Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate
Website: http://castle2016.com/
Donate: https://castle2016.nationbuilder.com/donate
Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate candidate for Illinois
Website: http://www.chadkoppie.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chad-Koppie-Campaign-175035105892775
Donate: http://www.chadkoppie.com/donations.php
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Website: http://www.electdarrylglenn.com/
Donate: https://transaxt.com/Donate/6ECCUR/CommitteetoElectDarrylGlenn/?src=button
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommitteeToElectDarrylGlenn/
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Protect women’s health and safety from the abortion butchery factory.
Petition: Protect the privacy of children in restrooms
Petition: American Academy of Pediatrics do not subvert my parental role with my child
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Genesis 1: 1 (NIV)
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Man-made global warming is a fraud. It has been proven to be a fraud. Scientists, who had a financial interest in promoting the myth of man-made global warming, cooked the books, changed the data, ignored contradictory data, and lied to advance the agenda of the Left. The Left changed the emphasis from man-made global warming to climate change. Climate change is a non-issue misnomer. By definition, the climate, which is weather overtime, is always changing. The climate temperatures can only do one of three things—increase, decrease, or stay the same. Overtime from year to year, weather never stays the same. Therefore, overtime climate by definition is changing.
When I lived in Morton from 2004-2013 while writing my blog, I kept track of the record high temperature for every day of the year. Do you know which decade has the overwhelming record high temperatures for the year? The 1990’s? The 2000’s? The 2010’s? No! The hottest record high temperatures for Peoria was the decade of the 1930’s. Do you think that decade was so hot because of man-made global warming? Neither do I.
In June of this year, I started keeping track of the record high temperature for Morton. They are slightly different than for Peoria which is understandable. Morton is not Peoria. Starting on July 6, I added Abilene, Texas to the equation. In July in Morton, The average high temperature for most of the month is 85 °F. In Abilene, the average high temperature is 96 °F. Yet, the record high temperatures are very similar. In fact, Morton has a higher record highest temperature than does Abilene. Morton’s highest ever in July is 113 °F while Abilene’s is 110 °F although Abilene hit that temperature twice. Also Abilene’s record highs are more recent. Which is understandable because hot 100 °F weather happens much more often than it does in Morton. Thus, it is easier to set new records.
The record high temperature for each day in Morton, Illinois and Abilene, Texas.
July 01, 2016: record High temperature 100 °F (1925) Abilene:
July 02, 2016: record High temperature 100 °F (1911) Abilene:
July 03, 2016: record High temperature 106 °F (1936) Abilene:
July 04, 2016: record High temperature 105 °F (1936) Abilene:
July 05, 2016: record High temperature 106 °F (1936) Abilene:
July 06, 2016: record High temperature 106 °F (1936) Abilene: 106 °F (1998)
July 07, 2016: record High temperature 105 °F (1936) Abilene: 105 °F (1978)
July 08, 2016: record High temperature 103 °F (1936) Abilene: 106 °F (2009)
July 09, 2016: record High temperature 106 °F (1936) Abilene: 106 °F (1918)
July 10, 2016: record High temperature 108 °F (1936) Abilene: 104 °F (1998)
July 11, 2016: record High temperature 107 °F (1936) Abilene: 107 °F (1998)
July 12, 2016: record High temperature 109 °F (1936) Abilene: 108 °F (1933)
July 13, 2016: record High temperature 110 °F (1936) Abilene: 109 °F (1933)
July 14, 2016: record High temperature 113 °F (1936) Abilene: 109 °F (1978)
July 15, 2016: record High temperature 104 °F (1887) Abilene: 106 °F (1978)
July 16, 2016: record High temperature 106 °F (1887) Abilene: 110 °F (1978)
July 17, 2016: record High temperature 101 °F (1930) Abilene: 110 °F (1886)
July 18, 2016: record High temperature 103 °F (1930) Abilene: 108 °F (1936)
July 19, 2016: record High temperature 102 °F (1930) Abilene: 107 °F (1936)
July 20, 2016: record High temperature 105 °F (1901) Abilene: 104 °F (1943)
July 21, 2016: record High temperature 105 °F (1901) Abilene: 106 °F (1943)
July 22, 2016: record High temperature 105 °F (1934) Abilene: 107 °F (1943)
July 23, 2016: record High temperature 106 °F (1901) Abilene: 106 °F (1943)
July 24, 2016: record High temperature 104 °F (1940) Abilene: 105 °F (1954)
July 25, 2016: record High temperature 105 °F (1936) Abilene: 107 °F (1954)
July 26, 2016: record High temperature 107 °F (1930) Abilene: 107 °F (1944)
July 27, 2016: record High temperature 102 °F (1983) Abilene: 107 °F (1995)
July 28, 2016: record High temperature 104 °F (1887) Abilene: 103 °F (1966)
July 29, 2016: record High temperature 104 °F (1885) Abilene: 106 °F (1912)
July 30, 2016: record High temperature 102 °F (1988) Abilene: 105 °F (1986)
July 31, 2016: record High temperature 101 °F (1988) Abilene: 107 °F (2012)
Record high days in July in Morton, Illinois according to decade:
1880’s = 04
1890’s = 00
1900’s = 03
1910’s = 01
1920’s = 01
1930’s = 18 1936 had 12 days in a row with the record high temperature and 13 days for the month. 1930 had 4 days and 1934 one day.
