Friday, July 8, 2016

The Constitution Party: the Conservative Alternative to the Republican Party [AKA the Capitulation Party]

The Constitution Party website:

Note: [ ] = my additions

The Seven Principles of the Constitution Party:

Luke 6: 9 (NIV)

Then JESUS said to them, “I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?”

Life: For all human beings, from conception to natural death

The Declaration of Independence states:

‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable [impossible to take away] Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’

We affirm the God-given legal personhood of all human beings from fertilization to natural death, without exception. The first duty of the law is to protect innocent life, created in the image of God. No government may legalize the taking of life without justification. Legalizing the termination of innocent life of the born or unborn, whether by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia or suicide, is a direct violation of their unalienable right to life. As to matters of rape and incest, we find it unconscionable to take the life of an innocent child for the crimes of his father.

Under no circumstances may the federal government fund or otherwise support any state or local government or any organization or entity, foreign or domestic, which advocates, encourages or participates in the practice of abortion. We also oppose the distribution and use of all abortifacients, and the funding and legalization of bio-research involving human embryonic or pre-embryonic cells.

In office, we shall only appoint to the federal judiciary, and to other positions of federal authority, qualified individuals who publicly acknowledge and commit themselves to the legal personhood of the pre-born child. In addition, we will do all that is within our power to encourage federal, state, and local government officials to protect the sanctity of the life of the pre-born through legislation, executive action, and judicial enforcement of the law of the land.

Article IV of the Constitution guarantees to each state a republican form of government. Therefore, although a Supreme Court opinion is binding on the parties to the controversy as to the particulars of the case, it is not a political rule for the nation. Roe v. Wade is an illegitimate usurpation of authority, contrary to the law of the nations Charter [Declaration of Independence] and Constitution. It must be resisted by all civil government officials, federal, state, and local, and by all branches of the governmentlegislative, executive, and judicial.

[Roe v. Wade is a direct violation of Amendment V of the US Constitution and is not binding on anyone. It was, is, and always will be a violation until and unless Amendment V is changed by constitutional amendment. And the justices who illegally and immorally issued Roe v. Wade knew it at the time.

Amendment V:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”]

We affirm both the authority and duty of Congress to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in all cases of abortion in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2.

Further, we condemn the misuse of federal laws against pro-life demonstrators, and strongly urge the repeal of the FACE Acts [Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances] as an unconstitutional expansion of federal power into areas reserved to the states or people by the Tenth Amendment.”

[Although the Capitulation Party claims to be pro-life (some members are), it continues to nominate candidates who are not and the Capitulation Party has failed to end the murder of the unborn, as well as the financing of the same both domestically and foreignly, even though they have had a majority in both the House and the Senate since the 2014 election with the new Congress beginning in January of 2015.]

Liberty: Freedom of conscience and actions for the self-governed individual

Religious Freedom

Article I of the Bill of Rights reads:

‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.’

Our Constitution grants no authority to the federal government either to grant or deny the religious expressions of the people in any place. Both the First and Tenth Amendments forbid such tyranny.

We call upon all branches of government to cease their attacks on the religious liberties of the people and the states, regardless of the forum in which these liberties are exercised.

We assert that any form of taxation on churches and other religious organizations is a direct and dangerous step toward state control of the church. Such intrusion is prohibited by the Constitution and must be halted.

We assert that private organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America, can determine their own membership, volunteers, and employment based on their oaths and creeds.

Family: One husband and one wife with their children as divinely instituted

No civil government may legitimately authorize or define marriage or family relations, as affirmed by the 10th amendment, delegating to the people as our founders understood the family as necessary to the general welfare.

We affirm the importance of Biblical scripture in the founders’ intent as eloquently stated by Noah Webster:

The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitution and lawsAll the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts in the Bible.’

The law of our Creator defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman. The marriage covenant is the foundation of the family, and the family is fundamental in the maintenance of a stable, healthy and prosperous social order. No government may legitimately authorize or define marriage or family relations contrary to what God has instituted [Absolutely true!]. We are opposed to any judicial ruling or amending the U.S. Constitution or any state constitution re-defining marriage with any definition other than the Biblical standard.

We call for an end to all taxation and economic formulas that discourage marriage, incentivize co-habitation and child bearing outside of marriage or authorize or provide government funding for policies and programs that further erode the jurisdiction of the family or parental rights.

