Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
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Petition to Big 12 Athletic Conference: Do Not Exclude Brigham Young University Because of its Religious Values
Petition: Stop Amnesty International’s Pro-Abortion Attack on Sovereign Nations
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

“Don L. Vance
Morton, Illinois 61550
February 22, 2016
LaHood for Congress
Peoria, Illinois 61612”
I e-mailed the following on February 22, 2016. Being concerned that the e-mail address was not current, I am also mailing it to the campaign at the address that should always be current—the contribution address. I do not ask political questions using government addresses since the questions do not deal with government business.
“The 2016 Republican primary [e-mail heading]”
On February 18, 2016, I sent the below e-mail to Congressman LaHood. I did not receive a response. Perhaps the e-mail went unnoticed. Since the original e-mail, I did some further checking on Senator Kirk. Using the scorecard from Conservative Review, I found that Senator Kirk has a disastrous score for a Republican. That information and an additional question follows the original e-mail.
“I just recently received a voters guide from Illinois Family Institute. I am concerned about the primary election for the U.S. Senate on the Republican side. I am a pro-life Christian constitutional conservative.
According to the guide and my own research on current Senator Mark Kirk, he is a supporter of Planned Parenthood and of the murder of unborn babies through abortion. According to the voters guide, Senator Mark Kirk:
is opposed to defunding Planned Parenthood (H.R. 3134, 2015).
is opposed to the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R.36, 2015) which prohibits abortions after 20 weeks when preborn babies begin to feel pain.
is opposed to the First Amendment Defense Act (H.R. 2802, 2015) which prevents discriminatory treatment of any person on the basis of views held with respect to marriage.
Yet, it is my understanding that Representative LaHood supports Senator Mark Kirk’s reelection to the United States Senate. I have personally talked to Republican challenger James Marter. I heard him say that he was pro-life. After his talk, I asked him if he was pro-life without exception or pro-life with exceptions. He said he is pro-life without exception. I signed his nominating petition.
Representative LaHood has said that he is pro-life. Here are my questions:
1) Is Representative LaHood pro-life without exception or pro-life with exceptions?
2) If Representative LaHood is pro-life with exceptions, what are the exceptions?
3) If Representative LaHood is pro-life, why is he supporting Senator Mark Kirk for reelection when he is clearly a supporter of the murder of unborn babies through abortion?
4) If Senator Kirk receives the nomination for the Republican Party in March, will Representative LaHood guarantee that Senator Kirk will not vote for any pro-murder/abortion nominee who is nominated by our current pro-murder/abortion President to the United States Supreme Court to replace Justice Scalia who was staunchly pro-life?”
The scorecard for Senator Mark Kirk along with other low ranking Republican Senators.
Party, State, grade, percent, years in Congress, next election for the Senator
52) Senator Mark Kirk R IL F 19% 15 2016 [There are 54 Republican Senators]
53) Senator Shelley Capito R WV F 17% 15 2020
Senator Joe Manchin III D WV F 16% 5 2018
Senator Bernard Sanders I VT F 15% 25 2018
Senator Elizabeth Warren D MA F 15% 3 2018
54) Senator Susan Collins R ME F 14% 19 2020 = lowest Republican
Since Senator Kirk has a conservative rating of 19% which is only 4% higher than socialist Bernie Sanders, exactly why is Representative LaHood supporting him over a pro-life challenger who was born and raised in the Peoria area?
I would appreciate a swift answer to all of these questions since early voting is upon us.
Thank you.
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
‘With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.’’”
I sent the letter certified mailed return receipt requested. Needless to say, Congressman LaHood never responded. Needless to say, Congressman LaHood is supporting Mark Kirk in the 2016 general election. Needless to say, I believe Mark Kirk will lose the election and the Republicans will lose a Senate seat because contrary to its party platform the Republican Party nominated a pro-abortion/murder candidate for the Illinois Senate seat. Needless to say, as a pro-life without exception voter, I did not vote for Mark Kirk in 2012 and I will not vote for Mark Kirk in 2016. Needless to say, Congressman LaHood’s folly in supporting Mark Kirk in the primary and general election determined that I will run for Congress in 2016 and 2018 with the intent to defeat Congressman LaHood and win the election in either 2016 or 2018 or both. Needless to say, we need more pro-life members of Congress not less.
