Friday, January 26, 2018

Social Justice, Free Speech, Tolerance, Truth, Tyranny, Leftists, Conservatives, and a Professor Who Lived It

Home Free [Artists] - How Great Thou Art

Men fight for the good so they dont have to fight against the evil.

Or as GOD says:

Proverbs 14: 34 (NIV)

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.”

Mathew 15: 17-20 (NIV)

[Jesus asked them.] ‘Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of a persons mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughtsmurder [abortion], adultery, sexual immorality [homosexual behavior], theft, false testimony, slander. These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

“24 Republicans Vote To Preserve Transgender [Transsexual] Ideology in Military
Warner Todd Huston | July 14, 2017”

My full post on the above article:

House of Representatives Republicans Wall of Shameas established by their own votes:


H R 2810 RECORDED VOTE July 13, 2017 5:41 PM
AUTHOR(S): Hartzler of Missouri Amendment No. 10
QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Amendment

Yes: Republican 209 ~ Democrat 000 = TOTALS 209
No: Republican 024 ~ Democrat 190 = TOTALS 214
Not voting: Republican 06 ~ Democrat 04 = TOTALS 10

House of Representatives Republicans Wall of Shame.”

These 24 Republicans voted to force taxpayers to pay for mutilating surgery for delusional transsexuals who are in the military.

Republicans voting No to defeat the amendment:

[Conservative Review Conservative Scorecard grade]

01) Justin Amash [Michigan-District 3 A 96%]
02) Jack Bergman [Michigan-District 1 F 50%]
03) Mike Coffman [Colorado-District 6 F 56%]
04) Barbara Comstock [Virginia-District 10 F 19%]
05) Paul Cook [California-District 8 F 43%]
06) Ryan Costello [Pennsylvania-District 6 F 19%]
07) Carlos Curbelo [Florida-District 26 F 19%] 
08) Jeffrey Denham [California-District 10 F 33%]
*09) Charlie Dent [Pennsylvania-District 15 F 29%] Not running for reelection.
10) John Faso [New York-District 19 F 50%]
11) Brian (Michael) Fitzpatrick [Pennsylvania-District 8 F 50%]
12) Darrell Issa [California-District 49 F 55%]
13) John Katko [New York-District 24 F 25%]
14) Steve Knight [California-District 25 F 31%]
15) Leonard Lance [New Jersey-District 7 F 42%]
16) Frank LoBiondo [New Jersey-District 2 F 31%]
17) Tom MacArthur [New Jersey-District 3 F 25%]
18) Brian Mast [Florida-District 18 F 50%]
19) Tom Reed [New York-District 23 F 43%]
*20) Dave Reichert [Washington-District 8 F 28%] Not running for reelection.
*21) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [Florida-District 27 F 23%] Not running for reelection.
22) Bill Shuster [or, is it Shyster? Pennsylvania-9 F 47%]
23) Elise Stefanik [New York-21 F 19%]
24) Claudia Tenney [New York-District 22 F 50%]
No votes from Republicans by State:

1) Paul Cook [California-District 8 F 43%]
2) Jeffrey Denham [California-District 10 F 33%]
3) Darrell Issa [California-District 49 F 55%]
4) Steve Knight [California-District 25 F 31%]

1) Mike Coffman [Colorado-District 6 F 56%]

1) Carlos Curbelo [Florida-District 26 F 19%]
2) Brian Mast [Florida-District 18 F 50%]
*3) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [Florida-District 27 F 23%] Not running for reelection.

1) Justin Amash [Michigan-District 3 A 96%]
2) Jack Bergman [Michigan-District 1 F 50%]

1) Leonard Lance [New Jersey-District 7 F 42%]
2) Frank LoBiondo [New Jersey-District 2 F 31%]
3) Tom MacArthur [New Jersey-District 3 F 25%]

1) John Faso [New York-District 19 F 50%]
2) John Katko [New York-District 24 F 25%]
3) Tom Reed [New York-District 23 F 43%]
4) Elise Stefanik [New York-21 F 19%]
5) Claudia Tenney [New York-District 22 F 50%]

1) Ryan Costello [Pennsylvania-District 6 F 19%]
*2) Charlie Dent [Pennsylvania-District 15 F 29%] Not running for reelection.
3) Brian (Michael) Fitzpatrick [Pennsylvania-District 8 F 50%]
4) Bill Shuster [or, is it Shyster? Pennsylvania-9 F 47%]

1) Barbara Comstock [Virginia-District 10 F 19%]

*1) Dave Reichert [Washington-District 8 F 28%] Not running for reelection.

Everyone of these Republicans In Name Only should be primaried and defeated by an actual constitutional conservative who has not capitulated to the radical homosexual lobby in this nation. These 24 RINOs by voting to affirm the delusional fantasies of transsexuals are helping to destroy the military and are, in my opinion, putting both delusional transsexuals and all other military personnel in danger on the battle field during combat.

Update: Illinois Leftists Wall of Shame.”

