Four of the seven Morton, Illinois District 709 School Board members voted to support transsexual sexual delusions. The “Four Pretenders” are:
Shaun Bill elected term ends in 2017
Clint Heinold elected term ends in 2017
Kelly Scarfe elected term ends in 2017
Michelle Bernier elected term ends in 2019
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Pro-Life Petition
“To: Donald J. Trump
Congratulations on winning the presidency! After eight years of the most pro-abortion [Murder] presidency in U.S. history, I am thrilled that the highest office of the land will now be used to defend the right to life of all U.S. citizens—including the innocent unborn. As such, I encourage you to follow through on the pro-life promises that you made during the campaign without delay. I also want you to know that you will have my support for any and all pro-life initiatives that you take as president, particularly when the going gets tough and you face opposition.
In particular, I encourage you to sign the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, to defund Planned Parenthood [Murderhood], and—if and when the opportunity arises—to nominate staunchly pro-life Supreme Court justices [All federal court appointments].
I would also strongly encourage you to follow through on your pro-life convictions by: re-enacting the Mexico City Policy, thereby banning U.S. funding from paying for or supporting abortions [Murders] overseas; repealing the oppressive HHS mandate; attending in person the annual March for Life in Washington D.C.; banning government funding of destructive research on human embryos; ensuring that judicial appointments at all levels of the court system are pro-life; and re-evaluating [Change] your personal support for abortion [Murder] in the cases of rape and incest [and when the “mother’s life is endangered” which is a false line of reasoning.].
In addition, I will stand with you as you to take steps to defend religious freedom, which has been under continuous assault these past 8 years, by repealing the Johnson Amendment, and protecting the conscience rights of civil servants, teachers, businesses, and all others.
Finally, I pledge to pray for you, that you may be given the strength, conviction, and courage to fight for the right to life of the unborn and for religious freedom despite the strenuous opposition that you are likely to face in the coming months and years.”
Call to action: Defund Planned Murderhood
“In 2016 the Pro-Life Movement took action, voting to keeping our pro-life majorities in the House and Senate and electing a pro-life president. We did our part. Now it’s their turn to take action and remove all tax dollars from America’s abortion giant, Planned Parenthood [Murderhood].
We, the undersigned, people of all backgrounds, creeds, and party affiliations, call on our elected officials to Defund Planned Parenthood [Murderhood]. Taxpayers should not be forced to fund America’s largest abortion [Murder] business with their tax dollars. Abortion [Murder] is not healthcare. We call for these funds to instead be directed to life-affirming community health centers.
President-Elect Trump and the Republican Party platform have called for taxpayer dollars to be stripped from the abortion [Murder] giant. We therefore call on The House and Senate to send legislation defunding Planned Parenthood [Murderhood] to the president’s desk at the earliest opportunity.”

Petition: To the CEO of Target ~ I’m Christmas shopping #AnywhereButTARGET
“Fed up with the liberal [Leftist] assault on common sense and decency in our schools and places of work? Tired of corporations carrying the water for a radical agenda that undermines our values and safety?
This Christmas season, we’re sending a message to one of the top corporate supporters of the liberal [Leftist], LGBT [homosexual] agenda and we need your help.
To the CEO of Target:
I will shop #AnywhereButTARGET this holiday season
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Update on the 2016 Congressional election:
The last election results occurred in Louisiana on Saturday. These were runoff elections where no candidate received 50 + 1 percent of the vote in the primary which was held on election day. The Senate seat was contested and two House seats were contested. All three were won by Republicans. Therefore the new Congress for 2017-2018 will consist of the following:
Republicans: 52 members (loss of 2 seats. Lost Illinois and New Hampshire which were expected. The two Senators who lost had 2 of the 3 lowest Conservative Review scores of any Republican Senators up for reelection. The Republicans had 24 seats up for reelection and lost only two of the three most liberal/Leftist members. The Democrats had 10 seats up for reelection. They could have lost Colorado but establish Republican leadership refused to help a conservative Republican to defeat a radical Democrat. The leadership works harder to defeat a conservative than to defeat Democrats. Why is that?)
“Donald J. Trump / Michael R. Pence (Republican) 1,202,484 equals 43.25%”
“Darryl Glenn (Republican) 1,215,318 equals 44.31%”
Darryl Glenn received more votes than and a higher percentage than Donald Trump in Colorado. Yet, the Republican establishment leadership refused to support him. As a result, they lost another Senate seat for another six years!
The Republicans won four of the seven Congressional Districts.
Democrats: 48 members (gain of 2 seats)
House of Representatives 218 majority (2017-2018)
Republicans: 241 members (loss of 6 seats)
Democrats: 194 members (gain of 6 seats)
College has changed since I attended.
Save The Snowflakes!
This was the next video:
The Media and Trump’s election [I apologize for the language. It is the establishment media! Therefore, they believe they can say anything they want!]
“Texas Abortion Providers Will be Required to Bury or Cremate Aborted Babies, Abortionists React
By Dustin Siggins | November 30, 2016
The bodies of aborted [murdered] children in Texas must be buried or cremated, according to a new rule adopted by the state’s Department of Health and Human Services [I was going to use a picture of a murdered unborn baby’s body or body parts. However, after seeing the images, I just couldn’t do it. They were too gruesome. How can anyone support and promote the murder of unborn babies? It is pure EVIL!]. The rule, proposed by Governor Greg Abbot in July, goes into effect on December 19th.
