Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate
Website: http://castle2016.com/
Donate: https://castle2016.nationbuilder.com/donate
Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Website: http://www.chadkoppie.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chad-Koppie-Campaign-175035105892775
Donate: http://www.chadkoppie.com/donations.php
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Website: http://www.electdarrylglenn.com/
Donate: https://transaxt.com/Donate/6ECCUR/CommitteetoElectDarrylGlenn/?src=button
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommitteeToElectDarrylGlenn/
Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska
Donate: http://joeforliberty.com/
Donate at Make DC Listen: https://secure.makedclisten.com/donate/d?c=c8c976b8a062bfcfa0d065e176ba3030
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Oppose the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the UN
Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States
Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
By: Daniel Horowitz | September 29, 2016
“What a way for the GOP-controlled Congress to end the legislative mandate given to them in 2014. It can truly be said that whereas Democrats are the Navy SEALs of political combat, Republicans are the NAVY SEALs of political capitulation [As I have been referring to them now for some time: the Capitulation Party!]. They managed to give Democrats everything they wanted in both houses, got it all passed by violating their own rules [Suppose to have three days to examine the bill! Probably didn’t have three hours!], and left town to campaign for re-election so they can ... er … well … ahh ... beat Democrats and ... er ... well ... enact some more Democrat policies.
The Senate voted first Wednesday afternoon and passed the budget continuing resolution (CR) 72-26. Only 14 of the 54 Republicans voted no, and presumably, not all for conservative reasons. The 14 GOP noes were as follows:
Corker, R-Tennessee (F, 45%)
Cruz, R-Texas (A, 97% [conservative score from Conservative Review])
Flake, R-Arizona (F, 49%)
Graham, R-South Carolina (F, 30%)
Heller, R-Nevada (F, 57%)
Inhofe, R-Oklahoma (C, 72%)
Lankford, R-Oklahoma (D, 69%)
Lee, R-Utah (A, 100%)
Paul, R-Kentucky (A, 92%)
Perdue, R,-Georgia (C, 73%)
Risch, R-Idaho (C, 76%)
Sasse, R-Nebraska (A, 94%)
Scott, R-South Carolina (B, 89%)
Sessions, R-Alabama (C, 78%)
This bill funded every major Democratic policy priority with no meaningful limitations on a single illegal, abusive, or harmful executive action taken by the president. It contained no limitations or reforms to Obamacare, Planned Parenthood funding, Obama’s transgender [transsexual] bathroom mandate on the states, sanctuary cities, or DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or amnesty for children brought into the nation illegally!] amnesty. What was particularly disturbing about this blank check is that the timing of the budget deadline coincided with two new harmful unilateral policies of the Obama administration: the giveaway of oversight over internet IP addresses to a foreign entity and a net increase in refugee admission for the new fiscal year—all on top of the existing increase in refugees from the Middle East during a time of grave homeland security concerns [Why did we even bother giving the Capitulation Party a majority in both Houses of Congress in 2014? 2014 = Capitulation! 2015 = Capitulation! 2016 = Capitulation!].
The budget bill also reflected Obama’s spending priorities instead of the spending figures reflected in the Republican budget [Even though the Republicans CONTROL both Houses of Congress!]. It wasted $1.1 billion on Zika funding that was unnecessary and funded Planned Parenthood with those extra funds [I thought a vast majority of Republicans are pro-life? From: http://www.lifenews.com/2016/09/09/speaker-paul-ryan-refuses-to-fund-planned-parenthood-in-zika-bill-thats-something-we-wont-do/ September 9, 2016 “Speaker Paul Ryan Refuses to Fund Planned Parenthood in Zika Bill ‘That’s Something We Won’t Do’” However, YOU DID! You LIED again!]. While one expects compromise with divided government, this blank check was truly breathtaking in completely reflecting Democrat values—as if Republicans had no control over Congress.
And in fact, things have gotten worse since Republicans won control of the Senate in 2014. Whereas before 2015 Harry Reid only controlled the Senate, now he controls both the Senate and the House [How is that possible when the Republicans control both Houses of Congress?]. At least when Democrats controlled the Senate, the House had to pretend to put up a fight. Now they just follow McConnell’s, R-Ky. (F, 42%) lead, which is Reid’s command.
Thus, the House rolled over and slammed the bill on the floor without three days to consult with the members. Rather than working with conservatives to craft a Republican bill, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc. (F, 53%) and Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. (F, 38%) sandbagged their members with Reid’s, D-Nev. (F, 2%) steaming pile. The CR passed the House by a 342-85 margin. Only 75 Republicans voted no, a mere 30 percent of the House GOP Conference [More Democrats voted for the bill than Republicans. You know it is a bad bill when more Democrats vote for it than Republicans when the Republicans have a majority in the HOUSE! The Capitulation Party capitulated for the third year in a row AS THE MAJORITY PARTY!].
Adding insult to injury, House Republicans also gave in to the final demand of Democrats by passing a massive federalized water bill, which added new programs without cutting existing ineffective programs or devolving programs that are not national in scope to the states. Over 100 Republicans joined with Democrats to add a bailout for Flint, Michigan to the water bill, even though there is already ample state and federal funding to fix Flint’s water problems.
Then, the Congresscritters summarily got out of town before the night ended. As if to say, ‘our work is done.’
In some sense it would be a saving grace if this was the end of the 114th Congress. If they will not use their power to check and balance the other two branches, at least do no harm. Unfortunately, by having this bill expire in December, Republicans gave Harry Reid one more election-year present—a lame-duck session with massive spending bills and jailbreak legislation. And with December being his last month before retirement, one could only imagine Reid’s demands of Republicans in order to afford them the privilege of his acceptance of their capitulation [The Capitulation Party!].
Republicans will now campaign in their respective states and districts by inveighing against the broken system in Washington and a Democrat Party that is dangerous for our national security, spends too much money, and grows government. Time will tell if their constituents fall for it.”
The vote in the House of Representatives:
114th Congress—2nd Session 2016 Roll call vote #573
Continuing Resolution:
H R 5325 YEA-AND-NAY 28-September-2016 9:56 PM
QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Senate Amendment
BILL TITLE: Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, and for other purposes
Republican ~ yes: 170 No: 75 not voting: 1
Democrat ~ yes: 172 No 10 not voting: 4
TOTALS ~ yes: 342 No: 85 not voting: 5
The Capitulation Party capitulates once again! That is why I am voting for Darrell Castle for President, Chad Koppie for the US Senate, and me for the House of Representatives in Illinois District 18! All of us are write-in candidates in Illinois as members of the Constitution Party. The only conservative candidates in Illinois for these three offices!
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Voter Fraud, Voter ID, and the Constitution of the United States
Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate
Website: http://castle2016.com/
Donate: https://castle2016.nationbuilder.com/donate
Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Website: http://www.chadkoppie.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chad-Koppie-Campaign-175035105892775
Donate: http://www.chadkoppie.com/donations.php
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Website: http://www.electdarrylglenn.com/
Donate: https://transaxt.com/Donate/6ECCUR/CommitteetoElectDarrylGlenn/?src=button
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommitteeToElectDarrylGlenn/
Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska
Donate: http://joeforliberty.com/
Donate at Make DC Listen: https://secure.makedclisten.com/donate/d?c=c8c976b8a062bfcfa0d065e176ba3030
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Oppose the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the UN
Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States
Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
“During his speech accepting the Democratic nomination for president in 2008, Barack Obama promised that ‘this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.’
But that’s not the only godlike power our president posseses [sic.]. Apparently, he can even get the dead to rise from the grave to vote for him [And other Democrats!].
An investigative reporter in Colorado has uncovered significant numbers of voter fraud allegations involving dead people casting ballots.
Washington Times:
‘Election sleuthing by Brian Maass of KCNC-TV in Denver exposed multiple instances in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead World War II veteran named John Grosso voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Mrs. Sosa’s husband Miguel died in 2008, but a vote was cast in his name one year later [No doubt this is the tip of the iceberg. This is why Congress needs to require every State to have an approved voter ID law for ALL federal elections. Congress can not require an ID law for State elections but it can for federal elections.].