1940’s = 01
1950’s = 00
1960’s = 00
1970’s = 00
1980’s = 03
1990’s = 00
2000’s = 00
2010’s to 2015 = 00
When there are two or more days with the same record high temperature, the most recent day is given as the record high. Therefore if the record high temperature on July 31 was 101 °F in 1887, 1936, and 1988; the 1988 date would be used because it is the most recent. For July in Morton, Illinois, all 31 days had a record high temperature of 100 °F or more. The highest record high temperature was 113 °F on July 14, 1936. The most recent record high temperature in July was in 1988. There were 3 record high temperatures in the 1980’s and no record high temperatures in July since July 31, 1988. That is over 27 years ago! Furthermore, there are 4 record high temperatures that still stand from the 1880’s with the oldest record high temperature being 130 years old. (2015 minus 1885) It seems to me that if global warming was such a threat, there would certainly be some record high temperatures within the last 27 years and no record high temperatures that have lasted for almost 130 years. “Man-made” global warming does not pass the logic test. “Man-made” global warming does not pass the facts test. “Man-made” global warming does not pass the scientific test.
In fact, I kept track of record high temperatures in Peoria, Illinois, which is less than 10 miles from Morton, for several years before moving from Illinois in 2013. By far over the year, the 1930’s had the most record high temperatures for Peoria. Does anyone seriously claim that those record high temperatures were “man-made?” “Man-made” global warming is a LIE made by man to advance a radical worldwide agenda to control all people throughout the world. There is NO significant “man-made” global warming and never was. Garbage in equals garbage out. “Man-made” global warming is garbage.
GOD set up the system for weather and climate. GOD controlled the system in the beginning and that system STILL functions today. Man can not control the weather and climate any more than he can control human nature!
“A recent study by Heritage Foundation economists estimates that the administration’s regulations to counter global warming, or climate change, will increase household spending on electricity between 13 and 20 percent over the next 20 years.”
“Regulations drive up energy costs.
Higher energy costs hurt the poor the most. If the Environmental Protection Agency’s [EPA] regulations on new power plants stand [Coal power plants. Coal is the major source of electrical energy in some States], they will take a reliable power source off the market.”
“The decline in coal production is problematic because coal and carbon-based conventional fuels made up 87 percent of America’s primary energy between 2003 and 2013.
In fact, electricity prices are 15 percent lower in those states that rely most on coal. Unnecessarily driving out coal production will cause electricity prices to increase, disproportionately hurting low-income Americans who spend a greater portion of their budget on energy bills.”
“Mining towns suffer from overregulation.
What’s more, because a small coal mining town’s livelihood often is tied to the power plant, regulation of coal power plants also harms investments, hurts small businesses, and decreases the town’s overall economic activity.
The EPA’s latest regulations of newly built coal power plants will seriously harm these coal towns. And because of the stringent requirements for new plants, many towns that might otherwise have had a coal plant built will be deprived of the economic benefits.”
“The regulations barely make a dent in climate change [because global warming is NOT man-made!].”
“According to Cato Institute’s ‘carbon tax temperature-savings’ calculator, developed by climatologists, the U.S. could shut down its entire economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero and it would mitigate global temperatures only a few tenths of a degree Celsius over the next 85 years.
In fact, if all industrialized nations cut 100 percent of carbon dioxide emissions, temperatures would be only 0.352 degree cooler than if the emission levels remained the same [Carbon dioxide IS NOT a cause of global warming. Carbon dioxide is a necessity for plant life! Carbon dioxide is to plants what oxygen is to humans—basic junior high school science!].
States are fighting back, but Congress should assert its authority.”
“States certainly are justified in taking legal action, but it’s also time for Congress to rein in unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats at the EPA. Congress should pass legislation that prevents all agencies from regulating carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions.”
My proposal goes much farther than the above. The EPA is an unconstitutional agency. Congress has no constitutional authority to control the environment nor could it successfully if it did! The EPA has become one of the political arms of the Left to advance its radical agenda of control and domination!
My proposal:
Congress passes a law giving the EPA one half of its 2012 budget for the 2016/2017 fiscal year for the purpose of closing down the agency permanently. The EPA is closed down in the 2018/2019 fiscal year giving it no budget and ending its existence.
Genesis 8: 20-22 (NIV)
“Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: ‘Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood [NOT from birth! Are NOT born evil!]. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.’
‘As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.’”
This is a promise that you can believe in! This is a promise that you can trust in. This is a promise you can have faith in! Man lies! GOD does not!
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
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