Monday, July 25, 2016

Donald Trump, Vengeance, and the end of the Republican Party?

Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley: Constitution Party President/Vice President candidate



Chad Koppie: Constitution Party US Senate candidate for Illinois




Darryl Glenn: Republican Party US Senate Candidate for Colorado




Note: [ ] = my additions

Petition: National Petition to Slash U.S. Funding of the United Nations

Petition: Protect womens health and safety from the abortion butchery factory.

Petition: Protect the privacy of children in restrooms

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Romans 12: 19 (NIV)

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for Gods wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”
By: Ben Shapiro

On Wednesday night, Senator Ted Cruz quasi-endorsed Donald Trump. He congratulated Trump on his victory in the primaries. He ripped into Hillary Clinton. He extolled liberty [Freedom]. Then he said that Republicans should go to the polls, and should vote their consciences.

And the pro-Trump crowd booed him off the stage [Which seems to indicate that, if Republicans vote their conscience, Trump supporters seem to think they WILL NOT vote for Donald Trump. Why else would they boo the concept of voting your conscience?”]

First off, booing a man who simply says that he loves the Constitution and that Americans should vote their consciencenot Hillaryis rather revealing. There are many conservatives conflicted about voting Trump, and their reaction to Cruz revealed it.

But there’s a more important point: Trump doesnt care about winning this election. He cares about revenge against his rivals.

Here’s what we know: the media knew in advance that Cruz wouldnt openly endorse the man who called his wife ugly and suggested his father was involved in JFK’s assassination. So did Trump. Trump tweeted as muchhe said hed read the speech in advance and approved it.

Trump people on the floor of the convention then reportedly whipped up the boos as a way of shaming Cruzand Trump, in pre-planned fashion, strolled out onto the floor of the convention in the middle of the boos for Cruz.

Which means that Trump made the calculated decision to publicly alienate Cruz from the Republican Party rather than take the half-victory. He would not settle for half a loaf. He felt the necessity to destroy Cruz [He did not accomplish it!], a man who would not acknowledge his supremacy.

He knew he wasn’t going to receive the Kneel Before Zod moment from Cruz, and retaliated by orchestrating Cruz being booed off the stage. That booing has, of course, put Cruz in a difficult political spotinstead of the speech being seen as the quasi-endorsement it was, it was now seen as a betrayal [Only by those who are not political knowledgeable! As I said in the last post, Ronald Reagan DID NOT endorse Gerald Ford in 1976.], an act of political backstabbing.

Trump’s play could be politically brilliant [It wasnt! and it wont be in the long run!]perhaps Trump felt that by trashing Cruz, he’d be unifying the party against those who oppose him. Or, far more likely, it could have been petty vengeance directed against a political rival. The Trump camp could have politely clapped, and Cruz would have receded into the background of the night. They didn’t. They wanted revenge.

And thats what motivates Trump. Not beating Hillary Clinton [Hillary and Bill were at Trumps third wedding!]. Beating in the brains of his detractors. Ted Cruz was one of those detractors, and it was more important to bury him alive in a political cornfield than to unify the party. That’s nothing newwe now know that Trump felt personally insulted by media members ranging from BuzzFeed’s McKay Coppins to National Review’s Jonah Goldberg, and wanted to ‘show them.’

But Trump isn’t interested in ‘showing’ Hillary Clinton anything. She’s never suggested, until now, that he’s a failure; her husband recommended he run. So she’s not high on his hit list.

And the hit list is the thing. Revenge always comes first for Trump. There’s a reason he thinks the literal interpretation of ‘an eye for an eye’ represents good Biblical virtue. There's a reason Trump defends people who physically assault protesters against him. And there’s a reason ardent Trump supporters spend their days vowing purges against their political rivals should their man win the Oval Office. Trumps politics is driven by a revenge narrative: there are nefarious forces out to get Americans (immigration, free trade, Wall Street, ‘the establishment’) and he will destroy them.

Revenge is a personal value for Trumpperhaps the only personal value.

Last night, Trump showed what a petty, stupid, insecure man he is. It may cost him the White House. But if so, he’ll still sleep soundly at nightbecause, after all, Ted Cruz paid the price for failing to pay obeisance to Donald Trumps massive ego.

Jeremiah 20: 9-11 (NIV)

“But if I say, ‘I will not mention his word
or speak anymore in his name,’
his word is in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.

I am weary of holding it in;
indeed, I cannot.

I hear many whispering,
‘Terror on every side!
Denounce him! Lets denounce him!’

All my friends
are waiting for me to slip, saying,

‘Perhaps he will be deceived;
then we will prevail over him
and take our revenge on him

But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior;
so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail.

They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced;
their dishonor will never be forgotten.”

