Friday, October 28, 2016

Christian Responsibility and Accountability in a Republic

Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate



Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate Candidate for Illinois




Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado




Joe Miller: Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate for Alaska


Dr/Congressman John Fleming: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Louisiana



Donate at Make DC Listen:

Note: [ ] = my additions

Petition: Oppose the establishment of an International Safe Abortion Day at the UN

Petition: Defund Planned Parenthood through the States

Petition: Demand Big Sports Stop Bullying North Carolina Faithful

As you know if you have been to this website regularly, I am a “Never Trump” voter. However, I am also “Never Hillary.”

The CORRUPTION of the Clinton Campaign:

Watch and learn the truth about the Clinton campaign.

Part 1: Rigging the ElectionVideo I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies (I apologize for the language from the Democrats!)

Part 2: Rigging the ElectionVideo II: Mass Voter Fraud (Again, I apologize for the language from the Democrats!)

Part 3: Rigging the ElectionVideo III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Was PERSONALLY Involved (Again, I apologize for the language from the Democrats!)

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

“Our Christian Duty
By David E. Smith | October 27, 2016

In less than two weeks, Americans will know which candidates will direct the course of our state and nation for the next two to four years. Unfortunately, too many Christians do not understand exactly what is at stake. With each passing election cycle, we ought to be ever more concerned with the vital issues of essential liberty, morality, and ethics. Right now, due to the steady erosion of long-held liberties, coupled with the rise of bigger, more tyrannical government and a blatant disregard of corruption in leadership in all areas of government, our Christian values and way of life are quickly disintegrating.

This progressive disintegration is exactly what we can expect to happen when Christian citizens choose to ignore their responsibility to actively participate in self-government. When we refuse to fulfill our obligation, we squander a precious gift given to us by God. By declining to take part in the political process, we are relinquishing our God-given authority and handing it over to atheists and humanists who will abuse, distort and exploit it for themselves or for godless agendas [Ultimately, there are only two groups in every society. Those who are obedience to GOD and those who are not. When those who are obedient to GOD do not participate for whatever reason(s), the act of governance is left to those who are not obedient to GOD. That NEVER ends well!].

It is unthinkable that Christians would refrain from the political process, knowing full well that the absence of their voice and vote will allow godless ideologies and philosophies to influence and capture the culture!

Romans 13 tells us that ‘there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.’ Who has been appointed as authorities here in America? The first three words of the U.S. Constitution tell us: ‘We the people’ are the appointed rulers. In our republican form of government we delegate our authority to certain offices and branches of government, but we are ultimately responsible for the authority that we delegate.

Therefore, when the Bible we profess to believe in tells us that political power comes exclusively from the very God we worship, it is unconscionable for Christians to excuse themselves from the public arena on the grounds that ‘Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics [Christians should be involved in every legal, moral aspect of live and of society. We are to be the light of the world. One is not suppose to hide his light! James 4: 17 (NIV) “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesnt do it, it is sin for them.”].’

I must also point to the fact that a Biblical view of love requires our political engagement. In Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with your entire mind.’ He goes on to tell us that the second great commandment is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

If we truly love our neighbors as ourselves, shouldn’t we be more intentional about opposing or supporting certain candidates and their legislative proposals in Springfield and Washington D.C. because we know how it will affect not only our family, but our neighbor and his or her family as well [This is agape love. Love that wants what is best and righteous for people. Some try to distort this love by saying it involves encouraging and letting people do what they want. When what they want is to sin, it is not love to encourage them and to let them commit spiritual suicide.]?

If we truly love our neighbors, we should be actively promoting candidates [and BE candidates! People of GOD should be and need to be in the political arena just as they need to be doctors, and lawyers, and every other legal and moral profession and line of work!] who are pro-life, pro-marriage, and who understand pro-family concerns in regard to bigger government, higher taxes, drug legalization, school indoctrination, gambling expansion, and pornography [and every other area where government is involved. They also need to know when government should NOT be involved and keep government out of those areas. For the federal government according to the Constitution, government is limited to specific listed powers! According to Romans 13, governments were established by GOD to provide order, justice, and safety. Government was not created to control the people as subjects from cradle to grave nor to provide for them making them dependant upon government.].

Then there is the issue of stewardship. As it has been pointed out before, roughly 20-30 million [individuals who identify as] Christians did not vote [One needs to do more than just vote. The vote should be/must be an informed vote. Voting is more than a right and privilege. It is a responsibility and we will be held accountable for our vote.] in the last presidential election in 2012. This is certainly not good stewardship of God’s gift of self-government!

Consider the passage of Scripture in which Jesus praises a servant by saying ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.’ (Matthew 25:21) In light of this Scripture, is it any surprise that Bible-believing Christians are sparsely represented in Springfield and Washington, D.C.? Moreover, if we aren’t faithful in the little things that God has given us to dosuch as voting or communicating with our elected representativeswhy are we surprised that we aren’t successful when it comes to the bigger things? (This is why you should voluntarily enlist in IFI’s Gideon’s Army!)

