Friday, July 22, 2016

Tim Huelskamp: Republican Party Congressional Candidate Kansas District 1

Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate



Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate candidate for Illinois




Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado




Note: [ ] = my additions

Petition: “Congress … officially recogniz(e) Black Lives Matter as a domestic terrorist organization.”

Petition: National Petition to Slash U.S. Funding of the United Nations

Petition: Protect womens health and safety from the abortion butchery factory.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Tim Huelskamp: Republican Party Congressional Candidate Kansas District 1

“While Mr. Trump may have some utility in the fight against political correctness, actual correctness has also been a casualty of his campaign. And while some well-intentioned Republicans may have decided to support him because of his perceived strength or likely-empty border promises, most of us (as in more than 50%) opposed him.”

The problem is that Donald Trump either is or has been on the same side as Mrs. Clinton on almost all of these issues. Mr. Trump has already bullied the NRA into concessions, called for the curtailing of speech with which he disagrees, supported the premise that men should be able to enter womens restroomsone of the defining religious freedom issues of our timeand called for higher taxes and an expanded welfare stateboth in the form of continuing a status quo approach to Social Security and advocating for a European-style National Healthcare scheme. As a cronyist , he has used the protectionist policies that big government affords the very, very rich to his advantage. As for the courts, while we know what Hillary will do with the courts, we also know that even Reagan, who understood and desired an originalist court, failed in two-out-of-three at bats [Sandra Day OConnor and Anthony Kennedy].

Are we really to believe that Trump will get right by accident what Reagan and Bush failed to do on purpose? What if the Democrats take the Senate? Will the famous ‘deal maker’ really stand against their filibuster, destroying his ability to build a legacy, in order to put ‘judges’ on the bench who believe in some seemingly archaic concepts that he can’t even articulate?” [I dont think he will use the necessary political capital to fight for strict constructionists judges. He will nominate them. The Democrats will filibuster and he willnegotiatefor Anthony Kennedy type judges or worse than Anthony Kennedy! He is NOT a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative. He just is not!]

“In that case, it may not be the question of ‘how long can we survive with Hillary’ that should be our focus, but rather, how long can we survive without a conservative who believes in Judeo-Christian values, Free Market Capitalism and Classical Liberalism.

And here is what we know: if Donald Trump is our president, we will not get another real shot at electing that kind of conservative for at least eight years, and almost certainly not for at least twelve. Are we going to primary a sitting president in four years when we won’t even allow him to be opposed at the convention today? And the notion that Trump might see the presidency as a final gem in his crown and bow out after one term is fanciful to the point of abstraction. Only men with the character of Washington surrender power. Which pretty much means only Washington. Donald Trump is no George Washington. With our party in such disrepair and our best voices no longer even championing our core values because to do so is to oppose our nominee by default, it’s hard to imagine we field a conservative again for half a generation or more [I disagree with this. I see Senator Cruz winning the White House in 2020 regardless of which DemocratHillary or Donaldwins in November.]

Now that is a far more certain guarantee of our destruction as a nation than the prospect of four years of Hillary, no matter how bad she may be [This I agree with!].

In truth, conservatism has done quite well under Barack Obama because in his overreach he has brought our values into sharp relief. We have seen the rise of the Tea Party, the flip of both chambers of Congress, and we have more governors and more state houses than we have ever had. And lest that seem trivial, we may very well be at a point in our history where only the states have the standing, power, and wealth necessary to check this out-of-control federal government.

Under Hillary, our ideology will continue to rebound and our movement will continue to ascend, albeit not at the federal level [And maybe not as the Republican Party. The Republican Party replaced the Whig Party. The Republican Party can be replaced!]

But with Trump as the president, usurping the party of Lincoln with his own nationalist brand, our movement [The Republican Party not the movement. The movement should not be wedded to the Republican Party if the Republican Party forsakes the movement!] will continue to devolve into a European-style, big government, protectionist nationalist party with no regard for the values of our God or our founding. We will become another party of the declineeven if it’s a slightly slower decline than the other party would ensure. Our cause will be lost for a generationwhich means our cause will be lost for all generations [Im not this pessimistic because I am not wedded to the Republican Party!].”

What we MUST do at the federal level is work to elect Christian, Constitutionalist, conservatives to both branches of Congress! That is why I am supporting candidates who fit the bill and not supporting Republican candidates in general. An R by the name alone IS NOT ENOUGH!