The rule essentially requires that the remains be treated like any other person’s remains [What a shock. Treat an unborn baby like any other human. The Left will go bonkers over such a regulation!], and prohibits their being disposed of in a landfill or by grinding up the bodies and discharging them into the sewer system [Who would do such a thing?]. ‘I believe it is imperative to establish higher standards that reflect our respect for the sanctity of life [Absolutely! Who could disagree?],’ Abbot said in an email.
Their bodies can no longer disposed of in the same way as what the New York Times called ‘other forms of biological medical waste [“Other forms of biological medical waste.” Translation: A murdered unborn baby’s body and/or dismembered body parts! Because, as we all know, the New York Times is a humane organization. NOT!].’ The rules added provisions to the existing code, ‘that afford protection and dignity to the unborn consistent with the Legislature’s expression of its intent,’ according to the preamble to the rules.
The new rules covers the bodies of children who miscarry in a hospital. It exempts parents who miscarry or abort children at home [A chemical abortion/murder in contrast to a surgical abortion/murder!].
Abbot has also called for other changes in the law to protect the bodies of aborted children. In his 2016 Report to the People of Texas, Abbot had called for making ‘partial-birth abortion a felony in Texas’ and also making it ‘illegal for doctors to risk a woman’s health by altering abortion procedures to preserve fetal [unborn baby] body parts.’ He added ‘we must criminalize any sale or transaction of fetal [unborn baby] body parts or tissue in Texas by an abortion clinic for any purpose.’
The Abortion Reaction
The abortion industry reacted immediately. They are threatening to sue the state, [Of course! It is always the baby murderers first reaction. Take it to the federal courts to try to overturn the will of the people!] claiming that the regulations restrict women’s right to abortion [There is no right to an abortion/murder. It is government sanctioned but it is not a right! Show me this right stated anywhere in any American document other than a court decision! Courts/governments do not determine rights!] and that abortion providers will face extra costs [Irrelevant! Government regulations almost always entail extra costs. Those extra costs do not stop governments from regulating!].
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator [GOD] with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life [The first and most important right. Without the right to life, there can be no other rights! Therefore, even if there was a right to abortion/murder, which there is not; the right to life of the unborn child would supersede it! The right to life is also in the Constitution through Amendments V and XIV. Both of which overrule any court decision or government law.], Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” ~ Preamble to the Declaration of Independence]
‘Texas politicians are at it again, inserting their personal beliefs into the health care decisions of Texas women [Murdering unborn babies IS NOT healthcare. Furthermore, the disposition of the remains of an unborn baby is also certainly not healthcare! These baby murderers think all they have to do is claim healthcare and every action is automatically appropriate! What nonsense! Then, why would the disposal of other humans, who were not murdered in the womb, be able to be regulated by the State government? They are such liars!],’ Stephanie Toti, senior counsel for the Center for Reproductive Rights [Misnomer! Abortion/murder ends reproduction!], said in a statement reported by Texas Tribune after the measures were proposed this past summer. ‘The Center for Reproductive Rights is prepared to take further legal action to ensure that Texas women can continue to access abortion and other reproductive health care without interference by politicians [Also known as elected representatives OF THE PEOPLE! Politically appointed judges at the federal level are not elected representatives of the people!].’
The state’s health department says the opposite is true—that the costs associated with funerals will be offset by costs currently incurred by hospitals and clinics to transport, incinerate or otherwise dispose of an unborn baby’s body [Which has included flushing the body and/or body parts into the sewer system!]. Its spokeswoman said that the department’s research showed the cost will be ‘offset by costs currently being spent by facilities on disposition for transportation, storage, incineration, steam disinfection and/or landfill disposal [This excludes, of course, the selling of body parts for profit which is already illegal under federal law.].’
The pro-abortion Texas Medical Association, the Texas Hospital Association and the Healthcare Waste Institute of the National Waste and Recycling Association opposed the new rule. It has also been opposed by the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Texas.
According to the New York Times, the head of the Texas branch of NARAL Pro-Choice Texas attacked what she called ‘the addition of non-medical ritual [Progressive/Leftist speak! Abortion/murder is NOT a medical procedure! The purpose of medicine is to save lives not murder innocent unborn babies!].’ The new rules are ‘a thinly veiled attempt to shame Texans [How does it shame the mother to bury the murdered baby? Do they actually want us to believe the murdered baby is not a baby even though the baby has all the body parts of other humans?] who have abortions and make it harder for the doctors who provide them [How does it make it harder for “doctors” to murder the unborn baby?],’ she said.
The Pro-Life Response
Texas Right to Life Legislative Associate Emily Horne told The Stream that ‘we are appreciative of the new policy that provides dignity to pre-born children who have died [been murdered]. These laws give unborn children the same dignity that is already required of pre-born babies that die after 20 weeks. And, more is required because a death certificate is required after 20 weeks.’
Horne told The Stream that her organization will aim to ‘pass laws that will save some of these deaths from occurring in the first place [Need to abolish abortion/murder altogether!]’ when the Texas legislature returns to session in January [The Texas legislature only meets once every two years in regular session.].
“The Texas Legislature meets in a regular session every two years, convening on the second Tuesday in January of every odd-numbered year. These biennial sessions are limited to 140 days. The governor can also call additional special sessions as necessary, which cannot exceed 30 days. The 85th Legislative Session is January 10 through May 29, 2017.”]
The new rule is ‘nothing revolutionary [Of course not! It recognizes the unborn baby as a baby, which he or she is! Which is why the baby murderers are fighting it. Can’t have a baby be recognized as a baby. People might call for the abolition of the murder of those babies!],’ Horne said. ‘But you’re not hearing that. This law treats unborn babies with the dignity they deserve.’”
Abolish abortion/murder now!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
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