Thursday, January 11, 2018

2018 Congressional Questionnaire for Selected House of Representatives, Senate, and Republican Primary Candidates.

2018 Congressional Questionnaire:

Please answer each and every question. At the end of the questionnaire, you will be asked to certify who actually answered the questionnaire and that the answers given are true and accurate responses to the position held by the candidate.

All questionnaires submitted will be posted as soon as I am able to post them on a first come first served basis. I will not change any wording and I will not make any comments concerning the answers at the time of posting.

I may or may not support and/or endorse a candidate. I will not endorse any candidate who has not answered the questionnaire. I may support one or more candidates whether or not the questionnaire is answered. However, answering the questionnaire will improve your chances of being supported. A person who is supported and/or endorsed may also provide campaign information and material at any time during the campaign and I will do my best to post it in a timely manner.

Please answer each question as thoroughly as you feel it is necessary. The answer lines are a guideline. Any questions? Please contact me at the e-mail address given. Thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire.

Name of Candidate: _______________________________________________________

01) What is the single most important issue in your campaign? Please explain.




02) Including the answer to question number one, what are the five (or more) most important issues in your campaign? Please explain.




03) Yes or No: Does life begin at conception? If life does not begin at conception, when does life begin? Please explain your answers.




04) Yes or No: Are you pro-life in relation to abortion? If yes, do you have any exceptions? If you have any exceptions, please identify them. Please explain your answers.




05) Yes or No: Is it constitutionally possible for Congress to abolish abortion by Congressional law bypassing federal court rulings? If yes, will you actively work to abolish abortion by Congressional law? Please explain your answers.




06) Yes or No: Is it constitutionally possible for Congress to abolish abortion within all the States and federal territories by Congressional law bypassing federal court rulings? If yes, will you actively work to abolish abortion within all the States and federal territories by Congressional law? Please explain your answers.




07) Yes or No: Are you pro-life in relation to euthanasia? If yes, do you have any exceptions? If you have any exceptions, please identify them. Please explain your answers.




08) Yes or No: Is it constitutionally possible for Congress to abolish euthanasia by Congressional law? If yes, will you actively work to abolish euthanasia by Congressional law? Please explain your answers.




09) Yes or No: Is it constitutionally possible for Congress to abolish euthanasia within all the States and federal territories by Congressional law overriding laws of the States and federal territories? If yes, will you actively work to abolish euthanasia within all the States and federal territories by Congressional law? Please explain your answers.




10) Yes or No: Are individuals born homosexual? Please explain your answer.




11) Yes or No: Disregarding any and all court rulings, is homosexual behavior a constitutionally protected behavior? If yes, are there any exceptions? If yes, where specifically within the Constitution is homosexual behavior protected? Please explain your answers.




12) Yes or No: Disregarding any and all court rulings, is same-sex marriage a constitutionally protected right? If yes, are there any exceptions? If yes, where specifically within the Constitution is same-sex marriage identified as a constitutional right? Please explain your answers.




13) Yes or No: Disregarding any and all court rulings, are there other types of marriages besides heterosexual marriages that are a constitutionally protected right? If yes, marriages between whom? If yes, where specifically within the Constitution are these marriages identified as a constitutional right? Please explain your answers.




14) Yes or No: Should individuals who identify as transsexuals be allowed to serve in the United States military? If yes, should they be treated as the sex they claim to be rather than the sex that they are? Please explain your answers.




15) Yes or No: If individuals who identify as transsexuals are allowed to serve in the United States military, should they be given “medical treatment” at government expense to align their body more closely to the sex they claim to be rather than the sex they are? If yes, are there any limits to the type of treatments they should be given at government expense? If there are limits, what are those limits? Please explain your answers.




16) Yes or No: Are there more than two sexes (sometimes wrongly referred to as genders)? If so, what are the other sexes? Please explain your answers.




17) Yes or No: Is pedophilia a constitutionally protected behavior? If yes, where specifically within the Constitution is pedophilia identified as a constitutional right? Please explain your answers.




18) Yes or No: Are federal court decisions culminating with Supreme Court decisions, the Supreme law of the land? If yes, are there any exceptions? If there are exceptions, what are these exceptions? If yes, where specifically within the Constitution does it state that federal court decisions culminating with Supreme Court decisions are the Supreme law of the land? Please explain your answers.







19) Yes or No: Does Congress have a constitutional responsibility to hold federal judges accountable for their court decisions? If yes, in what ways may Congress constitutionally hold federal court judges accountable? Please explain your answers and please be as inclusive as possible in identifying ways Congress may hold federal court judges accountable.







20) Constitutionally, what is the term of office for federal court judges? Please give the Article, Section, and Paragraph within the Constitution that establishes the term of office for federal court judges. Please quote that specific provision within the Constitution.




21) Constitutionally, what are the specific qualifications for federal court judges? Please give the Article, Section, and Paragraph within the Constitution that gives the specific qualifications for federal court judges. Please quote that specific provision within the Constitution.




22) Yes or No: Term limits for members of the House of Representatives and members of the Senate should be established. If yes, what should be the limits for members of the House of Representatives and members of the Senate? Please explain your answers.




23) Which political philosophy is closest to your own political philosophy? Progressive, Liberal, Moderate, Conservative, Libertarian, or other. If other, please identify said political philosophy. Please explain your answer.




For Republican primary candidates for Congress in Illinois:

24) Yes or No: Did you personally specifically support and/or endorse Republican Senator Mark Kirk in the 2016 Republican Senate primary? Please explain your answer.




25) Anything else you as the candidate want to address or discuss that will help the voters to decide that you are the best available candidate for the position for which you are running. Please elaborate.







Website and other campaign information:




I certify by affixing my name to this questionnaire that I am the candidate running for said office and that all answers given are a true and accurate statement of my position concerning everything addressed in this questionnaire.


I certify by affixing my name to this questionnaire that I am authorized by the candidate running for said office to answer all of the questions on this questionnaire and that all answers given are a true and accurate statement of the candidate’s position concerning everything addressed in this questionnaire.

Name of the person who answered the questionnaire and campaign title of the person answering the questionnaire if not the candidate.


Office for which a candidate: ________________________________________________

District, if applicable: ______________________________________________________

State: ___________________________________________________________________

Date of Primary: __________________________________________________________

Thank you again for taking the time to answer this questionnaire. The questionnaire will be posted at and the original questionnaire may be found at The questionnaire was posted January 11, 2018.

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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