Monday, July 11, 2016

Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois

Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate candidate for Illinois



Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate


Note: [ ] = my additions

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the governmentlest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” [Author unknown although some attribute it to Patrick Henry]

Chad Koppie:


Chad Koppie is very active in his local community, is in his second term as a member of the Kane County Regional Board of Schools and is a board member of the Illinois Forum. He’s served as a township trustee and a member of the local school board. Chad believes that education is the key to the future and that means thatin order to improve the educational systemeveryday people need to stand up and speak out.

Chad has been an ardent spokesperson on behalf of his conservative principles for decades. He isn’t some guy who just showed up out of nowhere claiming to be a man of principle but having nothing to show for it.

Throughout his life, Chad Koppie has proven himself to be an honorable man. But he doesn’t see a lot of honor in the way most public officials conduct themselves these days. He believes that the federal government has grown too big, too powerful, and too corrupt.

Chad Koppie is a lifetime farmer. He grew up on a family farm that encompassed 4,000 acres in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. He continued farming in his adult life and currently lives on an 80 acre farm and currently rents 600 acres that he still farms. He was number 5 out of nine siblings from Gilberts, Illinois and went to aviation school at Purdue University.

A retired jumbo jet Captain with Delta Airlines of 35 years, Chad flew jets out of Chicago’s O’Hare Airport domestically then retired as the number one jumbo jet Captain out of New York City’s JFK. Chad feels that he is in a unique position to now focus on serving our country because he understands the middle class values and he understands the blue collar voter.

Chad’s family values, duty to God and Country mean everything to him. He grew up in a Christian family and has been married to his one and only wife Teresa. They ‘grew’ a big familythree sons, one daughter and ten grandchildren.

If you are tired of the over-reach of government into our lives ...

Join the campaign to elect an honest hard-working man that will fight for the middle class.

Chad Koppie is one of those rare honest men that will stand firm on principleHe’ll stand and fight for the average American, not the privileged class.

Stand up with Chad Koppie and stand up for the Constitution & Liberty!


Budget & Economy 

Chad Koppie promises to do more than spout platitudes of shrinking government spending and cutting taxes, and FIGHT to pass legislation that cuts ALL government spending 3% per year for 10 years. Every single program. Every employee. This will cause people to reevaluate what is truly necessary while reigning in cost.

Cut spending and balance the budget 

Not to shock the systemCongress should cut spending, for each expenditure, by 3%, per year, until the budget is balanced.

Cut salaries of federal offices to be in line with the public sector.

Jobs/Small Business

Fight for a free market economy and real competition.

Fight to end corporate welfare and government discrimination against small business.

Civil Liberties 

Stop the encroachment of Federal Government into our lives.

Protect American liberty and independence.

Defend and preserve religious freedom.

Gun Rights 

Stand up and fight for the Second Amendment. Chad supports the 2nd Amendment and is a lifetime member of the NRA.

Drug Wars 

Federal government does not have the authority to implement drug laws without a Constitutional Amendment. Drug laws are a state issue.


The Constitution grants the Federal Government absolutely no authority over Education; therefore, the 10th Amendment applies: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Local Control 

Eliminate the National Dept of Education and return the control of the schools to the local level.

Stop Common Core!


Protect and defend life. Protect traditional marriage.

Foreign Policy 

Defend U.S. Sovereignty.

End Foreign AidPut America first.

Health Care: Making Health Care affordable again

Repeal Obamacare

Immigration (Reform): Amnesty

Preserve the Rule of LawNO Amnesty.


Abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS

Pro-tax cuts

Chad Koppie, in my opinion, is the only conservative candidate running for the US Senate for Illinois. Chad will be running as a write-in vote.

VOTE conservative! Write-in Chap Koppie for US Senate.

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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