Original Article:

Transgender/Transsexual Delusion, Legislative Fraud, and a RINO Governor Who Signed into Law His Reelection Defeat

1) Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner
1a) Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner: The last week of September, 2017 Governor Rauner also signed into law a bill requiring Illinois taxpayers to pay for the murder of babies within the womb for Illinois Medicaid recipients and State of Illinois employees.  

2) 64 members of the Illinois State House of Representatives [Listed at the end of the original article]
3) 32 members of the Illinois State Senate [Listed at the end of the original article]

Update: The Illinois House of Representatives overrides the Governors veto increasing the individual State income tax rate by 32%.

“The Illinois State House was back in session this afternoon to override Governor Bruce Rauner’s veto of a 32 percent permanent tax hike on Illinois families (SB 9). This tax grab also raises the corporate income tax rate by 33 percent. As anticipated, the House voted to override the veto this afternoon by a vote of 71-42 [71 being the minimum number of votes to override.]—with 61 Democrats and 10 Republicans voting in favor of increasing our taxes [By raising the tax rate by 32%. Plus, no doubt, increasing the cost of goods and/or increasing unemployment by raising corporate income tax rates by 33 1/3rd percent.].

To see how your state representative voted, please click HERE. To see how your state senator voted, please click HERE.

Much has been written for many years now about how Illinois is being mismanaged. The votes to override common sense is only the latest chapter in that mismanagement.”

Illinois Republicans Wall of Shame.”

From: David E. Smith of Illinois Family Action
July 7, 2017

The Republicans who voted for the tax grab include:

01) Steve Andersson (Geneva)
02) Terri Bryant (Carbondale)
03) Mike Fortner (West Chicago)
04) Norine Hammond (Macomb)
05) David Harris (Arlington Heights)
06) Chad Hays (Danville)
07) Sara Jimenez (Springfield)
08) Bill Mitchell (Decatur)
09) Reggie Phillips (Charleston)
10) Mike Unes (East Peoria)

David E. Smith, Executive Director

Illinois Family Action
P.O. Box 93
Mokena, Illinois 60448”

“The highest, the transcendent glory of the American Revolution was thisit connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the precepts of Christianity. If it has never been considered in that light, it is because its compass has not been perceived.” ~ John Quincy Adams

Y Mike Unes (Republican voted to increase taxes! Lives in East Peoria)
Y Gordon-Booth (Democrat voted to increase taxes! Lives in Peoria)

Four of the seven Morton, Illinois District 709 School Board members voted to support transsexual sexual delusions. TheFour Pretendersare:

Shaun Bill elected term ended in 2017. He is off the school board.

Clint Heinold elected term ended in 2017. He is off the school board.

Kelly Scarfe elected term ended in 2017. She is off the school board.

Michelle Bernier elected term ends in 2019. [Will she run for reelection after the results of the 2017 election?]

Board decisions have consequences. Elections have consequences.

Note: [ ] = my additions

Roe vs. Wade decided January 22, 1973 = 44 years ago as of January 22, 2017

45 years of government sanctioned murder of our own children. Evil personified!

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Twelve months after the 44th year of the illegal
, unconstitutional Roe vs. Wade decision, 1,000,000 babies within the womb have been murdered because of federal government sanctioned evil based upon one million murders of babies within the womb per year. And the murders continue day after day. What has Congress done to stop the unconstitutional murder of our own children? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Congress can not even defund Planned Murderhood.


Abolishing the murder of babies within the womb by Congressional law will actually be faster and more effective than waiting on the court. Right now there are five justices on the court who support the murder of babies within the womb. The four radical Leftist justices appointed by Democrat Presidents and Justice Kennedy. Therefore, to even have a chance of the court reversing, we need one more Constitutional Justice and the one appointed has to replace one of the five pro-murdering babies within the womb justices. Even then, it would take a couple of years, at least, to get the case through the court system.

Passing a law of Congress is the best way of ending the terror of our American holocaust. The best way to abolish the murder of babies within the womb. The best way to stop any State from passing a law allowing the murder of babies within the womb. And it is also best constitutionally.

Life for all persons within the United States including babies within the womb is guaranteed and protected by the Declaration of Independence, Amendment V of the United States Constitution, and Amendment XIV of the United States Constitution. No court, no government body, no individual can constitutionally sanction the murder of babies within the womb. All such decisions, laws, and regulations are patently unconstitutional and illegal and should be immediately abolished by Congress by law!

Statistically, everyday of delay over 2,700 babies are murdered in the womb through abortion using 1 million abortions a year as a baseline. It is past time to attack the evil of murdering babies within the womb on every front with every legal weapon we can use until the murder of babies within the womb is abolished completely throughout the United States and its territories. Murder of babies within the womb is a horrendous evil that needs to and must be terminated.

Sign the petition to the Health and Human Services Secretary to help put an end to taxpayer funding of Planned Murderhood.

Click here to sign the petition.

No organization that murders babies within the womb and/or supports and promotes the same should ever receive federal government money either directly or indirectly.