Article I Section 4 ¶ 1
“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”
Article II Section 1 ¶ 4
“The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.”].
‘This is the kind of thing you hear rumored, joked about in Chicago, that kind of thing,’ Mr. Maasssaid [said] during a Thursday evening broadcast. ‘Tonight, that changes. We did find voter fraud in Colorado that essentially waters down your vote [Waters down the vote of those who legally voted by accepting the votes of those who voted illegally! This is a basic undermining of a republican form of government!].’
At one point Mr. Maass’ investigation led him to the Colorado Springs home of Sarilu Sosa-Sanchez, the daughter of Mrs. Sosa. The reporter received the cold shoulder when he asked the homeowner about her mother’s ‘voting’ record.
‘Go talk to someone else,’ the woman said. ‘I don’t have to clear anything up. I don’t know what that has to do with me.’
The son of Mr. Grosso, John, was much more willing to talk.
‘I think that’s a disgrace,’ he told the station. ‘The man is dead. He can’t vote. Somebody is cheating [Duh!].’
Administrators with the Secretary of State’s Office said the veteran’s vote may have been the result of an election judge’s error, but the station said that still didn’t explain why ‘dozens of others were still listed as active voters months and sometimes years after their deaths [Because there is no effort to remove them from the voting lists! Generally, the relatives of the dead person does not notify the election authority and the election authority does not use the resources available to remove them from the lists. In Arizona, a nonvoter was suppose to be removed if not voting over a certain number of elections. I used voter lists when collecting nomination signatures. Some homes listed two or three couples who were registered to vote according to the list. Normally, only one of the couples actually lived there. The others had left at some point in time and had never been removed from the voter lists. In fact the last time I used a list, my son and daughter were listed as living in my house even though they had not lived there for approximately ten years. I’m sure that is common in most of the States!].’
‘Does this show the system is rife for fraud?’ Mr. Maass asked the secretary of state.
‘It shows that there is the potential for fraud [He sounds like a Democrat but he is actually a Republican!],’ Mr. Williams responded.
The CBS affiliate noted that voter fraud is important because often times a race is decided by a slim margin. Colorado’s 7th Congressional district came down to 121 votes out of more than 175,000 that were cast in 2002, the station reported.’
No worries. Nothing to see here ... move along, move along.
If this was simply a question of a family member casting an extra ballot using a dead relative’s name, there probably is nothing to worry about [Wrong! It is still voter fraud and it still waters down the vote!]. The examples would be isolated and not significantly affect the outcome of an election.
But what possible motive would a family member have in casting the extra ballot? Perhaps she was paid to do so? If that’s the case, election officials have a huge problem.
Multiply what happened in Colorado by 50, and you begin to see the outline of the challenge. Part of the problem is roadblocks put up by liberals to purge the voter rolls of the dead, those residents who moved out of state, and those residents who moved to a different congressional district. Most state voter rolls are a mess [From personal experience in Arizona, I have no doubt of that!], and, not surprisingly, liberals want to keep it that way [and it seems some Republicans too!].
So we’re still stuck with trying to ascertain how big this problem is. If one reporter could uncover dozens of examples of dead people still eligible to vote, you have to think the number is a lot larger than we are being led to believe. Even if the fraud amounts to one percent of votes cast, that’s 1.6 million fraudulent votes.
I would call that a significant problem, given that fraud might impact dozens of House races and a few close Senate contests [All close races from President on down. Voter fraud occurs in local races too!].
It’s always amused me that claims that voter fraud isn’t serious rely on a lack of evidence. Isn’t the whole point of voter fraud to hide evidence of the fraud from authorities [Exactly, and it is easy when no one checks to insure that the person voting is the person registered! That is why we need voter ID in EVERY State!]? What one reporter has done should be duplicated across the country, or the November election will be seen as illegitimate in the eyes of millions of Americans.”
“The 2012 presidential race in Virginia was decided by just 3 percentage points, as was the next year’s race for governor. In both 2005 and 2013, fewer than 1,000 votes decided contests for Virginia attorney general.
Against this backdrop, watchdog groups have pushed local election officials in seven Virginia jurisdictions to reveal hundreds of noncitizens who are registered to vote. So far, they have found more than 550.
Potentially more could be found on the voters rolls, as the Public Interest Legal Foundation pursues a total of 20 counties and cities in the Old Dominion—a sampling of its 95 counties and 38 independent cities.
However, leaders of the group say the Virginia State Board of Elections has resisted release of information on ineligible voters [What a surprise! NOT!].
The Public Interest Legal Foundation represents the Virginia Voters Alliance in a lawsuit filed earlier this year against the city of Alexandria. The city prompted its suspicion after the alliance determined that more people were registered to vote in the city than eligible voters who lived there, said Noel Johnson, litigation counsel for the legal foundation.
‘These records that we are trying to get should all be available through the National Voter Registration Act,’ Johnson told The Daily Signal in a phone interview. ‘Every ineligible voter on the rolls could end up being an eligible vote that cancels out the vote of other, eligible voters. So these are high stakes.’
In most cases, Johnson said, counties respond by saying the Virginia State Board of Elections informed them not to provide information about noncitizens who are registered to vote.
Alexandria General Registrar Anna Leider, who is in charge of elections and voter registration there, said the city’s reading of Census Bureau information showed the number of voting-age adults surpassed the number of registered voters. So, city officials disagreed with the Virginia Voters Alliance on that point, she said.
‘We provided them with all of the information they have requested,’ Leider told The Daily Signal in a phone interview, referring to the alliance.
In Alexandria, election officials have removed 70 noncitizens from the voter rolls since January 2012, Leider said.
Separate from the Alexandria lawsuit, the legal foundation obtained voter information from seven of the 20 counties it is investigating.
Of the data available, the largest number of noncitizens registered to vote was in Prince William County, about 400 since 2011, before officials removed them from the rolls, Johnson said.
Other jurisdictions providing information to the Public Interest Legal Foundation were the city of Fairfax and the counties of Bedford, Hanover, Roanoke, and Stafford, which combined had about 150 noncitizens registered to vote [This is just non-citizens. It does not include those registered citizens who have died or moved from where registered!].
Virginia has moved from being a reliably Republican state in presidential elections to twice voting for President Barack Obama. This shift has prompted Democrats and Republicans to contest it as a swing state.
In June, U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema of the Eastern District of Virginia, who was appointed by resident Bill Clinton, dismissed the Virginia Voters Alliance lawsuit against Alexandria.
The lawsuit argued that Leider, the registrar, violated the National Voter Registration Act by not releasing records about city procedures for maintaining voter rolls, which the group said should be available for public inspection under the federal voter registration law. The alliance also asked that the rolls be cleaned up, in compliance with that law.
Martin Mash, spokesman for the Virginia Department of Elections, the agency supervised by the Board of Elections, at first told The Daily Signal that the department wouldn’t comment on pending litigation.
When The Daily Signal noted that the lawsuit had been dismissed, Mash again declined to comment. He referred questions on the matter to the office of Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, which [who] did not respond to phone and email inquiries. Herring is a Democrat.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation also has sought to know if these noncitizens voted in past elections, but said local governments haven’t provided the information.
‘That is not done for any canceled voter registration, not for deceased [voters], not for people who have moved out of the state,’ Leider said. ‘Past activity is not something we routinely check [Maybe they should?].’
It is a federal crime and a violation of Virginia law for noncitizens to vote [Any prosecutions of such? That is what I thought!].
The federal penalty for an ineligible voter found to have cast a vote could be a fine or imprisonment for no more than one year. Under Virginia law, it is a Class 6 felony for an ineligible voter to vote, punishable by not less than one year of imprisonment and not more than five years
‘We have had conversations with the (Alexandria) commonwealth’s attorney, but those conversations are between us and the commonwealth’s attorney,’ Leider said.
In Virginia, a commonwealth’s attorney is equivalent to a district attorney or local prosecutor.
