Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate
Website: http://castle2016.com/
Donate: https://castle2016.nationbuilder.com/donate
Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate candidate for Illinois
Website: http://www.chadkoppie.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chad-Koppie-Campaign-175035105892775
Donate: http://www.chadkoppie.com/donations.php
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Website: http://www.electdarrylglenn.com/
Donate: https://transaxt.com/Donate/6ECCUR/CommitteetoElectDarrylGlenn/?src=button
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommitteeToElectDarrylGlenn/
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Protect women’s health and safety from the abortion butchery factory.
Petition: Protect the privacy of children in restrooms
Petition: American Academy of Pediatrics do not subvert my parental role with my child
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Saturday when I posted this petition, I forgot to include the link to the petition. Therefore, I am repeating the petition with the link.
PETITION TO THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: American Medical Association, babies do feel pain before 20 weeks!
“The American Medical Association (AMA) [The AMA has been controlled by the Left for a very long time! The Left takes control of certain organizations and then the Leftist media uses those organizations for sources for their Leftist propaganda!] continues to defend an outdated report that claims unborn babies cannot feel pain until after 20 weeks gestation. Although this report has been debunked by more recent medical studies, the AMA refuses to retract it. As a result, major media outlets such as the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times continue to quote the report as authoritative.
This is very significant. Many unplanned [pregnancies] mothers don’t want to hurt the baby inside of them; they just want the ‘problem’ to go away. So if an unplanned mother believes her baby isn’t quite a real person yet because they can’t feel pain, she will be more likely to abort her baby [All babies are a real person at conception. Life begins at conception and if there are no interferences a baby is the result every time!]. Until the AMA changes its stance, this misconception will continue to lead to numerous babies killed [murdered] in the womb.
Please stand with us in demanding the AMA revise its 2005 analysis that a developing baby before 20 weeks can’t feel pain.
The premise of the AMA’s 2005 study is that a person cannot feel pain until the cerebral cortex is fully formed. However, at least two other medical studies argue the opposite. A study published in the journal Pain: Clinical Updates argues that unborn babies under 20 weeks do in fact appear to feel pain in the same way that a newborn baby feels pain.
‘Multiple lines of evidence thus corroborate that the key mechanisms of consciousness or conscious sensory perception are not dependent on cortical activity. Consistent with this evidence, the responses to noxious stimulation of children with hydranencephaly [Hydranencephaly is a rare condition in which the brain’ s cerebral hemispheres are absent and replaced by sacs filled with cerebrospinal fluid. An infant with hydranencephaly may appear normal at birth. The infant’s head size and spontaneous reflexes such as sucking, swallowing, crying, and moving the arms and legs may all seem normal. However, after a few weeks the infant usually becomes irritable and has increased muscle tone. After a few months of life, seizures and hydrocephalus (excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain) may develop. Source: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/hydranencephaly/hydranencephaly.htm ]
are purposeful, coordinated, and similar to those of intact children.’
A more recent study by the researchers at the department of anesthesiology at the University Hospitals in Gasthuisberg, Belgium, further confirmed this finding: that the cortex is not necessary for an unborn baby to experience pain.
A neurologist at the University of Toronto, Dr. Paul Ranalli argues that because of their early stage of development, ‘unborn babies probably feel pain more intensely than adults.’
Dr. David Birnbach, a pro-choice doctor and president of the Society of Obsteric Anesthesia said that during fetal surgeries, ‘we need to administer anesthesia directly to the fetus, because even at these early gestational ages the fetus moves away from the pain of stimulation.’
Clearly, the AMA’s study is gravely outdated and must be revised. Medical professionals from around the world agree that unborn babies do experience pain before 20 weeks. [The Left ignores science when the science does not agree with their agenda! Thus, the long time denial by many on the Left that life does not begin at conception. Some have even claimed that life begins when the mother says it does. Similar to, a male thinks he is a female therefore he must be treated as a female. Who cares about the truth? Not the Left!] It’s wrong and highly unprofessional for the AMA to continue circulating the misconception that fetuses aren’t capable of experiencing terrible pain. The reality is that they do, and the longer this study is believed the more pregnant mothers are going to believe they are just removing ‘tissue.’ Please stand with us in urging the AMA to change this study immediately!
Further Resources http://dailysignal.com/2016/07/25/ama-dismisses-evidence-babies-feel-pain-in-abortions-after-20-weeks/”
The petition:
“Please revise your stance
Dear American Medical Association,
It has come to my attention that you continue to defend your outdated 2005 report that claims unborn babies cannot feel pain until after 20 weeks gestation. Although this report has been debunked by other more recent medical studies, you refuse to retract it. As a result, major media outlets such as the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times continue to quote the report as authoritative.
You argue that until cerebral cortex is fully formed, babies cannot feel pain. However, at least two other medical studies argue the opposite. A study published in the journal Pain: Clinical Updates argues that unborn babies under 20 weeks do in fact appear to feel pain in the same way that a newborn baby does. Researchers at the department of anesthesiology at the University Hospitals in Gasthuisberg, Belgium, further confirmed this finding: that the cortex is not necessary for an unborn baby to experience pain.
A neurologist at the University of Toronto, Dr. Paul Ranalli argues that because of their early stage of development, ‘unborn babies probably feel pain more intensely than adults.’