The latest released video exposing Planned Murderhood and the murder of babies within the womb industry:

Above video was removed by youtube as it censors video that is in opposition to its LEFTIST agenda.

New link to the video:

This one has now been removed too. What does the murder of babies within the womb industry fear? The truth and the truth getting out to the world. No better proof than this censorship.

Newer link to the video:

As of 1PM CDT Saturday 5/27/2017 the video is at this link. I do not know how long it will remain. I am listening to it as I write.

As of 3:33AM CDT Sunday 5/28/2017 the video has been removed.

This video does not exist.”

Censorship by the Left reigns supreme in the United States of America.

My post on the judge who censored the videos:

Order given by federal judge William Orrick who was appointed by President Barack Hussein Obama.

Petition to Defund Planned Murderhood NOW!:

NO organization, including Planned Murderhood, which is involved in any way with the sinful, evil, barbaric practice of murdering babies within the womb should ever receive our taxpayer money!

The lies of Planned Murderhood supporters and promoters



Petition to defund the United Nations:

The UN is a completely failed organization. It needs to be defunded.

¨ For its attacks on the sovereign State of Israel,
¨ For its promotion of and support for murdering babies within the womb and the radical homosexual agenda.
¨ For supporting and promoting the scientific nonsense of man-made global warming,
¨ And for its call for one world government in direct violation of the sovereignty of the United States of America.

¨ Then, the US needs to get out of the UN and get the UN out of the US.

Pic: Constitution Test [in Constitution file]

I have been asking these questions for a good while. The correct answers are given below.

A brief quiz on the Constitution:

1) What Article, Section, Paragraph within the United States Constitution gives the federal courts the power to interpret the Constitution of the United States?

There is no provision within the Constitution that gives the federal courts the power to interpret the Constitution of the United States.

2) What are the constitutional qualifications for individuals appointed to the federal courts?

Appointed by the President and approved by the Senate by a simple majority vote. There are no other specific qualifications. They do not have to be lawyers. Technically, there is not even a citizenship requirement.

3) What is the constitutional term of office for individuals appointed to the federal courts?

Good behavior. As stated in this post: there is no life time appointment. The correct answer is good behavior.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative

Isaiah 1: 1-31 (NIV)

The vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem [Applicable to the United States today, in my opinion. GOD is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. HE is righteous, just, and true yesterday, today, and tomorrow!] that Isaiah son of Amoz saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Hear me, you heavens! Listen, earth! For the Lord has spoken: ‘I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me [The United States has and is rebelling against GOD!]. The ox knows its master, the donkey its owner’s manger, but Israel [the United States] does not know, my people [the United States] do not understand.’

Woe to the sinful nation [the United States], a people whose guilt is great, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! They have forsaken the Lord [the United States]; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel [the United States] and turned their backs on him [the United States] .

Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion? Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted. From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness—only wounds and welts and open sores, not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with olive oil.

Your country is desolate, your cities burned with fire; your fields are being stripped by foreigners right before you, laid waste as when overthrown by strangers. Daughter Zion is left like a shelter in a vineyard, like a hut in a cucumber field, like a city under siege. Unless the Lord Almighty had left us some survivors, we would have become like Sodom [destroyed by GOD because of homosexual sin!], we would have been like Gomorrah [destroyed by GOD because of homosexual sin!].

[Read Genesis 18 and 19 for the Biblical account. Genesis 19: 23-29 (NIV)]

“By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land. Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. Thus he [GOD] overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities [A righteous act by a righteous GOD WHO destroyed evil people who refused to repent from their evil. And yes, I believe the account and so did JESUS the SON of GOD. HE referenced Sodom and/or Gomorrah several times. Matthew 10: 15 (NIV) “Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.”]—and also the vegetation in the land. But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the Lord. He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the land of the plain, and he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace.

So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he [GOD] brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.”

This is also why homosexual radicals attack Christians who speak out against homosexual behavior. Christians who know the Bible know that homosexual behavior is sin punishable by spiritual death. There is NO rightto homosexual behavior and people are NOT born homosexual. Homosexual behavior is learned behavior. Therefore, people do not have to be involved in the behavior and people can repent and STOP being involved in the behavior!]

Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom [the United States]; listen to the instruction of our God, you people of Gomorrah [the United States]! ‘The multitude of your sacrifices—what are they to me?’ says the Lord. ‘I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats. When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts? Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations—I cannot bear your worthless assemblies. Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals I hate with all my being. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you [the present or the future for the United States?]; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening [the present or the future for the United States?].

Your hands are full of blood [the present for the United States as we as a nation MURDER over a million babies a year through government sanctioned abortions!]!

Wash and make yourselves clean [Will we?]. Take your evil deeds out of my sight [Will we?]; stop doing wrong [Will we?]. Learn to do right [Will we?]; seek justice [Will we?]. Defend the oppressed [Will we? Who are more oppressed than murdered babies?]. Take up the cause of the fatherless [Will we? GODS family structure not mans]; plead the case of the widow [Will we? GODS family structure not mans].’

‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient [Stop rebelling], you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.’ For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

See how the faithful city has become a prostitute! She once was full of justice; righteousness used to dwell in her—but now murderers! Your silver has become dross, your choice wine is diluted with water. Your rulers are rebels, partners with thieves; they all love bribes and chase after gifts. They do not defend the cause of the fatherless; the widow’s case does not come before them.

Therefore the Lord, the Lord Almighty, the Mighty One of Israel, declares: ‘Ah! I will vent my wrath on my foes and avenge myself on my enemies. I will turn my hand against you; I will thoroughly purge away your dross and remove all your impurities. I will restore your leaders as in days of old, your rulers as at the beginning. Afterward you will be called the City of Righteousness, the Faithful City.’

Zion will be delivered with justice, her penitent ones with righteousness. But rebels and sinners will both be broken, and those who forsake the Lord will perish. ‘You will be ashamed because of the sacred oaks in which you have delighted; you will be disgraced because of the gardens that you have chosen. You will be like an oak with fading leaves, like a garden without water. The mighty man will become tinder and his work a spark; both will burn together, with no one to quench the fire.’”

Planned Murderhood does not provide healthcare video:

“Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood] says it needs hundreds of millions in taxpayer funding to help pregnant women. Yet when moms need prenatal care, ultrasounds, and adoption services, Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood] turns them away and tells them toGoogle it.’ How is the abortion [murder of babies within the womb] giant using our tax dollars [Over half a billion dollars of federal money in the last fiscal year and funded by a Republican Congress through the 2016-2017 fiscal year that ended September 30, 2017.]?”

Video: “Pregnant women call Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood] to hear about their options”

Donate to Live Action:

Bonus video: The advantages of a Harvard education and being a Leftist:

UNBELIEVABLE! She needs to go back to Harvard? No wait, Harvard obviously did not do a thing to educate this individual to the realities of the real world.

Is this the future for the United States?

Boycott Target UPDATE:

The purpose of the Target boycott is to help Target change its current policy of allowing men into the facilities of women and allowing women into the facilities of men by hurting its bottom line. A classic “follow the money” approach. Is it working? Your decision:

Target stock as of the day American Family Association called for a boycott of Target because of its transsexual policy.

4/20/16: Open price: 83.94 High price: 83.96 Close price: 82.87

The following are selected end of the week closing prices for Target common stock:

Target: 05/17/16 close: $ 73.61 DOWN $9.26 in just under a month.
Target: 06/18/16: 67.50.

Target: 12/05/16: 77.68 Peak retail businesses time of the year.

1 Year later: Target: 12/01/17: 59.50 Peak retail businesses time of the year. Down over $18 a share over this time last year with the Dow Jones hitting new highs.

Target: 12/30/16: 72.23 end of year. Christmas time and after is the most important time of the year for retailers such as Target.

Target: 01/20/17: 64.10.
Target: 03/15/17: 54.57.

5 year price for Target stock as of March 15, 2017

High 84.69 on July 17, 2015
Low 54.56 on March 15, 2017
Average 68.03 for past 5 years

Target: 06/02/17: 55.52.
Target: 06/16/17: 52.61 new weekending low since boycott started.
Target: 06/23/17: 50.67 After Hours new weekending low since boycott started.
Target: 06/30/17: 52.24.

DOWN $30 a share in just over a year and two months. DOWN $30 a share.

Follow the money. One million shares of common stock equals a loss in share value of 30 million dollars.

Boycott update:

Target: 09/01/17: 56.15.
Target: 10/06/17: 57.13.

Dow Jones Industrial Average June 1, 2017 closed at 21,144.18
Dow Jones Industrial Average September 1 closed at 21,987.56 up 3.99%.
Dow Jones Industrial Average October 6 closed at 22,773.67 up 3.58%.
Dow Jones Industrial Average December 1, 2017 closed at 24,231.59 up 6.4% from October 6, 2017.

Target from 55.52 on 6/2/17 to 56.15 on 9/1/17 up 1.14%.
Target from 56.15 on 9/1/17 to 57.13 on 10/6/17 up 1.75%.

August is back to school month which is normally the second busiest season for retailers like Target. Yet, while the Dow Jones was up 3.99%, Target was only up 1.14%. The boycott stills seems to be having the desired effect.

Dow Jones was up 3.58% in just over a month. Target was only up 1.75%. Target is still lagging behind the larger market as measured by the Dow. The boycott stills seems to be having the desired effect.

Target from 57.13 on 10/6/17 to 59.50 on 12/1/17 up 4.15% with the Dow up 6.4% over the same period. Target is still lagging behind the larger market as measured by the Dow. The boycott stills seems to be having the desired effect.

My post from Monday:

Pro-Life, Abortions, Abortion Exceptions, the Nuremberg Trials, and the Forty-Fifth Anniversary of Pure Evil.”

My Tuesday post:

Pro-Life, Abortions, Murder, Judicial Tyranny, and Constitutional Accountability

I will continue my posts on the tyrannical federal courts in a couple of days after posting and commenting on two e-mails I received yesterday on two different subjects. That means, hopefully, I will resume my posts on our tyrannical federal courts Saturday.