The federal voter registration law requires state and local election officials to ‘make available for public inspection and, where available, photocopying at a reasonable cost, all records concerning the implementation of programs and activities conducted for the purpose of ensuring the accuracy and currency of official lists of eligible voters.’
Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow with The Heritage Foundation, is a former member of both the election board in Fairfax County, Virginia, and the Federal Election Commission.
‘Not a single one of those noncitizens, who committed a felony under federal law, has been prosecuted [That is what I thought!],’ von Spakovsky said at a forum on voter fraud at The Heritage Foundation, referring to the findings of the legal foundation. ‘In fact, there is no indication that any of this information was ever turned over to law enforcement officials for investigation or prosecution.’
Von Spakovsky recently wrote that the Virginia State Board of Elections was engaged in a ‘cover-up’:
‘Numerous other Virginia counties have refused to provide this information to the Public Interest Legal Foundation, apparently based on instructions from the State Board of Elections and individuals working for the state Department of Elections, which the board supervises. This is what a cover-up directed by state election officials looks like. They are trying to hide hundreds, if not thousands, of instances of voter fraud that occurred on their watch.
If thousands of aliens are registered or actually voting, it would obviously undermine the national narrative that voter fraud is a myth. This would be particularly disturbing in a state like Virginia, in which statewide elections for attorney general have been decided by fewer than 1,000 votes in the last decade.’”
“Last week, Arcan Cetin, an immigrant from Turkey, shot and killed five people at a mall in Washington state. Cetin is a green card holder and not a U.S. citizen, and therefore not able to legally vote—but somehow was able to vote in the last three elections, including the presidential primary in May [Need a State voter ID card law for federal elections where proof of citizenship has been provided]!. Washington does not verify citizenship during voter registration [And neither do most States. Those that have voter ID laws do. I had to send back to Illinois when living in Texas to get proof that I was born in Illinois. Texas has a voter ID law and it seems to be a good one that is working. Naturally, a Democrat federal judge ruled portions of the law to be unconstitutional!].
KING 5, a news station in Washington, reports that federal investigators confirmed that Cetin was indeed a registered voter even though it is not legal for him to do so. They did not reveal which party, if any, he was registered to.
From KING 5 (emphasis added):
‘Federal sources confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary.
Cetin, who immigrated to the United States from Turkey as a child, is considered a permanent resident or green card holder. While a permanent resident can apply for U.S. citizenship after a certain period of time, sources tell KING his status had not changed from green card holder to U.S. citizen.
While voters must attest to citizenship upon registering online or registering to vote at the Department of Licensing Office, Washington state doesn’t require proof of citizenship. Therefore elections officials say the state’s elections system operates, more or less, under an honor system. [And if one lacks honor, they are voting and watering down the votes of those who have a legal right to vote!]’
Personally, and this is just me speaking, I’m not exactly comfortable with a state running their elections on the honor system [Duh!]. There's no way that Cetin is the only person in the entire state who is in the voter database despite not being a citizen. It’s common sense to verify that someone can actually legally vote before giving them a ballot [It seems it is not for some judges in the federal court system!]. This shouldn’t be controversial. Plus, out in Colorado there have been multiple instances of dead people voting—another sign that something is terribly wrong with the voting system. These need to be fixed, pronto.”
An Ohio voter purge which removed the names of tens of thousands of Ohio voters from the voter rolls has been ruled unconstitutional by a federal court of appeals, just weeks before the November Presidential election. Ohio activists claimed that the voter purge process violated the National Voter Registration Act, a position validated by the Friday decision from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.
The voter purge process in Ohio consisted of removing registered voters from the voter rolls after six years of not voting, regardless of whether or not they were still eligible. Under the National Voter Registration Act, a state can only remove voters if they request to be removed, pass away, or move out of the state [Congress has the authority to decide this for federal elections. It does not have the authority to decide this for State elections!]. According to reporting from ABC News, those removed by the Ohio voter purge were disproportionately from low income neighborhoods or neighborhoods that tended to vote for the Democratic Party [So what? Then obviously, they tend NOT to vote for six years in a row or they would not have been removed! The reason for removing them is to prevent others from voting in their place. Requiring a State voter ID card to be shown when voting would eliminate this problem.].
The lawsuit, which was filed to halt the Ohio voter purge and get the names of those taken off the rolls reinstated, was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio and policy organization Demos. Named in the suit was Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, who presides over all state elections. Husted has defended the voter purge policy in the past, citing the prevention of election fraud as a main concern [Of course and that is a legitimate concern!].
The suit also alleged that many Ohio voters who have not been engaged in the political process in past years will likely go to the polls this November to cast their ballots in a presidential race that is the most contentious in recent memory. These voters, the suit argues, deserve the chance to be heard in an election of this magnitude. Ohio, which controls 18 votes in the Electoral College, is a vitally important swing state. Winning over Ohio voters is a key part of the campaign strategies of both Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump. Mike Brickner, a policy director for the Ohio ACLU, applauded the decision.
‘We don’t believe that any voters should be removed from the rolls simply because they haven’t voted in a few elections [Who cares what you believe? Six years is more than a few elections counting primaries, special elections, local, State, and federal elections]. … We hope that a plan will emerge soon to allow the tens of thousands of voters illegally purged from the rolls to vote in the upcoming presidential election,’ Brickner said in a statement.
The Hill reports that Secretary Husted, who won the suit in a lower court decision that was overruled by the Friday Court of Appeals ruling, has a very different view.
‘This ruling overturns 20 years of Ohio law and practice, which has been carried out by the last four secretaries of state, both Democrat and Republican,’ Husted said. ‘It is one thing to strike down a longstanding procedure; it is another to craft a workable remedy. To that end, if the final resolution requires us to reinstate voting eligibility to individuals who have died or moved out of Ohio, we will appeal.’
The Ohio voter purge case has been sent to a district court to outline a plan to remedy the situation and reinstate voters. It remains to be seen if the tens of thousands of people excised from the rolls will be able to vote in the upcoming election, however, which takes place nation-wide on November 8. If Secretary Husted appeals the eventual plan on grounds that it would place dead Ohioans or Ohioans that have moved out of state back on lists of registered voters, the voter purge could remain in place as the appeals process drags on past the current election cycle.”
Every State needs to have a congressionally approved voter ID card law for federal elections. Such laws will solve a lot of the voter fraud problems at the federal level IF enforced!
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
Website: http://castle2016.com/
Donate: https://castle2016.nationbuilder.com/donate
Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Website: http://www.chadkoppie.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chad-Koppie-Campaign-175035105892775
Donate: http://www.chadkoppie.com/donations.php
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Website: http://www.electdarrylglenn.com/
Donate: https://transaxt.com/Donate/6ECCUR/CommitteetoElectDarrylGlenn/?src=button
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommitteeToElectDarrylGlenn/
Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska
Donate: http://joeforliberty.com/
Donate at Make DC Listen: https://secure.makedclisten.com/donate/d?c=c8c976b8a062bfcfa0d065e176ba3030
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Oppose the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the UN
Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States
Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
“During his speech accepting the Democratic nomination for president in 2008, Barack Obama promised that ‘this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.’
But that’s not the only godlike power our president posseses [sic.]. Apparently, he can even get the dead to rise from the grave to vote for him [And other Democrats!].
An investigative reporter in Colorado has uncovered significant numbers of voter fraud allegations involving dead people casting ballots.
Washington Times:
‘Election sleuthing by Brian Maass of KCNC-TV in Denver exposed multiple instances in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead World War II veteran named John Grosso voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Mrs. Sosa’s husband Miguel died in 2008, but a vote was cast in his name one year later [No doubt this is the tip of the iceberg. This is why Congress needs to require every State to have an approved voter ID law for ALL federal elections. Congress can not require an ID law for State elections but it can for federal elections.].
Article I Section 4 ¶ 1
“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”
Article II Section 1 ¶ 4
“The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.”].
‘This is the kind of thing you hear rumored, joked about in Chicago, that kind of thing,’ Mr. Maasssaid [said] during a Thursday evening broadcast. ‘Tonight, that changes. We did find voter fraud in Colorado that essentially waters down your vote [Waters down the vote of those who legally voted by accepting the votes of those who voted illegally! This is a basic undermining of a republican form of government!].’