Tim Huelskamp: Republican Party Congressional Candidate Kansas District 1



Kansas Primary: August 2, 2016

“Congressman Tim Huelskamp was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 2010. Tim represents the First Congressional District of Kansas also known as the ‘Big First.’ His committee assignments include Small Business and Veterans’ Affairs. He is also a member of service caucuses in the House, including the Tea Party Caucus, the Rural Caucus, and the Pro-Life Caucus.

Tim was born near and raised on the family farm in Fowler, Kansas. Pioneered by his grandparents Martin and Clara in 1926, the farm operation includes raising corn, cattle, wheat, milo, soybeans and kids. The values of hard work and personal responsibility, a strong family life and the essentials of his Catholic Christian faith were instilled in Tim at an early age.

Congressman Huelskamp attended elementary and high school in Fowler where he earned awards including High School Valedictorian, State Scholar, All-League Honors in Football and Speech, and Farm Bureau Youth Leader.

Following high school, Tim attended a seminary in Santa Fe, New Mexico in addition to obtaining his bachelor’s degree in social science education at the College of Santa Fe. Tim then went on to American University in Washington, D.C. where he completed his Ph.D. in four years.

During his time at American University, Tim met his wife Angela. Upon graduation, Tim and Angela returned home to farm, ranch and raise a family in Fowler. Before coming to Congress, Tim was elected to the Kansas Senate in 1996, the youngest Senator elected in twenty years. Tim was re-elected by his constituents three times by wide margins2000, 2004 and 2008.

Congressman Huelskamp has become an independent, national conservative leader in Congress for his unwavering commitment to Constitutional government, reduced spending and over-regulation, fighting waste and corruption, defending traditional values and civil liberties, stopping ObamaCare, and ensuring accountability and transparency in Congress.

Huelskamp has been an outspoken advocate for traditional marriage, protecting the unborn, and defending our First Amendment religious liberties. He not only has a 100% pro-life, pro-family voting record, but also leads his colleagues. He is the principal author of the Federal Marriage Amendment, has written and passed language to protect the religious liberty of our military men and women, has exposed and fought against government funding of abortion, and has led the congressional opposition to the Obama Administration's flagrant attacks on religious liberties through ObamaCare.

All the while, Tim has spoken extensivelyon national television interviews, radio interviews, and speechesdemanding an end to Washington’s addiction to irresponsible spending and borrowing. He is a strong advocate [for] major structural reforms and shaking up the tax-spend-borrow culture inside the Beltway. Huelskamp is a promoter of and voted for the Balanced Budget Amendment [Ask Illinois how well that works.], has offered sweeping welfare reforms to Food Stamps and Medicaid, and offered amendments to cut billions of dollars from the deficit. While his willingness to fight for Kansas conservative values has earned Tim public wrath from the Washington Establishment of both parties, he is now a recognized leader of the Tea Party and other conservatives in the House.

Lastly, with Big Governmentwhether led by Democrats or even Republicansbrings with it significant threats to our constitutional rights. Tim has been an outspoken defender of our 2nd Amendment rights, especially under attack by the Obama Administration and the United Nations. He has fought against the outrageous spying of law-abiding citizens by the National Security Agency. Huelskamp has voted to reign in out-of-control bureaucrats, judges, the EPA, and the alphabet litany of other federal agencies. In particular, the implementation of ObamaCare serves as perhaps the single greatest challenge to civil liberties in recent decadesand Tim has spoken out often in the media, on the floor of the House of Representatives, in rallies and speeches, and through social media.

Congressman & Mrs. Huelskamp are the proud parents of four adopted children: Natasha, Rebecca, Athan and Alexander. Both girls are from Haiti, while the two boys were already Americans. Tim enjoys working in his church and remains involved as a lector and usher. He also continues to enjoy involvement in various civic organizations, hunting, playing sports with his kids, and reading with the family. Meanwhile, Angela continues to work promoting and fostering adoptions.”

Right to Life

“As the father of four adopted children, I believe that life deserves legal protection at every stage of development: from conception to natural death [AMEN! Life is protected under both the 5th and 14th Amendments. See: ].

Our Founding Fathers wrote that it was self-evident that human beings were ‘endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’ [Declaration of Independence] I believe that if we do not protect Life, then all other rights are without meaning.