“As you know, political correctness has overtaken the higher education system—but as left wing lunacy infects campus after campus, more students and faculty are willing to stand up to the social justice mob once and for all.

One example of this is New York University’s own ‘deplorable professor’ who finally said enough was enough.”

An interview with the ‘Anti-PC [Politically Correct] New York University Professor’
January 22, 2018
Mark Tapson

‘In the fall of 2016,’ New York University [NYU] professor Michael Rectenwald recently Click told The Daily Caller, ‘I was noting an increase of this social justice ideology [“Social justiceis likeclimate change.” It can mean anything the Left wants it to mean. Ambiguity is the name of the game.] on campuses, and it started to really alarm me. I saw it coming home to roost here at NYU, with the creation of the bias reporting hotline [Biased according to whom?], and with the cancellation of the Milo Yiannopoulos talk because someone might walk past it and hear something which might ‘trigger’ them [The typicalsnowflakereaction.].’

Rectenwald, himself a leftist [Eventually even some Leftists recognize the truth.], created an initially anonymous Twitter account,
@antipcnyuprof, to speak out against that ideology and the ‘absolutely anti-education and anti-intellectualclassroom indoctrination he was witnessing, as well as the collectivist surveillance state that the campus was becoming [The Soviet Union within the United States.], as students were urged to report each other for the sin of committing microaggressions [A newly coined word that is based upon nonsense. How in the world will these people survive in the real world?].

In October of that year, he outed himself as the man behind the controversial Twitter account, and ‘all [expletive deleted] broke loose.’ He swiftly found himself the target of shunning and harassment from his colleagues and the NYU administration [Not a surprise.]. In true Cultural Revolution fashion, several colleagues in his department in the Liberal Studies Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group [What? Thats a Department at an University?] published an open letter declaring him guilty of incorrect thinking [Heresy in the ranks.]. ‘The thing that is interesting here is that they were saying that because I don’t think like them [The Left demands TOTAL conformity.], I am sick and mentally ill,’ Rectenwald said to the Daily Caller.

Instead of kowtowing to the campus totalitarians, Rectenwald declared himself done with the Left in a February 2017 tweet (‘The Left has utterly and completely lost its way [Duh.] and I no longer want anything to do with it.’) and has gone on to become an even more fervent defender of free speech and academic freedom. He has appeared often in conservative media to discuss those issues and the harassment he has received from the Left.

A commentary on last night’s viral Twitter attack on me. Goodbye to the Left, goodbye.
— Michael Rectenwald (@antipcnyuprof) February 22, 2017
Recently Rectenwald even filed a lawsuit against NYU and four of his colleagues for defamation [Good.]. He consented to answering some questions for FrontPage Mag about his conflict with the NYU ideologues.

[Note: For clarity sake, The interviewers initials are in red and the professors initials are in blue.]

Mark Tapson: A year ago on Twitter you wrote, ‘Goodbye to the Left, goodbye.’ Can you describe your intellectual journey from ‘left-liberal activist’ to outspoken ‘deplorable’ and what drove that seemingly sudden transition?

Michael Rectenwald: In hindsight, I think that the transition was less sudden than it might have appeared. I had gone from a left-liberal activist to a left communist before I became ‘deplorable.’ I narrate the history of the transition in my book, discussed below. But I’ll tell something of the transition here.

My public criticisms of ‘social justice’ ideology and politically correct authoritarianism resonated with large swaths of the political right. I gained a sizeable new audience and support network—through Twitter, Facebook and via hundreds of supportive emails. I also drew backing from ‘cultural libertarians,’ as Paul Joseph Watson dubbed this newly-emergent ‘counterculture.’ It should come as no surprise that many Trumpists backed me, especially given Trump’s regular (although non-specific) criticisms of political correctness.

Criticism of political correctness was supposed to be the exclusive province of the rightwing. For most observers, it was almost inconceivable that an anti-P.C. critic could come from another political quarter. Unsurprisingly, then, the majority of people who discovered my case, including some reporters, simply assumed that I was a conservative. As one Twitter troll put it: ‘You’re anti-P.C. [Politically Correct]? You must be a rightwing nut-job [Name calling.].’ But as I explained in numerous interviews and essays, I was not a Trump supporter; I was never a right-winger, or an alt-right-winger; I was never a conservative of any variety. I wasn’t even a classical John Stuart Mill liberal.

In fact, for several years, I had identified as a left or libertarian communist. My politics were to the left (and considerably critical of the authoritarianism) of Bolshevism! I published essays in socialist journals on several topics, including a Marxist critique of postmodern theory, analyses of identity politics and intersectionality theory (here and here), analyses of political economy (here and here), and an examination of the prospects for socialism in the context of transhumanism. I became a respected Marxist thinker and essayist. I had flirted with a Trotskyist sect [In opposition to Stalins brand of communism.” Both Trotsky and Stalin identified themselves as communists.], and later became affiliated with a loosely organized left or libertarian communist group.