At one point Mr. Maass’ investigation led him to the Colorado Springs home of Sarilu Sosa-Sanchez, the daughter of Mrs. Sosa. The reporter received the cold shoulder when he asked the homeowner about her mother’s ‘voting’ record.
‘Go talk to someone else,’ the woman said. ‘I don’t have to clear anything up. I don’t know what that has to do with me.’
The son of Mr. Grosso, John, was much more willing to talk.
‘I think that’s a disgrace,’ he told the station. ‘The man is dead. He can’t vote. Somebody is cheating [Duh!].’
Administrators with the Secretary of State’s Office said the veteran’s vote may have been the result of an election judge’s error, but the station said that still didn’t explain why ‘dozens of others were still listed as active voters months and sometimes years after their deaths [Because there is no effort to remove them from the voting lists! Generally, the relatives of the dead person does not notify the election authority and the election authority does not use the resources available to remove them from the lists. In Arizona, a nonvoter was suppose to be removed if not voting over a certain number of elections. I used voter lists when collecting nomination signatures. Some homes listed two or three couples who were registered to vote according to the list. Normally, only one of the couples actually lived there. The others had left at some point in time and had never been removed from the voter lists. In fact the last time I used a list, my son and daughter were listed as living in my house even though they had not lived there for approximately ten years. I’m sure that is common in most of the States!].’
‘Does this show the system is rife for fraud?’ Mr. Maass asked the secretary of state.
‘It shows that there is the potential for fraud [He sounds like a Democrat but he is actually a Republican!],’ Mr. Williams responded.
The CBS affiliate noted that voter fraud is important because often times a race is decided by a slim margin. Colorado’s 7th Congressional district came down to 121 votes out of more than 175,000 that were cast in 2002, the station reported.’
No worries. Nothing to see here ... move along, move along.
If this was simply a question of a family member casting an extra ballot using a dead relative’s name, there probably is nothing to worry about [Wrong! It is still voter fraud and it still waters down the vote!]. The examples would be isolated and not significantly affect the outcome of an election.
But what possible motive would a family member have in casting the extra ballot? Perhaps she was paid to do so? If that’s the case, election officials have a huge problem.
Multiply what happened in Colorado by 50, and you begin to see the outline of the challenge. Part of the problem is roadblocks put up by liberals to purge the voter rolls of the dead, those residents who moved out of state, and those residents who moved to a different congressional district. Most state voter rolls are a mess [From personal experience in Arizona, I have no doubt of that!], and, not surprisingly, liberals want to keep it that way [and it seems some Republicans too!].
So we’re still stuck with trying to ascertain how big this problem is. If one reporter could uncover dozens of examples of dead people still eligible to vote, you have to think the number is a lot larger than we are being led to believe. Even if the fraud amounts to one percent of votes cast, that’s 1.6 million fraudulent votes.
I would call that a significant problem, given that fraud might impact dozens of House races and a few close Senate contests [All close races from President on down. Voter fraud occurs in local races too!].
It’s always amused me that claims that voter fraud isn’t serious rely on a lack of evidence. Isn’t the whole point of voter fraud to hide evidence of the fraud from authorities [Exactly, and it is easy when no one checks to insure that the person voting is the person registered! That is why we need voter ID in EVERY State!]? What one reporter has done should be duplicated across the country, or the November election will be seen as illegitimate in the eyes of millions of Americans.”
“The 2012 presidential race in Virginia was decided by just 3 percentage points, as was the next year’s race for governor. In both 2005 and 2013, fewer than 1,000 votes decided contests for Virginia attorney general.
Against this backdrop, watchdog groups have pushed local election officials in seven Virginia jurisdictions to reveal hundreds of noncitizens who are registered to vote. So far, they have found more than 550.
Potentially more could be found on the voters rolls, as the Public Interest Legal Foundation pursues a total of 20 counties and cities in the Old Dominion—a sampling of its 95 counties and 38 independent cities.
However, leaders of the group say the Virginia State Board of Elections has resisted release of information on ineligible voters [What a surprise! NOT!].
The Public Interest Legal Foundation represents the Virginia Voters Alliance in a lawsuit filed earlier this year against the city of Alexandria. The city prompted its suspicion after the alliance determined that more people were registered to vote in the city than eligible voters who lived there, said Noel Johnson, litigation counsel for the legal foundation.
‘These records that we are trying to get should all be available through the National Voter Registration Act,’ Johnson told The Daily Signal in a phone interview. ‘Every ineligible voter on the rolls could end up being an eligible vote that cancels out the vote of other, eligible voters. So these are high stakes.’
In most cases, Johnson said, counties respond by saying the Virginia State Board of Elections informed them not to provide information about noncitizens who are registered to vote.
Alexandria General Registrar Anna Leider, who is in charge of elections and voter registration there, said the city’s reading of Census Bureau information showed the number of voting-age adults surpassed the number of registered voters. So, city officials disagreed with the Virginia Voters Alliance on that point, she said.
‘We provided them with all of the information they have requested,’ Leider told The Daily Signal in a phone interview, referring to the alliance.
In Alexandria, election officials have removed 70 noncitizens from the voter rolls since January 2012, Leider said.
Separate from the Alexandria lawsuit, the legal foundation obtained voter information from seven of the 20 counties it is investigating.
Of the data available, the largest number of noncitizens registered to vote was in Prince William County, about 400 since 2011, before officials removed them from the rolls, Johnson said.
Other jurisdictions providing information to the Public Interest Legal Foundation were the city of Fairfax and the counties of Bedford, Hanover, Roanoke, and Stafford, which combined had about 150 noncitizens registered to vote [This is just non-citizens. It does not include those registered citizens who have died or moved from where registered!].
Virginia has moved from being a reliably Republican state in presidential elections to twice voting for President Barack Obama. This shift has prompted Democrats and Republicans to contest it as a swing state.
In June, U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema of the Eastern District of Virginia, who was appointed by resident Bill Clinton, dismissed the Virginia Voters Alliance lawsuit against Alexandria.
The lawsuit argued that Leider, the registrar, violated the National Voter Registration Act by not releasing records about city procedures for maintaining voter rolls, which the group said should be available for public inspection under the federal voter registration law. The alliance also asked that the rolls be cleaned up, in compliance with that law.
Martin Mash, spokesman for the Virginia Department of Elections, the agency supervised by the Board of Elections, at first told The Daily Signal that the department wouldn’t comment on pending litigation.
When The Daily Signal noted that the lawsuit had been dismissed, Mash again declined to comment. He referred questions on the matter to the office of Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, which [who] did not respond to phone and email inquiries. Herring is a Democrat.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation also has sought to know if these noncitizens voted in past elections, but said local governments haven’t provided the information.
‘That is not done for any canceled voter registration, not for deceased [voters], not for people who have moved out of the state,’ Leider said. ‘Past activity is not something we routinely check [Maybe they should?].’
It is a federal crime and a violation of Virginia law for noncitizens to vote [Any prosecutions of such? That is what I thought!].
The federal penalty for an ineligible voter found to have cast a vote could be a fine or imprisonment for no more than one year. Under Virginia law, it is a Class 6 felony for an ineligible voter to vote, punishable by not less than one year of imprisonment and not more than five years
‘We have had conversations with the (Alexandria) commonwealth’s attorney, but those conversations are between us and the commonwealth’s attorney,’ Leider said.
In Virginia, a commonwealth’s attorney is equivalent to a district attorney or local prosecutor.
The federal voter registration law requires state and local election officials to ‘make available for public inspection and, where available, photocopying at a reasonable cost, all records concerning the implementation of programs and activities conducted for the purpose of ensuring the accuracy and currency of official lists of eligible voters.’
Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow with The Heritage Foundation, is a former member of both the election board in Fairfax County, Virginia, and the Federal Election Commission.