Dr. David Birnbach, a pro-choice doctor and president of the Society of Obsteric Anesthesia said that during fetal surgeries, ‘we need to administer anesthesia directly to the fetus, because even at these early gestational ages the fetus moves away from the pain of stimulation.’
Clearly, your study is gravely outdated and must be revised. Medical professionals from around the world agree that unborn babies do experience pain before 20 weeks. It’s wrong and highly unprofessional for the AMA to continue circulating the misconception that fetuses aren’t capable of experiencing terrible pain.
Please revise your stance immediately.
[Your Name]”
I earned my bachelor’s degree in June of 1969 during the height of the Vietnam Conflict. I earned my master’s degree in a somewhat unusual fashion. At that time, my university did not run two sessions of summer school—only one. I took nine hours during the summer session in 1969. Then, a three hour night class for the fall semester. For the spring session I took fourteen hours. All those hours were in my political science major. I also needed six hours outside of my major. In the summer session of 1970, I took three hours of economics and three hours of history. I earned my required hours at the end of the summer session.
My history class was on the American Constitution. My professor said something that is repeated over and over again. “The Constitution says what the Supreme Court says it says.” Consequently, we never studied the Constitution at all. Instead, we studied precedent setting Supreme Court cases—from the earliest important court cases to court cases in the late 1960’s. I have read over and over again, that we must vote for Donald Trump because the next President will probably appoint three to four new justices and we must keep the court out of the hands of the Left. If we do not, we will lose the country for generations.
In my opinion, the most egregious court decision in American history was Roe vs. Wade and its companion decision Doe vs. Bolton. They were both decided on January 22, 1973. In the cases, the Supreme Court basically sanctioned the murder of unborn babies from conception up to delivery.
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe_v._Wade
The following justices voted in favor of sanctioning the murder of unborn babies
justice Blackmun appointed by Republican Richard M. Nixon
justice Brennan appointed by Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower
justice Burger appointed by Republican Richard M. Nixon
justice Douglas appointed by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt
justice Marshall appointed by Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson
justice Powell appointed by Republican Richard M. Nixon
justice Stewart appointed by Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower
The following justices voted in opposition to sanctioning the murder of unborn babies
justice White appointed by Democrat John F. Kennedy
justice Rehnquist appointed by Republican Richard M. Nixon
Do you observe the problem? Five of the seven justices that decided the most egregious case in U.S. history were appointed by Republicans. Only two were appointed by Democrats. Further, of the two justices who voted for life as guaranteed under the Constitution, one was appointed by a Democrat and one by a Republican. Even conservative Ronald Reagan, who appointed three justices, appointed only one justice who turned out to be conservative—Antonin Scalia. Sandra Day O’Connor turned out to be a Leftist and Anthony Kennedy, who is still on the court, votes more often than not with the Left although not to the extent of some other appointees.
Donald Trump has a list of Supreme Court nominees. They are conservative. The question though is not just “are they conservative” but also is Donald Trump willing to expend the necessary political capital to get the appointments approved by the Senate? I doubt it! Even if he is, there are and were justices who were considered conservative and changed AFTER getting on the court. No one has control of what happens after an appointee gets on the court. They taste the power we have allowed them to have and they get seduced by the power!
And there is the problem. The courts were NEVER intended to have the power that has developed over time. The Left and many establishment Republicans want the courts to have such extreme power. It is much easier to convince five unelected lawyers to change the Constitution than it is to convince an elected Congress to pass the same change by law. Abortion/murder would have never passed Congress in 1973 if voted upon. It would not pass today if voted on by Congress. Thus, the goal is to bypass Congress and change society through a tyrannical court. And we, the People have allowed it to happen. We have been lied to by educators, the mass media, politicians, and others and we have bought the lies!
The following is a letter to the editor I sent to the Bloomington Pantagraph on 9/23/15 in response to an article written by a political commentator. The Pantagraph did not publish the letter.
“Ruth Marcus is absolutely wrong about the Constitution and the supremacy of judicial decisions. She does not use one provision within the Constitution to support her arguments [She could not because there is NO provision within the Constitution or the amendments that gives the courts the power they have stolen!] Instead, she uses a court case—Marbury v. Madison to support her incorrect positions. That is circular logic. Court decisions are supreme because the courts say they are supreme.
What does the Constitution actually say about constitutional law and the rule of law?
Article I Section 1: All legislative power belongs to Congress.
Courts can not constitutionally make law.
Amendment X: Powers not granted to the federal government or prohibited to the States belong to the States.
Marriage has always been a State issue. Any individual involved in homosexual behavior may be married if they follow State law. In most States, they can not marry someone of the same sex just as I can not marry my mother or my sister.
Article VI Paragraph 2: The supreme law of the land is the Constitution, laws passed by Congress pursuant to the Constitution, and treaties entered into under the Constitution.
Federal court decisions are not the supreme law of the land.
Article IV Section 4: The federal government shall guarantee a republican form of government to every State—a form of government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Five unelected lawless lawyers decided they know best contrary to over thirty States tyrannically imposing their personal opinion upon all the people of the States. Judges are not Oracles upon High.”
Restoring the Constitution means ending the unconstitutional power of the federal courts. Taking back the country means Congress—not the courts—makes the laws of the nation. That was the intent of the Founding Fathers. They did not create three co-equal branches of government. They created three branches that had a descending order of power. The most powerful branch was and is to be Congress. The executive would have less power and the courts would only have case by case authority. It has been turned upside down over the years.
It is time to right the ship and RESTORE the Constitution!
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
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