I have a 100% pro-life voting record, and that is why Kansans for Life and dozens of other state and national pro-life leaders have endorsed my candidacy. I have been active in efforts to outlaw partial-birth abortion and euthanasia, pass parental notification laws, and voted to protect unborn children under the same criminal code as other people.

I have led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood of all their state funding, and prohibit taxpayer funding of embryonic stem-cell research. I will do the same in Congress.

As your Congressman, I will work tirelessly to protect the rights of the unborn in addition to upholding a 100% pro-life voting record.”


“My position on marriage is simple: it should be protected as a sacred union between one man and one woman. Again, my record on this issue is clear. I was the author of the Kansas Marriage Amendment that was approved by the citizens of Kansas in 2005 with 70% support.

I have been married to my lovely wife Angela for 15 years, and we have four wonderful children that we adopted. As your Congressman, you can count on me to fight for and support pro-family policies, even when it is not politically convenient.”

2nd Amendment

“As a long-time NRA member and hunter, I have always supported the 2nd Amendment

rights of Kansans. I believe that the United States Constitution was written to permanently protect these rights as individual rights that can be exercised by any law abiding citizen.

My voting record has been 100% pro-gun, and this is why the National Rifle Association has consistently awarded me the rating of ‘A+.’ In addition to being the only A+ rated candidate in this race, I have also received the endorsement of the Gun Owners of America and many state and national leaders.

In the last legislative session, I was a key senate leader in urging the adoption of an amendment to the Kansas constitution that will guarantee an individual’s right to own a gun. That amendment will go before Kansas voters in November 2010. I have also been a tireless advocate for allowing concealed carry weapons permits, preventing frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers, and putting a stop to government confiscation of legal weapons, particularly during natural disasters.

As your congressman, I will be a strong and consistent ally for sportsmen and gun owners, and I will always support the 2nd Amendment.”

Other issues:

Rated the top conservative in the Kansas delegation!

Representative Tim Huelskamp R KS-1 A 91% 4 2016
Representative Mike Pompeo R KS-4 C 77% 4 2016
Senator Jerry Moran R KS D 69% 18 2016
Representative Kevin Yoder R KS-3 D 68% 4 2016
Representative Lynn Jenkins R KS-2 F 57% 6 2016
Senator Pat Roberts R KS F 53% 32 2020”

Endorsed by Senate Conservatives Fund:


Huelskamp, Tim Republican primary: 08/02/2016 general: 11/08/2016

From: Angela Huelskamp
Subject: Smearing My Husband

Date: July 19, 2016

“Yesterday Roger Marshall [challenger in the primary] claimed to the Wichita Eagle that he was embarrassed by the television commercial attacking my husband. Marshall admitted the ad was false and that it damagedhisintegrity.

But Marshalls claim that he was embarrassed by the ad is about as fake as his adbecause he continued to run the false television commercial for nearly two weeks after he KNEW it was false.

Roger Marshall is not the only one smearing my husband.

Three shadowy Super PACs, one of which backed Hillary Clinton for President, have already spent nearly $600,000 in attack ads on TV and radio as well as on flyers arriving in your mailbox. It really is an unprecedented level of spending on attack ads in a primary election in the First District of Kansas.

Marshall and his Washington Special Interest allies are using every trick in the book to knock out a conservative leader in Congress. They have twisted Tim’s voting record and even lied about a college paper he wrote even before we were married. In other words, they will resort to anything to try and defeat a true conservative. Tim needs your help to fight back.

His campaign team had a meeting last night, and we need to help Tim raise $17,000 more in the next few days. [This is a little late from when I received it. However, campaigns always need money and will welcome any donation.] That money will help Tim match what Roger Marshall and his rich special interest friends are spending on advertising. And it will help us turn out conservatives who want to make sure Tim continues to represent their values in Washington.

Will you make a generous contribution right now to help us make this goal? Every $25, $50, $100, $250 or $500 will get us one step closer.

You know Tim and his values. Tim has been recognized for his conservative record and leadership with an impressive list of endorsements: Ted Cruz, Dr. James Dobson, Rand Paul, National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, Club for Growth, Kansans for Life, National Right to Life, Family Research Council, and the National Federation of Independent Businesses.

Will you join these conservatives and support Tim with a contribution right now?

We appreciate your ongoing prayers and support in the face of all these vicious political attacks.


Angela Huelskamp”

The proven conservative choice for Kansas Congressional District 1 is incumbent Tim Huelskamp.

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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