Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska
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Petition: Pro-Life Christian Petition to Identifying Christian Schools
Petition: Oppose the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the UN
Petition: Defund Panned Parenthood through the States
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

From Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
September 19, 2016
“When I became Speaker last fall, I laid out a mission for Republicans to become a proposition party—to not just complain about the status quo, but to offer real solutions [Seriously? Where are they?].
Listening to the American people, we have set out a bold agenda to address some of our country’s biggest challenges. We are offering the country a better way [Are you passing it? Are you fighting for it? Words. Where is the action? Is it a constitutional conservative agenda?].
In a speech today in New York City [What exactly do speeches accomplish? Where is the action?], I talked about some of the common sense ideas in this agenda that will help get our country back on track.
To feel anxious at a time like this—well, that’s only natural. None of this is automatic. None of this is easy. The American way of life is always a work in progress. And the challenges we face are very stark. But this is our generation’s calling, and we must answer that call [I laughed at this! When are they going to answer the call?].
I hope you’ll take a look at this speech, and visit to learn more about what we’re proposing [When do you stop proposing and start doing?].”
I just sent the following to Speak Ryan in reply.
“The county is on the wrong path because the Capitulation Party (AKA the Republican Party) has let the radicals do as they want without holding them responsible and accountable. We gave you both Houses of Congress in 2014 and you immediately capitulated with the Omnibus Continuing Resolution of 2014. You did the same in 2015. The national debt will increase over a trillion dollars by the end of the fiscal year this month with the Capitulation Party in control of Congress. In case you do not realize it, Congress is responsible and accountable for the budget constitutionally not the President.
The President and the executive branch illegally do what they want and the Capitulation Party does NOTHING! The list of the violations of the Constitution and congressional laws is too long to recount. Just one example is the nonsense about transsexual restrooms and showers. I e-mailed you over 30 times through the Speaker’s website and you and the Capitulation Party at the federal level did nothing.
The federal courts illegally and unconstitutionally rule as they want and the Capitulation Party does NOTHING! The list of their unconstitutional decisions is too long to recount. The most egregious were the Roe and Doe decisions which could be ruled null and void by Congress if the Capitulation Party was seriously pro-life. Both decisions violate the Fifth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment.
I am running for Congress as a write-in candidate in Illinois District 18 because the Capitulation Party has surrendered to executive and judicial tyranny either because the “leadership” agrees with it or because you are such political cowards you prefer surrender to saving the nation. I will also be running in 2018, the LORD willing. The Presidential candidate for the Capitulation Party is a radical, liberal New York Democrat and the establishment Capitulation Party has embraced him to the point of threatening to “punish” those who do not endorse him.
This New York Democrat is now calling for a higher minimum wage which is a disaster for low income earners and first time job earners. It is also unconstitutional. The federal government has no constitutional authority to determine the wages paid by anyone except to people employed by the federal government. He is also calling for programs that are designed to steal money from one group to give to another group through the tax system—both unconstitutional and immoral. He is calling for increases in Medicaid which is a disaster already. It is also unconstitutional and another program that steals from one group and gives to another.
This e-mail and my response will be the basis of my post tonight on my campaign site.
In my opinion the Capitulation Party is a “dead man walking.” It will be a different Party by 2020 lucky to field a Presidential candidate if it continues its capitulation to the radical left. Have you already surrendered because it sure looks like it. Are you or are you not going to surrender on the budget for a third time? Are you or are you not going to capitulate on the impeachment of the head of the IRS? Are you going to once again prove that you are the Capitulation Party?
In Illinois, I’m going to vote for the Presidential candidate from the Constitution Party as a write-in candidate, the Constitution Party write-in candidate for the Senate, and for me. We are the ONLY pro-life candidates for the top three positions for federal government offices in my Congressional District. The Capitulation Party is a “dead man walking!”
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
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