Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado

Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado




Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate



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Petition: “Congress … officially recogniz(e) Black Lives Matter as a domestic terrorist organization.”

If there was a Constitution Party candidate running for the US Senate in Colorado who is more of a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative than Darryl Glenn, I would support the Constitution Party candidate. However, there is no Constitution Party candidate running. Therefore, I am supporting Darryl Glenn for the Senate for Colorado as are the Senate Conservatives Fund, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and others. Darryl Glenn is a Black, Republican, conservative. The Democrat Party despises Black conservatives because every Black conservative disproves the lie that all Blacks should support the Democrat Party.

“As a father, lawyer, retired Air Force officer, public servant and hard-working American, I worry about the polarizing national debate over the core principles that govern our country. Parents and grandparents are rightly concerned about mounting economic burdens facing their children and grandchildren. Hard-working individuals and families struggle with budgets that barely get them from one paycheck to the next. Many people are dismayed as they watch their hard-earned money get wasted on government excess. Ever increasing regulations threaten the viability of small businesses and gaps in education make finding the right employees increasingly difficult. Americans nearing retirement fear their savings and investments in Social Security and other pensions may not adequately provide for them. Meanwhile, Government continues shortchanging men and women in the military, law enforcement and emergency services—the people we count on to keep this country safe, prosperous and free. And, many believe significant barriers continue to hold back women and minorities who are working hard to pursue their American dream.

I wake up every day deeply committed to resolving these issues. I believe Colorado needs representation from a conservative who has worked his way through the types of obstacles with which nearly all middle-class and lower-income people struggle. If my entry into this race seems early, it's because I’m willing to invest the time and make the community connections necessary to build a comprehensive strategic plan that will help everyone pursue their American dream.

Today we’re $18 trillion in debt with each child owing the federal government more than $1.5 million the moment he or she is born. If we don’t change course now, generations will live like indentured servants to the government.

The 2014 midterm election should serve as a wake-up call. Coloradans and voters throughout the country sent a clear message to Washington. They demand bold and decisive action to preserve freedom and prosperity now and for future generations.

Having been elected twice to the Colorado Springs City Council and twice to the El Paso County Board of Commissioners—representing the most populous county in Colorado—the time has come for me to pursue higher office. This is not for personal gain, but for the future of this country, our children and grandchildren.

I am a Christian constitutional conservative who has run small business and a private law practice—a person who has earned his way into positions of elected leadership. As a County Commissioner, I serve a population of more than 655,000. My district alone consists of more than 130,000—almost twice that served by any member of the Colorado House of Representatives. My extensive civic service and success in four elections shows I am well qualified to run.

It is time to stand together and fight for our freedom and the preservation of all that has made American great. As my mentor Ronald Reagan said: ‘If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.’”

From Make DC Listen:

“I’m reaching out to tell you about an important priority for grassroots conservatives across the nation.

Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Darryl Glenn (R-Colorado) won a highly contested 5-way primary last month for U.S. Senate in Colorado and he needs your help.

This race is now one of only two potential pick-ups for Republicans in the Senate this year, and he’s already within striking distance.

In fact, a recent poll showed Darryl Glenn closing in on liberal Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colorado). Despite being relatively unknown in the state, Glenn only trailed Bennet by 5 points!

That’s the good news. The bad news is that Senator Bennet has $6 million in the bank and will spend every penny of it attacking Darryl Glenn.

Conservatives across the country need to come together to help this exciting candidate raise the funds he needs to win.

Will you consider helping with this important national priority by donating to Darryl's campaign today?

Make DC Listen will transfer 100% of your donation to the Glenn for Senate campaign so he can get his message out.

Darryl Glenn has been endorsed by leading conservatives like radio talk show host Mark Levin and Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah).

And Senator Cory Gardner (R-Colorado), the junior senator from Colorado who defeated an incumbent Democrat in 2014, recently said ...

‘The fact is, Darryl Glenn keeps winning when nobody expected him to, and so I think that bodes well for November. I think Colorado is tired of the direction Washington’s been heading and this will be a competitive race.’

He’s right, and the outcome of this race will impact every American no matter where you live. The next senator from Colorado will play a role in determining whether Washington continues to destroy our country.

Unlike Senator Bennet, Darryl Glenn opposes Obamacare, opposes funding for Planned Parenthood, opposes amnesty, and opposes the Iran nuclear deal.

The choice is clear!

Please help Darryl Glenn win this race by donating $25, $50, $100, or any amount up to $2,700 to his campaign today.

He’s a game-changing candidate who is worth fighting for.

Thank you for considering this request and for everything you do for the cause.

For Liberty,

John Drogin
Executive Director
Make DC Listen

Make DC Listen is a political action committee that helps elect bold, conservative leaders who will stand up to the Washington establishment and fight for the principles of freedom that make America great.

Contributions to Make DC Listen are not deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions from corporations or foreign nationals lacking permanent resident status are not permitted. Federal law requires us to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Not paid for at taxpayer expense. “

You may contribute up to $2700 per person (married couple may therefore contribute $5,400) directly to Darryl Glenn and also to Make DC Listen since they are separate entities.”

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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