On 9/2/2016
Conservative Review Scorecard for Illinois Congress members
Member | Party + House District | Score + year of election |
Randy Hultgren | R IL-14 | C 72% + 2016 election |
Peter Roskam | R IL-6 | F 54% + 2016 election |
John Shimkus | R IL-15 | F 35% + 2016 election |
Adam Kinzinger | R IL-16 | F 34% + 2016 election |
Darin LaHood | R IL-18 | F 33% + 2016 election |
Rodney Davis | R IL-13 | F 32% + 2016 election |
Mike Bost | R IL-12 | F 29% + 2016 election |
Bob Dold | R IL-10 | F 28% + 2016 election |
Luis V. Gutierrez | D IL-4 | F 24% + 2016 election |
Bobby L. Rush | D IL-1 | F 22% + 2016 election |
Jan Schakowsky | D IL-9 | F 22% + 2016 election |
Danny K. Davis | D IL-7 | F 20% + 2016 election |
Daniel Lipinski | D IL-3 | F 17% + 2016 election |
Mark Steven Kirk | R IL Senator | F 17% + 2016 election |
Robin Kelly | D IL-2 | F 16% + 2016 election |
Tammy Duckworth | D IL-8 Senate candidate | F 15% + Senate 2016 |
Cheri Bustos | D IL-17 | F 14% + 2016 election |
Mike Quigley | D IL-5 | F 14% + 2016 election |
Bill Foster | D IL-11 | F 9% + 2016 election |
Richard J. Durbin | D IL Senator | F 2% + Senate 2020 |
Note the following: As of September 2, 2016, the Conservative Review Scorecard, which I consider the most reliable conservative evaluation of members of Congress, has Darin LaHood at 33% F. Mark Kirk, who Darin LaHood supported in the primary and is now supporting in the general election, has a Scorecard rating of 17%. Tammy Duckworth, his Democrat opponent for the Senate, has a Scorecard rating of 15%. Probably, not a statistically significant difference! A vote for Mark Kirk or a vote for Tammy Duckworth is a vote for the same type of policies! Supporting Mark is the same as supporting Tammy Duckworth. The basic difference is the party they claim to represent. Problem is, Mark Kirk in his voting does NOT represent the Republican Party conservative platform! Yet Darin LaHood supported Mark Kirk in both the primary and general election. Of Course, Darin LaHood does not have a conservative record either!
According to Politics1, this is Darin LaHood’s campaign website.
It seems it has not been changed from his special election in 2015.
His issues page has only four issues. Four!
Healthcare: Which is not a power granted to Congress
Jobs, jobs, jobs: Which is not a power granted to Congress
National Security:
Spending: He says he will rein in spending. Yet, he has voted to increase spending and the national debt has increased over one trillion dollars from October 1, 2015 through September 1, 2016.
09/01/2016: $19,481,571,141,221.67 [“19” is 19 trillion dollars]
09/30/2015: $18,150,617,666,484.33 [difference = 1,330,953,474,737.34
or 1 trillion, 330 billion, 953 million, 474 thousand, 737 dollars, and 34 cents!
Congress, which is controlled by Republicans, has constitutional control over the budget. The President does not. “The President proposes and Congress disposes.”
The website does not discuss life, family, or numerous other current issues. Are we suppose to guess his position on those issues? If so, look at his Conservative Review Scorecard!
By the way, “establishment political wisdom” claims that the voting public can only handle 3-4 issues in any campaign. Therefore, the candidate should emphasize the 3-4 issues that he believes will best play to the voting public. Congressman LaHood seems to support that proposition.

The constitutional solution to government sanctioned murder:
Congress nullifies the court decisions by law:
First, define life stating that life begins at conception as it does.
Then, state clearly and emphatically in law that the federal court decisions sanctioning the murder of unborn babies are null and void since they violate the Fifth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment.
Finally, federal court decisions are not the supreme law of the land. Laws passed by Congress pursuant to the Constitution are the supreme law of the land and supersede any and all federal court decisions. [Article 6, ¶ 2]
Article. 6 ¶ 2
“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, [i.e. under the Constitution which is the authority for the United States], shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”
Luke 6: 9 (NIV)
“Then Jesus said to them, ‘I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath [any time]: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?’”
A Conversation with a Former Abortionist: Full Interview with Dr. Anthony Levatino
Aspiration (Suction) D & C: 1st Trimester Surgical Abortion
Abortion Pills: 1st Trimester Medical Abortion
D & E Abortion [Dilation and Evacuation]: 2nd Trimester Surgical Abortion
Injection and Stillbirth: 3rd Trimester Induction Abortion
A Former Abortionist: Is abortion ever medically necessary?
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
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