‘Not a single one of those noncitizens, who committed a felony under federal law, has been prosecuted [That is what I thought!],’ von Spakovsky said at a forum on voter fraud at The Heritage Foundation, referring to the findings of the legal foundation. ‘In fact, there is no indication that any of this information was ever turned over to law enforcement officials for investigation or prosecution.’
Von Spakovsky recently wrote that the Virginia State Board of Elections was engaged in a ‘cover-up’:
‘Numerous other Virginia counties have refused to provide this information to the Public Interest Legal Foundation, apparently based on instructions from the State Board of Elections and individuals working for the state Department of Elections, which the board supervises. This is what a cover-up directed by state election officials looks like. They are trying to hide hundreds, if not thousands, of instances of voter fraud that occurred on their watch.
If thousands of aliens are registered or actually voting, it would obviously undermine the national narrative that voter fraud is a myth. This would be particularly disturbing in a state like Virginia, in which statewide elections for attorney general have been decided by fewer than 1,000 votes in the last decade.’”
“Last week, Arcan Cetin, an immigrant from Turkey, shot and killed five people at a mall in Washington state. Cetin is a green card holder and not a U.S. citizen, and therefore not able to legally vote—but somehow was able to vote in the last three elections, including the presidential primary in May [Need a State voter ID card law for federal elections where proof of citizenship has been provided]!. Washington does not verify citizenship during voter registration [And neither do most States. Those that have voter ID laws do. I had to send back to Illinois when living in Texas to get proof that I was born in Illinois. Texas has a voter ID law and it seems to be a good one that is working. Naturally, a Democrat federal judge ruled portions of the law to be unconstitutional!].
KING 5, a news station in Washington, reports that federal investigators confirmed that Cetin was indeed a registered voter even though it is not legal for him to do so. They did not reveal which party, if any, he was registered to.
From KING 5 (emphasis added):
‘Federal sources confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary.
Cetin, who immigrated to the United States from Turkey as a child, is considered a permanent resident or green card holder. While a permanent resident can apply for U.S. citizenship after a certain period of time, sources tell KING his status had not changed from green card holder to U.S. citizen.
While voters must attest to citizenship upon registering online or registering to vote at the Department of Licensing Office, Washington state doesn’t require proof of citizenship. Therefore elections officials say the state’s elections system operates, more or less, under an honor system. [And if one lacks honor, they are voting and watering down the votes of those who have a legal right to vote!]’
Personally, and this is just me speaking, I’m not exactly comfortable with a state running their elections on the honor system [Duh!]. There's no way that Cetin is the only person in the entire state who is in the voter database despite not being a citizen. It’s common sense to verify that someone can actually legally vote before giving them a ballot [It seems it is not for some judges in the federal court system!]. This shouldn’t be controversial. Plus, out in Colorado there have been multiple instances of dead people voting—another sign that something is terribly wrong with the voting system. These need to be fixed, pronto.”
An Ohio voter purge which removed the names of tens of thousands of Ohio voters from the voter rolls has been ruled unconstitutional by a federal court of appeals, just weeks before the November Presidential election. Ohio activists claimed that the voter purge process violated the National Voter Registration Act, a position validated by the Friday decision from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.
The voter purge process in Ohio consisted of removing registered voters from the voter rolls after six years of not voting, regardless of whether or not they were still eligible. Under the National Voter Registration Act, a state can only remove voters if they request to be removed, pass away, or move out of the state [Congress has the authority to decide this for federal elections. It does not have the authority to decide this for State elections!]. According to reporting from ABC News, those removed by the Ohio voter purge were disproportionately from low income neighborhoods or neighborhoods that tended to vote for the Democratic Party [So what? Then obviously, they tend NOT to vote for six years in a row or they would not have been removed! The reason for removing them is to prevent others from voting in their place. Requiring a State voter ID card to be shown when voting would eliminate this problem.].
The lawsuit, which was filed to halt the Ohio voter purge and get the names of those taken off the rolls reinstated, was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio and policy organization Demos. Named in the suit was Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, who presides over all state elections. Husted has defended the voter purge policy in the past, citing the prevention of election fraud as a main concern [Of course and that is a legitimate concern!].
The suit also alleged that many Ohio voters who have not been engaged in the political process in past years will likely go to the polls this November to cast their ballots in a presidential race that is the most contentious in recent memory. These voters, the suit argues, deserve the chance to be heard in an election of this magnitude. Ohio, which controls 18 votes in the Electoral College, is a vitally important swing state. Winning over Ohio voters is a key part of the campaign strategies of both Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump. Mike Brickner, a policy director for the Ohio ACLU, applauded the decision.
‘We don’t believe that any voters should be removed from the rolls simply because they haven’t voted in a few elections [Who cares what you believe? Six years is more than a few elections counting primaries, special elections, local, State, and federal elections]. … We hope that a plan will emerge soon to allow the tens of thousands of voters illegally purged from the rolls to vote in the upcoming presidential election,’ Brickner said in a statement.
The Hill reports that Secretary Husted, who won the suit in a lower court decision that was overruled by the Friday Court of Appeals ruling, has a very different view.
‘This ruling overturns 20 years of Ohio law and practice, which has been carried out by the last four secretaries of state, both Democrat and Republican,’ Husted said. ‘It is one thing to strike down a longstanding procedure; it is another to craft a workable remedy. To that end, if the final resolution requires us to reinstate voting eligibility to individuals who have died or moved out of Ohio, we will appeal.’
The Ohio voter purge case has been sent to a district court to outline a plan to remedy the situation and reinstate voters. It remains to be seen if the tens of thousands of people excised from the rolls will be able to vote in the upcoming election, however, which takes place nation-wide on November 8. If Secretary Husted appeals the eventual plan on grounds that it would place dead Ohioans or Ohioans that have moved out of state back on lists of registered voters, the voter purge could remain in place as the appeals process drags on past the current election cycle.”
Every State needs to have a congressionally approved voter ID card law for federal elections. Such laws will solve a lot of the voter fraud problems at the federal level IF enforced!
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
The Presidential Election, the Heritage Foundation, Conservatives, and the Election of 2016
Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate
Website: http://castle2016.com/
Donate: https://castle2016.nationbuilder.com/donate
Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Website: http://www.chadkoppie.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chad-Koppie-Campaign-175035105892775
Donate: http://www.chadkoppie.com/donations.php
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Website: http://www.electdarrylglenn.com/
Donate: https://transaxt.com/Donate/6ECCUR/CommitteetoElectDarrylGlenn/?src=button
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommitteeToElectDarrylGlenn/
Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska
Donate: http://joeforliberty.com/
Donate at Make DC Listen: https://secure.makedclisten.com/donate/d?c=c8c976b8a062bfcfa0d065e176ba3030
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Oppose the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the UN
Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States
Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
From: Jim DeMint
Subject: Members-only survey
Date: September 27, 2016
“Your opinions as a Heritage member matter to me very much and your responses to the Annual Member Survey is absolutely crucial to advance conservative policies in this all-important election year.
Please complete your Annual 2016 Heritage Members Survey right now.
An important part of our job is to represent you in Washington. Many of our members tell me that we listen to them and respond to their concerns better than their elected representatives [Which unfortunately isn’t difficult to do given Republican leadership in the House and Senate. The Capitulation Party does not react as an opposition party should! As I write this, they are in the process of caving to the Democrats once more in relation to the budget.].
I’m eager to listen to you because I know that as a Heritage member you are better informed than the average conservative. Your opinions represent the leading edge of what conservatives are thinking.
I need to hear back from you before September 30, 2016. Complete your members-only annual survey online right now [I received it yesterday afternoon and answered it yesterday evening before I completed my post for yesterday. Then, I decided to make it today’s post]:
Annual 2016 Heritage Members Survey
This year’s survey is especially important. We’ve endured almost eight years of aggressive, hard-left policies aimed at transforming the United States into something so oppressive, so corrupt, so lawless, and so vulnerable to its enemies that it’s scarcely recognizable. Conservatives like you are fed up, and rightfully so!
But at Heritage we never give up! We have to keep fighting for the conservative principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values and a strong national defense.
We will continue striving to build an America where freedom, opportunity and civil society flourishing. And we can’t do any of this without you!