It wasn’t only strangers who mistook me for rightwing or conservative. So too did many who knew better.
An anti-Trump mania and reactionary fervor now gripped liberals and leftists of nearly all stripes. Previously unaffiliated and warring left and liberal factions consolidated and circled the wagons. Anyone who failed to signal complete fidelity to ‘the resistance’ risked being savaged [The Left has no problem devouring its own.].

my appearance on Fox Business News, such rabid ideologues ambushed me. The social-justice-sympathetic members of the left communist group to which I belonged denounced me in a series of group emails. Several members conducted a preposterous cyber show-trial [Soviet Union style?], bringing charges against me and calling for votes on a number of alleged transgressions [Sins against the movement.]. From what I could tell, my worst offences included appearing on Fox News, sounding remotely like a member of an opposing political tribe, receiving positive coverage in right-leaning media, and criticizing leftist milieus just as Trump became President.

I denied that these self-appointed judges held any moral authority over me and declared their arbitrations null and void. Meanwhile, the elders of the group (one a supposed friend of mine) had remained silent, allowing the abuse to go on unabated for a day. When the elders finally chimed in, they called for my official expulsion [A traitor to the cause.]. I told them not to bother as I wanted nothing further to do with them; I quit. In their collectivist zeal, they later stripped my name from three essays that I’d written for publication on their website [Of course. Once banned, he becomes a none person. Stalin did the same thing in Communist Russia.], and assigned their authorship to someone else entirely. Upon discovering this fraudulence, I publicly berated them for plagiarism. A prominent member of the American Association of University Professors noticed my complaint and investigated the alleged breach of intellectual integrity. Verifying my authorship of the essays, he condemned the group’s actions in
a popular blog. Only then did the benevolent dictators return my name to the essays’ mastheads [Surprising. Must have feared a lawsuit.].

Friends and acquaintances from other communities also turned on me with a vengeance, joining in the groupthink repudiation. After
my appearance on ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ on Fox News, the Twitter attack was so fierce, vitriolic, and sustained that my associate Lori Price and I spent a whole night blocking and muting tweeters.

But the worst banishment came from the NYU Liberal Studies community—to which I had contributed a great deal, and of which I had striven for years to be a well-regarded member. Soon after the open letter appeared, I recognized a virtual universal shunning by my faculty colleagues. One after another, colleagues unfriended and blocked me on Facebook. The few that didn’t simply avoided me entirely, until I saved them the trouble and unfriended them. Most stinging were the betrayals of those who once relied on my generosity, some whose careers I had supported and considerably advanced [Surprised?].

Despite the harsh treatment doled out to me by the social justice left and the warm reception I received from the right, I did not become a right-winger, or a conservative. But after the social-justice-infiltrated left showed me its gnarly fangs and drove me out, I could no longer identify as a leftist.

MT: As a staunch First Amendment defender, do you think it is possible to reverse the culture of politically correct totalitarianism that seems to be dominating academia today, and how can we do that?

MR: It is possible but reversing a forty-year trend that has finally resulted in what we have today—the complete takeover of academic pedagogy, philosophy, and policy by ‘social justice’ ideology [scary.]—will take a long, sustained effort, and the support of elements of the culture outside of academe, including media pundits, writers, independent scholars, public intellectuals, and a growing body of disaffected and vocal academic apostates and other renegades willing to take risks [What it always seems to take. A counter insurgence. Totalitarians ALWAYS go too far.]—as Bret Weinstein, Jordan Peterson, and others, including myself, have done. The way will be treacherous because the ‘social justiceleft controls academic departments and administrations almost entirely, and everyone else within academia has been cowed into submission for fear of being ‘called out’ as well. We are dealing with a Maoist-like Red Guard as we undergo a soft cultural revolution of our own. David Horowitz has been right all this time about the communists lurking in academia. Their impact has now been manifested through the ‘social justice’ movement.

I put ‘social justice’ in scare quotes because this term is a misnomer if there ever was one [Duh. The Left has NO concept of justice and bysocialthey mean conform to our beliefs.]. Although the movement trades on a euphemistic name and the good will that movements that have gone by the same name have earned, including the Civil Rights movement, contemporarysocial justicehas nothing to do with justice and is anything but benevolent [True.]. It is a movement based on postmodernist theoretical notions and as I have pointed out (here and here [These do not link to anything in the original article. Forgot?]), the postmodern adoption of Stalinist and Maoist disciplinary mechanisms, such as ‘autocritique’ and ‘struggle sessions.’ It is totalitarian through and through. We must learn from and employ the tactics that served to defeat totalitarian leftism in the past.

MT: Apart from personal vindication, of course, is there some larger objective you are hoping to accomplish through this defamation lawsuit against NYU?

MR: I want to make clear that social justice activists cannot get away with replacing the First Amendment with their own speech codes. They are not the official arbiters of acceptable speech [Good thing.], despite their self-arrogation as such.

The First Amendment does not protect all speech. It does not, for example, protect speech that leads to illegal activity and/or imminent violence. It does not protect defamation, slander, or libel. The First Amendment does not protect speakers from liability for the foreseeable consequences of their speech.

