Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Black Lives Matter, Abortion, Democrats, Congress, Gun Free Zones, and Congressional Hypocrisy

Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate

Website: http://castle2016.com/

Donate: https://castle2016.nationbuilder.com/donate

Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate candidate for Illinois

Website: http://www.chadkoppie.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chad-Koppie-Campaign-175035105892775

Donate: http://www.chadkoppie.com/donations.php    


Note: [ ] = my additions



WHEREAS: Black Lives Matter has stoked the flames on anti-police rhetoric and instigated racial division across America.

WHEREAS: Black Lives Matter has encourages supporters to attack members of the law enforcement community.

WHEREAS: The shooter who murdered 5 Dallas police officers and injured 7 others was fulfilling Black Lives Matter’s rabid demands for vengeance against ‘killer cops.’

AND IN FACT: A terrorist group, by definition, uses violence against civilians to coerce the government to comply with its political demands.

THEREFORE: I demand Congress acknowledge what this malicious and threatening organization really stands for by officially recognizing Black Lives Matter as a domestic terrorist organization.”

If Black lives really mattered to this “terrorist” organization, they would be protesting the continuous murder of unborn Black babies within the United States. Based upon the percentage of unborn babies murdered by race, more Black babies are murdered than any other race.


“A recent study about national abortion rates and African-American female teens has stirred a huge debate.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, [This institution is a spin off organization originating in Planned Murderhood (AKA Planned Parenthood). Therefore, it is not exactly pro-life.] abortion rates among Black women are much higher than we thought: They are four times the rate of white women. The report found that on average, 41 in 1,000 pregnancies among Black women (ages 15-19) are terminated compared to 10 among white women and 20 among Latinas.

Other findings included:

—The highest abortion rates among Black teens occur in Texas (78 per 1,000), New York (76 per 1,000), Delaware (51 per 1,000), Michigan (45 per 1,000), Ohio (35 per 1,000) and Rhode Island (30 per 1,000) [California does not keep records on abortion/murders].

While Black women account for 13 percent of the female population, they accounted for 30 percent of all abortions. In 2008, 75,960 Black teens 15-19 had abortions, compared to 65,972 among white teens and 41,465 among Hispanic teens.

‘Free Yourself (from #BlackLivesMatter Propaganda)’


If Black lives really mattered to this “terrorist” organization, they would be protesting the extremely high rate of Black on Black crime including murder in Chicago and other Democrat Party controlled large cities. Why is it that news organizations don’t point out the obvious correlation between Democrat Party controlled large cities and Black on Black crime?


Since 1931, every mayor of Chicago has been a Democrat. Thats 85 years and counting of one party rule. Could it be that there is a high positive correlation between Democrat policies in Chicago and Black on Black crime in Chicago? Why is all the focus on the police departments of the city rather than the political party that controls the city and, therefore, controls the police department? Just wondering. 

If Black lives really mattered to this “terrorist” organization, they would not be blocking major interstate freeways in the protest areas. What if an ambulance or other emergency service vehicle is prevented from getting to a destination because of the blocked freeway? What if a life and/or lives are lost because of that blocked freeway? What if Black lives are lost because of that blocked freeway? Will the protesters take responsibility for their lawless actions?

It is not Black lives that matter. It is the radical agenda that matters!

Bonus: Congressional Staffers Refuse To Put Gun-Free Zone Signs On Their Property

From: James O’Keefe: Project Veritas
Subject: BREAKING VIDEO: anti-gun Congressmen want what now?
Date: July 12, 2016

“Hypocrisy knows no bounds when you’re a politician.

Watch this breaking video by Project Veritas going undercover as ‘Citizens Against Senseless Gun Violence’ asking the most anti-gun Congressmen and their staffs to put a sign up at their homes proudly stating they’re a gun-free property.

Watch “leaders” like Charlie Rangel who force gun-free zones on the rest of us refuse to even take a sign saying they live in a gun-free zone, let alone post it!

But rest assured, he
told us ‘he’s 100% on board with the issue.’

Do as I say, not as I do: the politician’s creed. [Many politicians! Not all! Democrat politicians particularly in this instance!]

They sat in the House in protest like toddlers throwing tantrums until they got another gun ban passed, in the aftermath of a senseless act of violence against innocent civilians in Orlando, Florida.

At the same time
made it very clear that law-abiding citizens like you and me shouldn’t have a right to protect ourselves with a firearm of our choice, and they were going to do whatever it takes to take those rights away from us.

But watch how quick they are to explain how proudly pronouncing they aren’t armed would ‘make them a target for criminals.’ [And it does! Every gun free zone does!]

You think?

A staffer for Congressman Conyers Jr. told us how his concern is ‘well if there’s no gun, let me just kick down the door ….’ [Exactly!]

What he says next is infuriating.

You have to
see for yourself how everyone we posed this question to was afraid of making themselves (or their bosses) a target for telling criminals they arent armed, but are passing laws to do just this to all of us!

Here at Project Veritas we capture these undercover videos so you can hold your government accountable for their actions, and we can’t do it without your help.

I hope you will share this video and then make a tax-deductible donation right now to help expose the hypocrisy of the ‘protection for we, but not for thee’ policies these politicians and their staffs are shoving down our throats.

We must
shine a light on these “leaders” for literally putting our lives at risk while they sit on the floor surrounded by armed guards, all paid for by our tax dollars, until they strip us of our rights to defend ourselves.

Are you with me?

In truth,

James O’Keefe
President and Founder

P.S. Watch this new breaking Project Veritas video exposing the hypocrisy of the anti-gun nuts in Congress who are too afraid to proudly post their home is a gun-free zone while they strip away our rights to defend ourselves.

After you watch, please make a tax-deductible donation to help us give you the tools to
hold your government accountable for their hypocrisy.


Gun free zones for US citizens! Not GUN FREE ZONES for my home!!!

As even Democrats know, a gun free zone is an invitation to attack unarmed citizens!

Amendment II of the United State Constitution:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State [This is the reason], the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed [This is the right.].”

The reason does not change the right. What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGEDdo some Congressmen not understand?

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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