Complete your Annual Member Survey within the next three days and have your opinions acted on during this critical election time.
Annual 2016 Heritage Members Survey
Thank you,
Jim DeMint [Former Republican member of the U.S. Senate]
[Since this is a members only survey, I did not include the link to the survey.]
Note: the survey had more suggested responses than those given here. The responses are my responses to the survey.
“Complete your official Heritage Member Survey
Heritage is preparing for one of our biggest initiatives yet, and we need your input.
This is a big year for the conservative movement. Presidential candidates and lawmakers are setting priorities for the coming year to reverse the destruction of the last eight years and rebuild our country.
We are giving policy briefings to presidential campaigns and congressional candidates on conservative policy solutions and on how to communicate these ideas to the American people.
Your opinions on this survey will help us to represent your views as a Heritage Member.
The Presidential Election
Who do you intend to vote for in the upcoming presidential election?
Darrell Castle [Constitution Party]
How do you feel about the available candidates?
Other [Of the top five Parties that are on the ballot in at least twenty States, the only conservative is Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party]
Check your top 3 priorities for restoring our nation [Given in the order listed in the survey. Not ranked 1 through 3].
1) Slashing the size and power of the federal government
2) Restoring constitutional governance
3) Other [End the murder of unborn babies through legislation. Given at the end of the survey when asked if there was anything I wanted to add.]
What policies should be adopted to restore our nation? Please check all that are important to you. [Given in the order listed in the survey. Not ranked].
Economy and jobs:
Slash regulations that suppress growth
Increase energy production
Stop trying to micromanage the economy
Slash the size and power of government
Cut taxes
National security and sovereignty
Restore the defense cuts of the past 7-1/2 years
Restore relations with our allies
Name radical Islam as an enemy and go all-out to defeat it
Proclaim as null and void recent treaties and agreements not approved by Congress [All such agreements MUST be approved by the Senate by a 2/3 vote in order to become constitutional law. None were!]
Withdraw from the UN and remove its headquarters from American soil
Other [End the radical sexualized nature of the military and end women in combat]
Health care
Repeal Obamacare
Keep government bureaucrats out of Americans health care
Other [Keep the federal government out of healthcare. It is not a constitutional power of the federal government!]
Secure the borders
Enforce existing laws
Make illegal immigrants [aliens] ineligible for welfare and other government programs [The States should be the ones who determine this. However, there should not be ANY illegals in the nation. If discovered, they should be deported. Thus, there is no need for any programs.]
Do not give amnesty to illegal immigrants [aliens]
Immediately deport illegal immigrants [aliens] convicted of a felony
Stop accepting refugees from terrorist states
Accept new immigrants based on their potential benefit to the United States
Other [Freeze all immigration except those who are currently in the pipeline for at least two years to clean up the illegal actions of the Obama Administration.]
The Constitution
Declare null and void all unconstitutional Obama administration orders and regulations
Restore to the states the powers the federal government has wrongly taken
Assert by word and deed that we are not bound by votes of the United Nations
Restore our freedoms of speech, religion, self-defense, and others named in the Bill of Rights
Restore our republic
Slash government spending and get the national debt under control
Severely restrict or eliminate the IRS [Simplify the federal government tax code. Can not eliminate the IRS as long as there is a tax system. Can remove much of its power.]
End Common Core as a federal mandate [End the Department of Education!]
Stop bailing out companies that are ‘too big to fail [There is no business that is too big to fail. In a free enterprise system, all companies face the possibility of failing. It is a competitive system that rewards success and punishes failure.].’
Get rid of cronyism throughout the government
Other [Follow the Constitution as written and amended.]
Is there anything else you would like to share with The Heritage Foundation?
End the murder of unborn babies through legislation. Roe and Doe are not law. They permit government sanctioned murder. Amendments V and XIV specifically protect the life of all including unborn babies. Congress should declare thru law that life begins at conception. Congress should declare thru law that Roe and Doe and all similar rulings are null and void. Number one priority along with restoring the Constitution.
We need to rein in the unconstitutional power of the federal courts. The federal courts were never intended to be the final determiner of all things.
Congress needs to hold themselves as well as the other branches of the federal government accountable and responsible. Impeachment needs to be used as well as the power of the purse and the advice and consent clause with an emphasis on consent.
Final note: Heritage needs to stop perpetuating the myth that members of the federal courts have life time appointments. The Constitution is very clear on this. The appointment is during “good behavior” and Congress decides what is and what is not “good behavior” through impeachment and conviction. Conviction is not necessary. Exposure through impeachment will end almost all misbehavior.
Take it from a former school teacher. If they are not held accountable, they will continue to misbehavior. If they are held accountable, they will stop. Not completely but to a great extent!
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
P.S. The IRS can not be eliminated. The tax system can be and should be greatly simplified.”
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
Website: http://castle2016.com/
Donate: https://castle2016.nationbuilder.com/donate
Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Website: http://www.chadkoppie.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chad-Koppie-Campaign-175035105892775
Donate: http://www.chadkoppie.com/donations.php
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Website: http://www.electdarrylglenn.com/
Donate: https://transaxt.com/Donate/6ECCUR/CommitteetoElectDarrylGlenn/?src=button
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommitteeToElectDarrylGlenn/
Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska
Donate: http://joeforliberty.com/
Donate at Make DC Listen: https://secure.makedclisten.com/donate/d?c=c8c976b8a062bfcfa0d065e176ba3030
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Oppose the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the UN
Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States
Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
From: Jim DeMint
Subject: Members-only survey
Date: September 27, 2016
“Your opinions as a Heritage member matter to me very much and your responses to the Annual Member Survey is absolutely crucial to advance conservative policies in this all-important election year.
Please complete your Annual 2016 Heritage Members Survey right now.
An important part of our job is to represent you in Washington. Many of our members tell me that we listen to them and respond to their concerns better than their elected representatives [Which unfortunately isn’t difficult to do given Republican leadership in the House and Senate. The Capitulation Party does not react as an opposition party should! As I write this, they are in the process of caving to the Democrats once more in relation to the budget.].
I’m eager to listen to you because I know that as a Heritage member you are better informed than the average conservative. Your opinions represent the leading edge of what conservatives are thinking.
I need to hear back from you before September 30, 2016. Complete your members-only annual survey online right now [I received it yesterday afternoon and answered it yesterday evening before I completed my post for yesterday. Then, I decided to make it today’s post]:
Annual 2016 Heritage Members Survey
This year’s survey is especially important. We’ve endured almost eight years of aggressive, hard-left policies aimed at transforming the United States into something so oppressive, so corrupt, so lawless, and so vulnerable to its enemies that it’s scarcely recognizable. Conservatives like you are fed up, and rightfully so!
But at Heritage we never give up! We have to keep fighting for the conservative principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values and a strong national defense.
We will continue striving to build an America where freedom, opportunity and civil society flourishing. And we can’t do any of this without you!
Complete your Annual Member Survey within the next three days and have your opinions acted on during this critical election time.
Annual 2016 Heritage Members Survey
Thank you,
Jim DeMint [Former Republican member of the U.S. Senate]
[Since this is a members only survey, I did not include the link to the survey.]
Note: the survey had more suggested responses than those given here. The responses are my responses to the survey.
“Complete your official Heritage Member Survey
Heritage is preparing for one of our biggest initiatives yet, and we need your input.
This is a big year for the conservative movement. Presidential candidates and lawmakers are setting priorities for the coming year to reverse the destruction of the last eight years and rebuild our country.
We are giving policy briefings to presidential campaigns and congressional candidates on conservative policy solutions and on how to communicate these ideas to the American people.
Your opinions on this survey will help us to represent your views as a Heritage Member.
The Presidential Election
Who do you intend to vote for in the upcoming presidential election?
Darrell Castle [Constitution Party]
How do you feel about the available candidates?
Other [Of the top five Parties that are on the ballot in at least twenty States, the only conservative is Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party]
Check your top 3 priorities for restoring our nation [Given in the order listed in the survey. Not ranked 1 through 3].