The ‘social justice’ leftists are now claiming that I am a hypocrite because I am suing over insults, and that I am seeking a safe space of my own. But they apparently do not understand the difference between an incidental differing of opinion, an insult, and the real damages of defamation. I never claimed to be a free speech absolutist. And my own exercise of free speech and so-called academic freedom amounted to criticism of the ‘social justice’ ideology and the mechanisms prevalent in academia and beyond. I never once mentioned any individuals by name. I never once engaged in ad hominem argumentation.

My attackers, however, showed no such restraint. In fact, they maliciously and mendaciously attacked me using official university email list servs, with the explicit aim of damaging my professional reputation and destroying my career [That is what they do to disbelievers. Christians who will not conform to the homosexual agenda, for example. The Left attacks to destroy ALL opposition.]

Meanwhile, irony, contradiction, and hypocrisy are all on their side. Based on the postmodern theoretical notion of ‘social and linguistic constructivism,’ the ‘social justice’ left deems language use a material act. Thus, they excuse shutting down speech they disapprove of, ‘by any means necessary.’ Yet ‘social justice’ leftists actually have no problem with truly damaging language use—as long as it’s being undertaken by them [Exactly correct. Name calling which is a standard propaganda technique is used extensively by the Left. Every person they disagree with is ahater,” abigot,” aracist,” asexist,” ahomophobe,” a youfill in the blank.”], that is. While Antifa, the ‘social justice’ extracurricular infantry, burns down campuses to prevent the airing of ‘dangerous’ speech, the ‘social justice’ leftists seek safe spaces—not as protection from the violence of their compeers, but from the so-called ‘discursive violence [What?]’ of non-PC-left speakers. Yet ‘social justice’ ideologues undertake the most virulent forms of libel and defamation when dealing with speakers who express views at variance with their own [Of course. They consider themselves exempt.].

Ironically, precisely while calling me a ‘racist,’ ‘sexist,’ ‘bully,’ and ‘Satan,’ I was bullied, abused and pelted with racist, sexist and other remarks that denigrated me on the basis of my race and sex or gender [Of course. Tolerance for me but not for thee is their working motto.]. The irony, double standard and hypocrisy are astounding. If the reverse had been the case, all [expletive deleted] would have broken loose. The defendants apparently thought that individual rights are not real and that because I am of a certain category they could make such statements with impunity [Welcome to the world conservatives face daily.]. But the law doesn’t agree.

So, while this suit is not merely symbolic—I have actually suffered from defamation, from malicious and mendacious speech intended to destroy me professionally and otherwise [Look what they did to Judge Roy Moore based upon a 37 year-old accusation that had NO creditable evidence to back it up. Did not matter.]—it is also meant as a symbolic case in point, as an example to demonstrate the intent and scope of the First Amendment, which differs markedly from ‘social justice’ speech rules. The main ‘social justice’ speech rule is this: ‘social justice’ leftists can say (and do) whatever they want to say (and do). And they can shut down whatever they don’t want said (or done)—‘by any means possible [Thats it. From a person who lived on both sides.].’ The only problem is that they are legally wrong.

MT: You have a new book in the works about the postmodern roots of social justice ideology. Can you tell us a little about that and when we can expect it?

MR: The book is a memoir whose central argument is that the contemporary ‘social justice’ creed and movement is the child of postmodern theory, while also incorporating some of the methods of Stalinism and Maoism. Just as postmodern theory lay dying in the academy, it gave birth to a child: ‘social justice’ ideology.

I demonstrate the genealogy of ‘social justice’ by recalling and retracing my own graduate education in Critical Theory (The Frankfurt School) and postmodern theory (deconstruction, poststructuralism, Lacanian psychoanalytic theory, third-wave feminist theory, Science Studies, gender [sex] and transgender [transsexual] theory, and so on). The book explains just how social justice derives from postmodern theoretical notions and how and why these notions are not only philosophically wrong but also extremely pernicious. I recall my own indoctrination into these schools of thought, as well my emergence from them. The book is 95% complete, so hopefully it will appear in matter of a few months. The tentative (and hopefully final) title is Springtime for Snowflakes: Social Justice and Its Postmodern Parent. (I am currently on the market for a new publisher [The old one got attacked by social justice warriors? I would not be surprised.].)

MT: With a title like Springtime for Snowflakes, it’s bound to be a great read. Thanks, Professor Rectenwald, and congratulations on your escape from the dark side into the light!


The new Donald Trump commercial that has the Left in an uproar:


Decisions have consequences.

GOD knows the EVIL we as a nation have done and the EVIL we continue to condone. It is past time to REPENT. It is past time to ABOLISH the murder of babies within the womb. Forty-five years of murdering babies within the womb is forty-five years too long. We will ALL be held accountable for our actions and for our inactions.

Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

James 4: 17 (NIV)

“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesnt do it, it is sin for them.”

Revelation 9: 20-21 (NIV)

The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.”

