as married, I wouldnt do the return since governments cant create a right that is not given by GOD. There is no such thing ashomosexual marriageregardless of what any court or State government declares. It was an unconstitutional decision and all five of the justices should have been impeached!].

Click here to get your “I’m Politically Incorrect” t-shirt!

Avakian launched a very public and very ugly assault on the Klein familyalleging they had discriminated about [against?] the lesbian couple.

They faced boycotts and picket lines and other wedding vendors were threatened with similar action if they did business with Sweet Cakes [Is that not discrimination? It certainly is not tolerance! It is the normal intimidation that is employed by the radical Left!].

The family’s young children received death threats [Illegal in most States! Isnt it in Oregon?] and the store’s social networking platforms were overrun by militant LGBT [Homosexual] activists posting obscene and profane messages [Also illegal in most States! More intimidation! More tolerance for me but no tolerance for thee! Do you understand what the Left has unleashed with their unconstitutional elevation of sinful behavior to arightthat is greater than other rights? And now they are doing the same thing for transsexuals in schools and elsewhere! And people are allowing it to happen and in the case of my own school district PROMOTING it!].

The Kleins were eventually ordered to pay $135,000 in “emotional damages [Seriously? Over $100,000 for perceived emotional damages?” GROW-UP!] to the lesbians.

They were also forced to shutter their retail locationand eventually shut down their family bakery [Of course that was never the intent of the Left! They just wanted their brand ofequity.” It is just that some are more equal than others!.

‘The goal is never to shut down a business. The goal is to rehabilitate [Indoctrination and capitulation to ones own beliefs and values!],’ Avakian told The Oregonian in 2013 [What a liar! For a small business, a $135,000 fine is likely to rehabilitate the owners right out of business! Rehabilitation from what? A Christian belief that homosexual behavior is sin and that faux homosexual marriage is a sin? The MOST intolerant people are those who scream tolerance. They mean by it: “Tolerance for me but not for thee.”].

Avakian was just as ruthless in his attacks on a Portland bar that turned away transgender patrons [More abuse of government power! Most people are intimidated with just the thought of the government coming after them!]. The owner of the Twilight Room Annex did not want his establishment to be known as a ‘gay bar [Reasonable and his right as the owner of the establishment! Willing buyer AND willing seller!].’

The bar was slapped with a $400,000 judgment and was forced to shut down [Almost half a million dollars. Another case of rehabilitation instead of retribution? I dont think so! The power of an abusive, politically corrupt government official!].

The Kleins are represented by First Liberty Institute, one of the nation’s most prominent religious liberty law firms. They are appealing the fines levied by Avakian’s office.

‘We will never know if Mr. Avakian’s unprecedented attack on religious liberty played a role, but we are hopeful that there is a path toward justice,’ attorney Hiram Sasser told me. ‘Everyone’s beliefs deserve respect and tolerance even if some disagree with those beliefs [The Lefts motto is Tolerance for me but not for thee!”].’

Sasser said Americans should have the freedom to live according to their own conscience without the force of government being used to punish those who disagree with government officials like Avakian.

‘Perhaps this will serve as a point of reflection for government leaders that the people of Oregon and indeed most Americans believe in tolerance and respect and the dignity of each person to live their lives according to the dictates of their own consciences,’ Sasser said.

Voters saw Avakian for who he really wasan anti-Christian bully with no regard for the U.S. Constitution.

Nobody likes a bullyespecially a liberal bully [Especially a bully hiding behind the protection of his elected government office!].”

More than bullied! He abused his governmental authority!

This is what should happen to any elected government official from school board member to President of the United State who tries to foist the acceptance of sin upon their constituents.

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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