1) Slashing the size and power of the federal government
2) Restoring constitutional governance
3) Other [End the murder of unborn babies through legislation. Given at the end of the survey when asked if there was anything I wanted to add.]
What policies should be adopted to restore our nation? Please check all that are important to you. [Given in the order listed in the survey. Not ranked].
Economy and jobs:
Slash regulations that suppress growth
Increase energy production
Stop trying to micromanage the economy
Slash the size and power of government
Cut taxes
National security and sovereignty
Restore the defense cuts of the past 7-1/2 years
Restore relations with our allies
Name radical Islam as an enemy and go all-out to defeat it
Proclaim as null and void recent treaties and agreements not approved by Congress [All such agreements MUST be approved by the Senate by a 2/3 vote in order to become constitutional law. None were!]
Withdraw from the UN and remove its headquarters from American soil
Other [End the radical sexualized nature of the military and end women in combat]
Health care
Repeal Obamacare
Keep government bureaucrats out of Americans health care
Other [Keep the federal government out of healthcare. It is not a constitutional power of the federal government!]
Secure the borders
Enforce existing laws
Make illegal immigrants [aliens] ineligible for welfare and other government programs [The States should be the ones who determine this. However, there should not be ANY illegals in the nation. If discovered, they should be deported. Thus, there is no need for any programs.]
Do not give amnesty to illegal immigrants [aliens]
Immediately deport illegal immigrants [aliens] convicted of a felony
Stop accepting refugees from terrorist states
Accept new immigrants based on their potential benefit to the United States
Other [Freeze all immigration except those who are currently in the pipeline for at least two years to clean up the illegal actions of the Obama Administration.]
The Constitution
Declare null and void all unconstitutional Obama administration orders and regulations
Restore to the states the powers the federal government has wrongly taken
Assert by word and deed that we are not bound by votes of the United Nations
Restore our freedoms of speech, religion, self-defense, and others named in the Bill of Rights
Restore our republic
Slash government spending and get the national debt under control
Severely restrict or eliminate the IRS [Simplify the federal government tax code. Can not eliminate the IRS as long as there is a tax system. Can remove much of its power.]
End Common Core as a federal mandate [End the Department of Education!]
Stop bailing out companies that are ‘too big to fail [There is no business that is too big to fail. In a free enterprise system, all companies face the possibility of failing. It is a competitive system that rewards success and punishes failure.].’
Get rid of cronyism throughout the government
Other [Follow the Constitution as written and amended.]
Is there anything else you would like to share with The Heritage Foundation?
End the murder of unborn babies through legislation. Roe and Doe are not law. They permit government sanctioned murder. Amendments V and XIV specifically protect the life of all including unborn babies. Congress should declare thru law that life begins at conception. Congress should declare thru law that Roe and Doe and all similar rulings are null and void. Number one priority along with restoring the Constitution.
We need to rein in the unconstitutional power of the federal courts. The federal courts were never intended to be the final determiner of all things.
Congress needs to hold themselves as well as the other branches of the federal government accountable and responsible. Impeachment needs to be used as well as the power of the purse and the advice and consent clause with an emphasis on consent.
Final note: Heritage needs to stop perpetuating the myth that members of the federal courts have life time appointments. The Constitution is very clear on this. The appointment is during “good behavior” and Congress decides what is and what is not “good behavior” through impeachment and conviction. Conviction is not necessary. Exposure through impeachment will end almost all misbehavior.
Take it from a former school teacher. If they are not held accountable, they will continue to misbehavior. If they are held accountable, they will stop. Not completely but to a great extent!
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
P.S. The IRS can not be eliminated. The tax system can be and should be greatly simplified.”
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
The Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender Agenda, Fellow Travelers, North Carolina, and the Consequences
Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate
Website: http://castle2016.com/
Donate: https://castle2016.nationbuilder.com/donate
Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Website: http://www.chadkoppie.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chad-Koppie-Campaign-175035105892775
Donate: http://www.chadkoppie.com/donations.php
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Website: http://www.electdarrylglenn.com/
Donate: https://transaxt.com/Donate/6ECCUR/CommitteetoElectDarrylGlenn/?src=button
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommitteeToElectDarrylGlenn/
Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska
Donate: http://joeforliberty.com/
Donate at Make DC Listen: https://secure.makedclisten.com/donate/d?c=c8c976b8a062bfcfa0d065e176ba3030
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Oppose the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the UN
Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States
Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Yesterday I ended my posts with this comment:
To repeat, The political fact is that, overall, voters will vote for the candidate who speaks out against the rioters not the candidate who supports the rioters. If they continue rioting, they may just be responsible for the election of Donald Trump. Maybe that is what they want.
This link is to an article that confirms my conclusion that rioting by Black Lives Matter and other groups will help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton. The article approaches it from a different angle but reaches the same conclusion.
Also, from the picture above and the article here: http://bearingarms.com/bob-o/2016/09/24/breaking-ankle-holster-clearly-visible-police-release-keith-scott-shooting-video/?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=
It seems that suspect Keith Scott was wearing an ankle holster which is further evidence that he had a gun. The gun pictured by the police is the size for ankle holsters and one does not normally wear an ankle holster unless one has a gun in the holster!
When a culture rebels against God
Tim Wildmon September 27, 2016
“All was quiet in the home state of Andy Griffith until February 22 of this year when the Charlotte City Council passed an ordinance requiring all government agencies and private businesses to ensure that men could use women’s bathrooms if they want to [This is the same Charlotte of the Black Lives Matter riots that recently occurred in North Carolina! Why does the Left seem to always riot against their own? Could it be intentional because they know the Democrat leadership in the city will let the riots happen instead of enforcing the law? That is certainly what happened in Baltimore.].
The legal problem with that move was that the state constitution of North Carolina requires all ‘public accommodation’ laws to be handled at the state level [Minor detail to the Left! They do not follow the federal Constitution. Why would they follow a State Constitution?]. In other words, what Charlotte did was not within their authority, so the governor and the state legislature responded by passing HB 2 on March 23, which ‘mandates people use the bathroom corresponding to their biological sex in public buildings, places, and schools [Which is as it HAS BEEN and SHOULD be!].’ Simply put, everything was fine—Charlotte enacted a law they had no authority to enact, and the state of North Carolina put everything back like it was [Which then infuriated the Left!!!].
“And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.” (Romans 1: 28)
[The whole segment from Romans 1 is significant and relevant. The Left is rejecting GOD by their assertions and actions. NEVER a good idea! Below is the entire segment:
Romans 1: 18-32 (NIV)
“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator [GOD is the CREATOR]—who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. [Can it be any plainer? Homosexual behavior is a sin and the penalty for that sin without repentance is spiritual death!].
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder [Murder and homosexual behavior are linked together. Homosexual radicals are strong supporters of the murder of unborn babies!], strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters [Why they attack Christians and want to wipeout Christianity], insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them {Not only living the sins but also supporting the sins are condemned and lead to spiritual death if there is no repentance!}].”
For this simple common sense law, the state of North Carolina has become the whipping boy for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender [i.e. radical homosexuals] political machine and their many powerful supporters in big business, academia, the liberal media, and the entertainment industry. No single group of people holds more power in America today than the LGBT lobby, despite the fact that they represent a relatively small number of people [Isn’t that ridiculous? Their claim to fame is their involvement in sinful behavior!]. It is estimated that two percent of Americans are lesbian or gay [i.e. homosexual] and 0.3 percent are transgendered [transsexual]—i.e., a person who is a male but says he is a female or vice versa.
Even the National Collegiate Athletic Association punished North Carolina by taking away sporting events scheduled for the Tar Heel state [I will no longer have any involvement with the NCAA.]. NCAA leadership is made up of university presidents. So, very smart people [maybe not!] who have reached the highest levels of academia sat around in a room somewhere and decided that because North Carolina wants to keep men out of bathrooms reserved for women and young girls, the state must be punished. And this law applied only to bathrooms, showers, etc. that were state property.
