Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
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Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition to Big 12 Athletic Conference: Do Not Exclude Brigham Young University Because of its Religious Values
Petition: Stop Amnesty International’s Pro-Abortion Attack on Sovereign Nations
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
[Note: This picture is not intended to slam Catholics per se. It was the only one I could find in a quick search that referred to members of a church supporting abortion. From my experience, many Catholics are on the front lines fighting for unborn children. Yet, almost, if not, every Catholic Democrat elected Congressman is pro-abortion/murder. Also, the church’s official teaching is certainly pro-life.]
Petition: Pro-Life Christian Petition to Identifying Christian Schools
Will you help me send a message to the Christian schools in your state that you and I will not stand by should they bow down to the culture of death being pushed by Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion allies?
After signing your Pro-Life Christian Petition, please consider chipping in a tax-deductible contribution to help Students for Life continue our pro-life outreach programs.
To: Christian Schools In My State [Christian schools throughout the United States and the world]
Whereas: Schools including Georgetown University and Texas Christian University have allied with Planned Parenthood despite their history as Christian learning institutions; and
Whereas: Meanwhile, Students for Life’s pro-life groups are often shunned or outright banned from having a presence on Christian campuses across the country; and
Whereas: Planned Parenthood has put more than 7,000,000 preborn babies to death by abortion since the tragic [illegal, immoral, unconstitutional] Roe v. Wade decision; and
Whereas: A Lifeway Research study published late last year revealed close to 70% of women who have had an abortion claimed to be Christians [There is a difference between claiming to be a Christian and being a Christian. Even so, 70% seems awfully high. Were pro-abortion/murder non-Christians deliberately claiming to be Christians to skew the results and make it seem that Christians support abortion/murder? That would not surprise me at all!]; and
Whereas: If we ever expect to end abortion in our lifetime, Christians must proudly [and boldly] lead the way;
Whereas: As a self-proclaimed ‘Christian’ school, I urge you to stand up for Biblical values including the right to life for the reborn [Luke 6: 9 (NIV) “Then Jesus said to them, ‘I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath [any time]: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?’” Thou shalt not murder HAS NO EXCEPTIONS!].”

From: Senate Conservatives
To: Don Vance
Subject: Andy Biggs Wins By 9 Votes
Date: September 6, 2016 6:12 AM
“Fellow Conservative:
State senator Andy Biggs (R-Arizona) has won the Republican primary election for Congress in Arizona’s 5th district. [The conservative Republican incumbent retired. This was a open seat election with RINO Republican vs. conservative Republican. It will be good if we can keep it in conservative hands.].
As we reported last week, Biggs was 876 votes behind moderate Christine Jones (R-Arizona) in the initial count, but the results were not final because there were still outstanding mail-in ballots that hadn’t been counted.
After over 19,000 additional mail-in and provisional ballots were counted this past Thursday and Friday, Andy Biggs won the race by 9 votes!
This is a very important victory for conservatives. Jones self-funded her campaign and outspent Biggs by 4 to 1. Jones led in the early-August polling, but Biggs surged late with the support of the grassroots.
While Jones has praised President Obama and Hillary Clinton in the past, Biggs has fought for conservative principles even when he’s had to stand up to leaders in his own party.
The fight for this congressional seat is not over.
Arizona state law requires an automatic recount when an election is decided by less than 1% of the vote [In 1986, I won a primary election for the Arizona House of Representatives by 43 votes. We had a recount and I lost 2 votes in the recount going from a 45 vote victory to a 43 vote victory. In some elections, every vote does count!].
We don’t anticipate the vote to change [In 1986, Arizona was using a different method for voting. This one should be more accurate than the one in 1976. Still 9 votes is not a lot of votes to make up!], but we do expect the Jones campaign to wage an expensive legal battle over the next two and a half weeks.
That’s why I’m hoping you will help Andy Biggs raise the money he needs to keep Christine Jones and her lawyers from stealing this election.
Please donate to the Biggs for Congress Recount Fund today.
This fund is treated by the Federal Election Commission as a separate election so individuals can donate up to $2,700 beyond what they may have contributed toward the primary and general elections.
This is an urgent request because the legal challenges will be made in the next two and half weeks leading up to the deadline for when the ballots must be printed and sent to military personnel serving overseas.
Please help Andy Biggs defend this victory for conservatives.
Christine Jones has supported numerous establishment politicians over the years and has said she won’t join the House Freedom Caucus if she’s elected [Translation: she is not conservative!].
We can’t afford to have another liberal Republican serving in Congress. [We need all the conservatives we can get. This is a safe Republican seat so the winner of the primary should be the winner in the general election.]
Thank you for supporting Andy Biggs in this important race. Without your support, there’s no question that he would have lost this race.
Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Fund
@KenCuccinelli / @SCF”
From: Eric Scheidler ~ Pro-life Action
To: Don L. Vance
Subject: THIS SATURDAY: National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children
Date: September 6, 2016
Dear Don,
Did you know that tens of thousands of aborted babies have been buried throughout the United States? These unborn gravesites—over 50 of them across the country—stand as a powerful, moving witness to the humanity of the unborn child and the profound injustice of abortion [Government sanctioned murder!].
This SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, pro-lifers all over the country are joining together to visit those gravesites for solemn memorial services [As well as gathering at other places.]. I’m writing today to invite you to be a part of this important event. It’s called the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, and it’s being co-sponsored by the Pro-Life Action League, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Priests for Life.
Memorial services will be held at the gravesites of the aborted unborn, as well as dozens of other special sites dedicated to their memory all over the United States.
Find a complete list here: Come out on Saturday and mourn the [murder] victims of abortion—not just those children buried in these gravesites, but ALL those [murder] victims who have never received a proper burial.
By taking part in the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children you will ensure that these children are not forgotten by our nation—the only act of human kindness they will ever receive.
Yours for Life,
Eric Scheidler
Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League”
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
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