Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate candidate for Illinois
Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado
Note: [ ] = my additions
Petition: Protect the privacy of children in restrooms
Petition: American Academy of Pediatrics do not subvert my parental role with my child
Petition: American Medical Association, babies do feel pain before 20 weeks! Change your position on the issue.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

With my own experience trying to get on the ballot in Illinois based upon Illinois’ corrupt requirements,
[ Posted here: ]
With my own experience mailing my nominating petition, as allowed by law, from Morton to Springfield which are separated by less than 70 miles and having the petition officially taking 9 days to arrive at the designated location in Springfield and therefore being declared late and thus rejected,
[ Posted here: ]
With the Democrat Party in Illinois through the legislature that it controls redrawing the Congressional District boundaries before the 2012 general election gerrymandering out at least three incumbent Republicans who were elected in 2010 and the Leftist courts approving the gerrymandered districts,
With Leftist federal judges striking down State valid Voter I.D. Card requirements passed to prevent voter fraud including the Texas I.D. law under which I voted,
it has become obvious that Congress needs to use its right to control federal elections within the States under Article I Section 4 ¶ 1.
Article I Section 4 ¶ 1
“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”
I have a proposal to establish the time, place, and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives as provided within the Constitution. The proposal will be posted as a two part post today and tomorrow. Today, the time for the primary election for Senators and Representatives. My reading of the Constitution suggests that Congress can not require the States to use this proposal for Presidential primaries. However, Congress may encourage the States to do just that. I believe most, if not all States, will recognize the advantages of running the primaries for all three at the same time and will include all three in the primaries. By law if passed, the States would have to use this method for nominating candidates for the House of Representatives and for the Senate.
The proposal:
The States and the District of Columbia, which has three Electoral College votes, will be divided into four groups based upon Electoral College votes and compact geographical location so that Presidential candidates could campaign in each region for one primary election.
A drawing would be held to determine the order of the primaries for each primary group with four primary dates in each primary cycle—one primary date for each group of four. During the twenty year cycle of five Presidential Elections, each group would be the first group to hold a primary election within the first sixteen years of the cycle. Each group would also be second, third, and fourth in the first sixteen years. In the fifth election, a new drawing would be held to determine the primary date for each of the four groups.
An example of the election dates in the first cycle might be:
Group A would hold the first primary on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March.
Group B would hold the second primary on Tuesday three weeks after the first primary.
Group C would hold the third primary on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May.
Group D would hold the fourth primary on Tuesday three weeks after the third primary.
An example of the election dates in the second cycle might be:
Group B would hold the first primary on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March.
Group C would hold the second primary on Tuesday three weeks after the first primary.
Group D would hold the third primary on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May.
Group A would hold the fourth primary on Tuesday three weeks after the third primary.
All primaries would be completed in about three months with four primary dates. No State would hold a primary that is separate and distinct from the States in the group.
Alignment for the four groups and the Electoral College votes for each State in 2020:
(Actually this would be a one drawing election. With the census occurring after the 2020 election, the four groups should change slightly as some States lose a member or two in the House and some States gain House members. The cycle is for twenty years with the groupings determined by the appropriate census. Since I do not know the groups after the 2020 census, I used the figures from the 2010 census. The concept is the same. The election years are different.)
State and Electoral College vote (141) |
Group A |
01) Connecticut | 07 |
02) Indiana | 11 |
03) Maine | 04 |
04) Massachusetts | 11 |
05) Michigan | 16 |
06) New Hampshire | 04 |
07) New Jersey | 14 |
08) New York | 29 |
09) Ohio | 18 |
10) Pennsylvania | 20 |
11) Rhode Island | 04 |
12) Vermont | 03 |
State and Electoral College vote (137) |
Group B |
01) Alabama | 09 |
02) Delaware | 03 |
03) District of Columbia | 03 |
04) Florida | 29 |
05) Georgia | 16 |
06) Kentucky | 08 |
07) Maryland | 10 |
08) Mississippi | 06 |
09) North Carolina | 15 |
10) South Carolina | 09 |
11) Tennessee | 11 |
12) Virginia | 13 |
State and Electoral College vote (126) |
Group C |
01) Alaska | 03 |
02) Colorado | 09 |
03) Idaho | 04 |
04) Illinois | 20 |
05) Iowa | 06 |
06) Kansas | 06 |
07) Minnesota | 10 |
08) Missouri | 10 |
09) Montana | 03 |
10) Nebraska | 05 |
11) Nevada | 06 |
12) North Dakota | 03 |
13) Oregon | 07 |
14) South Dakota | 03 |
15) Utah | 06 |
16) Washington | 12 |
17) Wisconsin | 10 |
18) Wyoming | 03 |
State and Electoral College vote (134) |
Group D |
01) Arizona | 11 |
02) Arkansas | 06 |
03) California | 55 |
04) Hawaii | 04 |
05) Louisiana | 08 |
06) New Mexico | 05 |
07) Oklahoma | 07 |
08) Texas | 38 |
The proposal is based upon a primary election being held for Presidential candidates, House candidates, and Senate candidates at the same time. However, if a State does not desire to hold the Presidential primary at this time, it does not create a problem. The State would still hold a primary at the appointed time for House candidates and the Senate candidate, if there is one. Of course, only about one-third of the Senate is elected every two years. Therefore, most States would not have a Senate candidate in any particular election. In the off year elections, the same schedule would be used in 2022 that was used in 2020 [1st Presidential election]. The same schedule would be used in 2026 that was used in 2024 [2nd Presidential election]. The same schedule would be used in 2030 that was used in 2028 [3rd Presidential election]. The same schedule would be used in 2034 that was used in 2032 [4th Presidential election]. There would be a new drawing for the 2036 election. The same schedule would be used in the 2038 election that was used in the 2036 election [5th Presidential election. The 20 year cycle is complete and a new drawing would be held based upon the new census and the realignment of the States into four new groups.].
Probably, the Presidential candidates for all the political parties and all the Houses candidates for all the parties would be known by the end of May. The Senate candidates would also be known by the end of May. From then on, all campaigning is for the general election unless some State(s) chooses to have their Presidential Primary after the end of May.
You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.
Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!
I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.
Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation
For Life, for liberty
Don L. Vance
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
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