Even if America was a monarchy or a dictatorship, where citizens have very little influence in civil government, Christians would still have a responsibility to be salt and light in the dark and decaying culture. In America, however, we are blessed with the benefit of living in a country not only founded on Christian principles, but also established on the maxim that power is derived from the consent of the governed. ‘We the people’ have both a civic and Christian duty to be engaged in culture and government.

I will admit that the situation we face is difficultbut we are not without hope and we have political tools and spiritual resources at our disposal!

Let me challenge each and every one reading this today: Take a stand.

Make sure you research the candidates using the IFI Voter Guide and/or the IFA online guide at Then be sure you make the time to vote!

[Here is where I take issue. The Illinois Voter Guide is incomplete. The two major parties in Illinois have deliberately made it difficult for candidates who are not members of the two political parties to run for office. I can not in good conscience vote for either of the Presidential candidates representing the Republican and Democrat Party. The same is true for the Senate and the House of Representatives for my District.

There is a candidate for each of these offices who represents Christian values and morality. Each is running as a write-in candidate since they could not get on the ballot because of the much higher requirements established by State law to restrict political competition. They are not listed in the voter guide and yet they fulfill the very qualifications that IFI says it is looking for in candidates. They are members of the Constitution Party of Illinois.

The seven principles of the Constitution Party are:

1) SANCTITY OF LIFE: Life for all human beings from conception to natural death [My number one issue!].

2) RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and PERSONAL LIBERTY: Freedom of conscience and actions for the self-governed individual.

3) FAMILY: One husband and one wife with their children, as divinely instituted.

4) PERSONAL AND PRIVATE PROPERTY SECURITY: Each individual’s right to own and steward personal property without government burden.

5) CONSTITUTION PARTY PLATFORM: The Founding Documents interpreted according to the Actual Intent of the Founding Fathers.

6) STATE SOVEREIGNTY: Everything not specifically delegated by the Constitution

to the federal government, nor prohibited by the Constitution to the states, is reserved to the states or to the people [Amendment X of the United States Constitution].

7) FOREIGN POLICY: American government committed to the protection of the borders, trade, and common defense of Americans, with no entanglement in foreign alliances.

Because of the choice of candidates in Illinois and the positions of the candidates on the issues, Im going to write-in:

Darrell Castle for President of the United States

Chad Koppie for United States Senate 

Don Vance for House of Representatives District 18 [Thats me]

For the State General Assembly and county positions in my county and my voting precinct there is only one competitive race because there is only one office that does not have an incumbent seeking reelection. No incumbent has a challenger. Neither party likes competition. If it were not for the write-in candidates, there would be only one office I would vote for because I can not and will not vote for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, Mark Kirk or Tammy Duckworth, Darin LaHood or Junius Rodriguez.]

But let that not be the only political engagement you partake in this year. There are other ways to be involved and to engage the culture. The reality that the godless Left has been able to effectively influence the culture, where we have not, should spur us to do all that we can to present a Biblical worldview.

Many will try to dissuade us from influencing the culture with our faith and political viewstelling us that we should not talk about religion and politics [We have a responsibility to discuss both, in agape love]but that is a ploy to silence us!

How are people to know about Jesus Christ if we refuse to talk about our faith? Likewise, how are people going to know about the good candidates and policies if we won’t engage in political discourse?

George Washington understood the importance of one’s influence. This quote expresses his thoughts:

‘It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn.’

We cannot extend our views on faith and politics if we remain silent, distracted, and disengaged from the public square. [True! Silence is not an option! Apathy is not an option! Fear is not an option! We are to be BOLD!].

So, first and foremost, I encourage you to vote! And after you vote, please do not disengage from the political arena until the next election cycle. Now is the time for Christians to be intentional about engaging the culture! [A good place to start is stopping your local school district from allowing boys who think they are girls and girls who think they are boys from forcing their delusion upon the school district!] It is time that we become good stewards of the duty of self-government and it is time we get serious about being Christs ambassadors [Amen!]! (2 Corinthians 5: 20)

Finally, I want to encourage you to PRAY for our state and nation. We don’t deserve God’s mercy, but we should still wholeheartedly pray for it!

PRAY that citizens in Illinois and across America will choose to go to the polls to support candidates who will honor biblical truth, uphold life and marriage, and defend religious liberty and our Christian faith.

And after this election cycle, continue to PRAY for all of our government officials as you are led, and as 1 Timothy 2:2 instructs us to do.

Please share this on social media and with your Christian neighbors & family members!

Our get-out-the-vote campaign is up and running. We are distributing the IFI Voter Guide to hundreds of churches, civic groups and tea party organizations. Will you financially support our endeavor to educate Illinois voters and promote Judeo-Christian values? Donate today.

And after the election, hold all elected officials responsible and accountable!

You can not win the election if you do not run for the office. You can not win the election if you do not get on the ballot.

Vote Darrell Castle for President. The Constitutional Conservative!

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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