In other knee-jerk reactions, PayPal Corporation [a long time supporter of abortion/murder and homosexual radicals] withdrew its plans for building a large office complex in North Carolina over this issue. PayPal is the same company that built their global operations center in Malaysia where homosexual behavior is against the law, punishable by whipping or prison time. The NBA pulled their All-Star game out of Charlotte. Christian sports celebrities Russell Wilson and Stephen Curry condemned their home state for wanting to keep women’s bathrooms for women and girls only [Show me in the Bible where this is GOD approved! Then, read the Roman 1 segment above and repent.]. Legendary Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski said what North Carolina did was ‘embarrassing [Mike Krzyzewski is embarrassing and going against GOD! Not wise!].’
What is going on here [Sin!]? Why is the whole world coming down on North Carolina over something like this [Not the whole world. There are still some sane people who have not fallen for the lies!]? Even if you thought welcoming men into women’s restrooms and showers was a good idea, does the penalty fit the ‘crime?’ You would think North Carolina has reinstated slavery.
What is going on is a country in rebellion against God Almighty [Sin! Immorality at their own peril!]. This is about putting the final touches on the sexual revolution. The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is unnatural, immoral, and unhealthy [Sin. The punishment in the Old Testament was physical death. The eternal punishment is spiritual death if there is no repentance!] Everyone knows that a man who thinks he is a woman has a mental disorder, not to mention a spiritual one.
Bruce Jenner will always be a man [born with and has MALE chromosomes]—even if he wears a dress and heels the rest of his life. Yet, his confusion is lauded by the media and popular culture as brave and heroic. What’s really going on here is demonic. It’s a culture shaking its collective fist at God and shouting: ‘Don’t tell us how to live! We will not listen to your rules!’
What we are watching in America today is Romans 1 being played out before our very eyes [And if not stopped, we as a nation will reap the consequences! We are already!
Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”].
Tim Wildmon (contact@afa.net) is president of the American Family Association in Tupelo, MS.”
Buyer beware!
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
Website: http://castle2016.com/
Donate: https://castle2016.nationbuilder.com/donate
Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Website: http://www.chadkoppie.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chad-Koppie-Campaign-175035105892775
Donate: http://www.chadkoppie.com/donations.php
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Website: http://www.electdarrylglenn.com/
Donate: https://transaxt.com/Donate/6ECCUR/CommitteetoElectDarrylGlenn/?src=button
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommitteeToElectDarrylGlenn/
Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska
Donate: http://joeforliberty.com/
Donate at Make DC Listen: https://secure.makedclisten.com/donate/d?c=c8c976b8a062bfcfa0d065e176ba3030
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Oppose the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the UN
Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States
Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Yesterday I ended my posts with this comment:
To repeat, The political fact is that, overall, voters will vote for the candidate who speaks out against the rioters not the candidate who supports the rioters. If they continue rioting, they may just be responsible for the election of Donald Trump. Maybe that is what they want.
This link is to an article that confirms my conclusion that rioting by Black Lives Matter and other groups will help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton. The article approaches it from a different angle but reaches the same conclusion.
Also, from the picture above and the article here: http://bearingarms.com/bob-o/2016/09/24/breaking-ankle-holster-clearly-visible-police-release-keith-scott-shooting-video/?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=
It seems that suspect Keith Scott was wearing an ankle holster which is further evidence that he had a gun. The gun pictured by the police is the size for ankle holsters and one does not normally wear an ankle holster unless one has a gun in the holster!
When a culture rebels against God
Tim Wildmon September 27, 2016
“All was quiet in the home state of Andy Griffith until February 22 of this year when the Charlotte City Council passed an ordinance requiring all government agencies and private businesses to ensure that men could use women’s bathrooms if they want to [This is the same Charlotte of the Black Lives Matter riots that recently occurred in North Carolina! Why does the Left seem to always riot against their own? Could it be intentional because they know the Democrat leadership in the city will let the riots happen instead of enforcing the law? That is certainly what happened in Baltimore.].
The legal problem with that move was that the state constitution of North Carolina requires all ‘public accommodation’ laws to be handled at the state level [Minor detail to the Left! They do not follow the federal Constitution. Why would they follow a State Constitution?]. In other words, what Charlotte did was not within their authority, so the governor and the state legislature responded by passing HB 2 on March 23, which ‘mandates people use the bathroom corresponding to their biological sex in public buildings, places, and schools [Which is as it HAS BEEN and SHOULD be!].’ Simply put, everything was fine—Charlotte enacted a law they had no authority to enact, and the state of North Carolina put everything back like it was [Which then infuriated the Left!!!].
“And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.” (Romans 1: 28)
[The whole segment from Romans 1 is significant and relevant. The Left is rejecting GOD by their assertions and actions. NEVER a good idea! Below is the entire segment:
Romans 1: 18-32 (NIV)
“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator [GOD is the CREATOR]—who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. [Can it be any plainer? Homosexual behavior is a sin and the penalty for that sin without repentance is spiritual death!].
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder [Murder and homosexual behavior are linked together. Homosexual radicals are strong supporters of the murder of unborn babies!], strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters [Why they attack Christians and want to wipeout Christianity], insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them {Not only living the sins but also supporting the sins are condemned and lead to spiritual death if there is no repentance!}].”
For this simple common sense law, the state of North Carolina has become the whipping boy for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender [i.e. radical homosexuals] political machine and their many powerful supporters in big business, academia, the liberal media, and the entertainment industry. No single group of people holds more power in America today than the LGBT lobby, despite the fact that they represent a relatively small number of people [Isn’t that ridiculous? Their claim to fame is their involvement in sinful behavior!]. It is estimated that two percent of Americans are lesbian or gay [i.e. homosexual] and 0.3 percent are transgendered [transsexual]—i.e., a person who is a male but says he is a female or vice versa.
Even the National Collegiate Athletic Association punished North Carolina by taking away sporting events scheduled for the Tar Heel state [I will no longer have any involvement with the NCAA.]. NCAA leadership is made up of university presidents. So, very smart people [maybe not!] who have reached the highest levels of academia sat around in a room somewhere and decided that because North Carolina wants to keep men out of bathrooms reserved for women and young girls, the state must be punished. And this law applied only to bathrooms, showers, etc. that were state property.
In other knee-jerk reactions, PayPal Corporation [a long time supporter of abortion/murder and homosexual radicals] withdrew its plans for building a large office complex in North Carolina over this issue. PayPal is the same company that built their global operations center in Malaysia where homosexual behavior is against the law, punishable by whipping or prison time. The NBA pulled their All-Star game out of Charlotte. Christian sports celebrities Russell Wilson and Stephen Curry condemned their home state for wanting to keep women’s bathrooms for women and girls only [Show me in the Bible where this is GOD approved! Then, read the Roman 1 segment above and repent.]. Legendary Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski said what North Carolina did was ‘embarrassing [Mike Krzyzewski is embarrassing and going against GOD! Not wise!].’
What is going on here [Sin!]? Why is the whole world coming down on North Carolina over something like this [Not the whole world. There are still some sane people who have not fallen for the lies!]? Even if you thought welcoming men into women’s restrooms and showers was a good idea, does the penalty fit the ‘crime?’ You would think North Carolina has reinstated slavery.
What is going on is a country in rebellion against God Almighty [Sin! Immorality at their own peril!]. This is about putting the final touches on the sexual revolution. The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is unnatural, immoral, and unhealthy [Sin. The punishment in the Old Testament was physical death. The eternal punishment is spiritual death if there is no repentance!] Everyone knows that a man who thinks he is a woman has a mental disorder, not to mention a spiritual one.
Bruce Jenner will always be a man [born with and has MALE chromosomes]—even if he wears a dress and heels the rest of his life. Yet, his confusion is lauded by the media and popular culture as brave and heroic. What’s really going on here is demonic. It’s a culture shaking its collective fist at God and shouting: ‘Don’t tell us how to live! We will not listen to your rules!’
What we are watching in America today is Romans 1 being played out before our very eyes [And if not stopped, we as a nation will reap the consequences! We are already!
Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”].
Tim Wildmon (contact@afa.net) is president of the American Family Association in Tupelo, MS.”
Buyer beware!
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
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