The Link to Monday’s post:

DACA, DREAMERS, Amnesty, Congress, President Trump, Illegal Aliens, Border Security, and Decisions Have Consequences

The link to Tuesday’s post:

DREAMERS, DACA, Amnesty, Illegal Aliens, Arizona, Senator Jeff Flake, and Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens

The Link to Wednesday’s post:

Illegal Aliens, a Federal Government Shut Down, DREAMERS, DACA, and Amnesty for Everyone?”

The Link to Thursday’s post:

Immigrant Terrorists, Illegal Aliens, Sanctuary Cities, DREAMERS, DACA, and Amnesty for Everyone?”

I and many others fought against amnesty during the Bush Administration and won. I and many others fought against amnesty during the Obama Administration and the Gang of Eight and won. I and many others will fight against amnesty now.

Warning to Establishment Republicans: Now is NOT the time to give in to the Left and grant amnesty to anyone who is here illegally. Decisions have consequences.

Contact your Congressman

Contact your Senators

We need many more conservatives in the Senate to abolish the sinful EVIL that is the murder of babies within the womb. That is why I will be concentrating on Senate elections in 2018 although also dealing with some important House races. We need to end the abomination that is the murder of babies within the womb. Every day is a day too late.

It is past time to hold federal judges accountable. Impeachment is a method provided within the Constitution to hold federal judges accountable. We need to elect Congressional candidates who are willing to expose the misdeeds of judges and are willing to hold them accountable through impeachment and conviction, if necessary

John 3: 20 (NIV)

Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.”

Ephesians 5: 11 (NIV)

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”

Proverbs 26: 26 (NIV)

“Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.”

We need to replace as many Establishment Republicans will conservatives as we can. We all know Mitch McConnell and his crew are going to support the Establishment Republican over a conservative. They have time after time. We last saw it in Alabama where Establishment Republicans including Mitt Romney actually helped the Leftist win the special election.

This election year, I will concentrate on federal Senate elections, selected federal House elections, and certain gubernatorial elections. Illinois will be one of those gubernatorial elections. The Illinois primary is currently underway. In the primaries, I will concentrate on the Republican candidates most often.

We need to rededicate ourselves to abolishing the murder of babies within the womb this coming year. The sooner the murder of babies within the womb is abolished, the more innocent lives that will be saved. Pray and then get actively involved in the solution. If we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem. Words have consequences. Actions have consequences. Inaction has consequences.

Ephesians 6: 10-17 (NIV)

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

1) belt of truth.
2) breastplate of righteousness.
3) feet fitted gospel of peace.
4) shield of faith.
5) helmet of salvation.
6) sword of the Spirit. [Our weapon is the HOLY SPIRIT. Is there a more powerful weapon, if used righteously?]

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!


Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.”

Matthew 5: 10-12 (NIV)

“‘Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.’”

From: The Loop from Catholic Vote

QUOTE OF THE WEEK // Hans Fiene on anti-Christian Twitter mobs: ‘Twitter: We hate Joel Osteen for not following the Bible. Also Twitter: We hate the Nashville Statement for following the Bible.’”

Supposedly, Joel Osteen said his church would not be available during the current Houston flooding challenge. The Nashville Statement confirms the long standing Christian acknowledgment that homosexual behavior is sinful behavior.

The Left hates anyone and anything that disagrees with them and their agenda.

At the Orgy of Self-Righteousness.
George Neumayr | August 18, 2017”

One wonders what entitles this generation to speak so confidently about past evils given its inability to recognize present ones. Modern America is awash in the blood of millions of aborted [murdered] childrena monstrous evil were told is as central to the modern lifestyle as slavery was to the ancient one [Make no mistake about it. Murdering ones own children is far more evil than slavery. And yes, slavery is evil.]”

The best, most constitutional way to accomplish abolishing abortion is to do the following:

1) Congress by law affirms that human life begins at conception/fertilization.

2) Congress by law affirms that human life is protected by both Amendments Five and Fourteen from the beginning of life at conception to the end of life through natural causes.

3) Congress by law affirms that the taking of a human life within the womb is a criminal offense and establishes the legal parameters for prosecuting and punishing all such criminal offenses. Congress by law affirms that any local official and/or State official who tries to hinder and/or does not apply these laws properly has committed a criminal offense. Congress by law establishes the legal parameters for prosecuting and punishing all such criminal offenses.

4) Congress by law affirms that any and all previous court case rulings in contradiction to these specific laws passed by Congress are null and void.

5) Congress by law removes the courts from any ability to alter and/or invalidate any provisions of these specific laws passed by Congress.

Rules of Life:

1) Actions have consequences and may have a lasting impact on the rest of your life.

2) There is no reset, undo, or edit button in life.

3) You are the ONLY person responsible for your actions.

4) You are free to choose whatever action you want to take, but you are NOT free from the consequences of that action.

5) Doing nothing is an action.

Or, as GOD said in James 4: 17 (NIV)

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesnt do it, it is sin for them.”

Matthew 12: 35-37 (NIV)

“‘A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned [We are all held accountable by GOD.].’”

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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