From: Ben Shapiro
Subject: BREAKING: Trump’s RNC Speech Text Revealed ….
Date: July 22, 2016

Trump isnt conservative [Duh!], even if he pretends to be. Here’s a brief word count from the speech:

Freedom: 1
Liberty: 0
Constitution: 1
Unborn: 0
Marriage: 0
Values: 1
Morals: 0
Responsibility: 0
I [just like Barack Hussein Obama]: 83
[GOD: my guess is 0]

When Trump shouted into the microphones, ‘I alone can fix it,’ [Arrogant! No help from GOD? No help from we the people other than voting for the great Ias envisioned by Donald Trump? I thought GOD isI amnot Donald Trump!] that was a message straight from the left, not from conservative Constitutionalism.

But last night, the message resonated. And the media don’t get it, because they refuse to acknowledge problems in Obama’s glorious America.”
By: Jen Kuznicki | July 23, 2016

“I left the Republican Party two years ago because I thought it too difficult to support Republicans in general after watching former House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky. (F, 42%) sell out the country repeatedly; and because I saw an organized effort to thwart conservative Christians from election.

Republican Country Club types populated the party’s ranks and liked the energy and enthusiasm people like me brought to the party in 2008 and 2009, but they didn’t want to talk about limited government, or pro-life issues. Many were baffled that so many people would be upset about Obamacare, as many of them lamented that they wished the Republicans had accomplished something like it; they were genuinely upset the Democrats beat them to it.

Campaign for Liberty [C4L] types came into the party a short while after me, and they too didn’t want to talk about being pro-life, but their influence promoted Ron Paul, who was also very much against what I considered to be my wing of the party—the Reagan and Lincoln wing. Mentioning either great Republican president in their company made them very, very upset, indeed.

So I thought of the party as primarily made up of these three factions—well, four, if you count the party apparatchiks. They are the ones responsible for arguing in any manner necessary in order to keep the factions together while simultaneously undermining each of them to produce certain outcomes.

Ain’t politics grand?

With the close of the Republican convention where they picked a nominee that holds few conservative values [Does he hold any conservative values?], it is the Reagan and Lincoln wing of the party that is being snubbed through an unholy alliance between the country clubbers and the C4L types. Yes, while country clubbers proudly stood for Gerald Ford and Ron Paul trashed Ronald Reagan, it’s certainly not Trump that has been put in the position that Reagan had been; it’s Cruz, from my wing.

So let’s get this straight. Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas (A, 97%) is either the future of the Republican Party, or there is no Republican Party in the future.

[Agreed! Which may well mean that there is no Republican Party in the future!]

No, it’s not just one man [Of course it is not! It is the principles supported. Why he talked about principles in his speech. And why Donald Trump criticized his sentence about principles at the beginning of the speech!]. Cruz isn’t the only one from my wing, but he represents, almost perfectly, the values and policies that formed the party to begin with and the founders vision of America. Those who attack Cruz attack the founding of the nation and the ideals that make America special, and in doing so, move us toward a repeat of the centuries-old curse of government as our master, instead of the people being the master of our government. The voice of history must be heard.

Right now, our nation is divided because the election of Barack Obama was a turning point in our history. When no media sources vetted then-Senator Obama, conservatives certainly did, and alarmed the countryside. His presidency would mean change in a radical way. And radical it has been. The Alinskyites, Obama and Hillary Clinton would sow division and class warfare, tighten the clamp on our industries and spend enormous amounts of our tax dollars on welfare and entitlements, transforming our nation from one of hope and capitalism into one of hatred and violence and hopelessness. These Marxist ideologues have degenerated the population extremely quickly. It is clear that there aren’t enough people who recognize how very terrible things have gotten, and how this radical agenda has redefined America.

But the beacon of light comes with knowing history, and championing true American values broadly defined as conservatism. This election year didn’t get a lot of that type of talk; it instead talked about the size of someone’s hands or cheap shots and silliness.

As this nation moves forward, there’s going to be serious talk by serious people about how to restore America, and it’s going to come from the Reagan and Lincoln wing. We are going to be a burr under the saddle constantly agitating and irritating those who refuse to stand for the principles of America and we will get stronger and stronger. Politicians will become more and more frustrated by always being compared to Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, and the people will see who’s right and who’s wrong.

But more importantly, Americans must realize that the only way to save America is by saving it themselves, understanding that freedom and liberty does not come from government, but from the rights bestowed on us by God. When the desire for freedom and liberty outweighs the false sense of hope some politician will fix things for you, then and only then can we restore America.”

Donald Trump is not and will not be the savior of America. In his acceptance speech of over an hour, how many times did he reference the Constitution? Until we restore the Constitution, we will not take back the nation!

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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