We reject the notion that homosexuals, transgender [transsexuals] or those who are sexually deviant are deserving of legal favor or special protection, and affirm the rights of states and localities to proscribe offensive sexual behavior. We oppose all efforts to impose a new sexual legal order through any courts or legislatures. We stand against so-called ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘hate crime’ statutes that attempt to legitimize inappropriate sexual behavior or stifle public opposition to its expression. We oppose government funding of partnerbenefits for unmarried individuals. Finally, we oppose any legal recognition of homosexual or civil unions.

We recognize that parents have the fundamental right and responsibility to nurture, educate, and discipline their children. We oppose the assumption of any of these responsibilities by any governmental agency without the express delegation of the parents or legal due process. We affirm the value of the father and the mother in the home, and we oppose efforts to legalize adoption of children by homosexual singles or couples.

[There are actually some elected federal Capitulation Party members, including Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois, who support and advocate the radical homosexual agenda that is contrary to the will and precepts of the CREATOR.]

Property: Each individuals right to own and steward personal property without government burden

Personal and Private Property Security

The 4th Amendment states:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.’

The Fifth Amendment further protects property, by stating:

‘No person shall be … deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.’

We affirm the Fourth Amendment right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, including arbitrary or defacto registration, general and unwarranted electronic surveillance, national computer databases, and national identification cards. We also reaffirm that civil governments must be strictly limited in their powers to intrude upon the persons and private property of individual citizens, in particular, that no place be searched and no thing be seized, except upon proof of probable cause that a crime has been committed and the proper judicial warrant issued.

We further reaffirm the common-law rule that protects the people from any search or seizure whatsoever when that search or seizure violates the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

We deplore and oppose vigorously legislation and executive action that deprive the people of their Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights under claims of necessity to ‘combat terrorism’ or to ‘protect national security.’

We oppose legislation and administrative action utilizing asset forfeiture laws which enable the confiscation of the private property of persons not involved in the crime. Forfeiture of assets can only be enforced after conviction of the property owner as a penalty for the crime. Such forfeitures must follow full due process of law under criminal prosecution standards.

[Forfeiture of assets laws are clearly unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment since they are a taking without due process of law.]

We oppose the monitoring and controlling of the financial transactions of the people through such proposed laws as ‘Know Your Customer.’ Banks should be repositories of treasure and fiduciaries for the people, not enforcers for the State. Any information regarding customer transactions the State obtains from banks must be subject to the traditional Fourth Amendment safeguards.

We support privacy legislation that prohibits private parties from discriminating against individuals who refuse to disclose or obtain a Social Security number. We also call for legislation prohibiting all governmental entities from requiring the use of the Social Security number except for Social Security transactions [Which was the intent and the PROMISE of the original law!]. Additionally, we call for the repeal of all laws, regulations, and statutes that require the use of the Social Security number for any purpose other than Social Security transactions [Which was the intent and the PROMISE of the original law! Promise given. Promise broken by government!].

Constitution: and Bill of Rights interpreted according to the actual intent of the Founding Fathers

[Every citizen should strive to and should educate themselves on what the Constitution actually says and requires. It is incumbent of a free society that governs itself to know the governing document of the land. The Constitution is described within the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Do you know and understand the supreme law of the land?

If a nation expects to be ignorantand freein a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” ~ Thomas Jefferson]

StatesRights: Everything not specifically delegated by the Constitution to the federal government, nor prohibited by the Constitution to the states, is reserved to the states or to the people [Amendment X to the US Constitution]

State Sovereignty

The 10th Amendment states:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The Constitution delegated few, enumerated powers to the Federal Government, reserving all remaining powers to the States and the people. Thus, powers of the Federal were the exception.

Our federal republic was created by joint action of the several states [Twelve States had at least one representative who signed the document that became the Constitution of the United States.]. It has been gradually perverted into a socialist machine for federal control in the domestic affairs of the states [Often with the help of the States themselves.].

The federal government has no authority to mandate policies relating to state education, natural resources, transportation, private business, housing, health care, ad infinitum.

We call upon the states to reclaim their legitimate role in federal affairs and legislation (See Amendment 10 United States Constitution) and thus cause the federal government to divest itself of operations not authorized by the Constitution and extract the federal government from such enterprises, whether or not they compete with private enterprise.

[The thirteen original colonies, after the revolution was successful, became thirteen sovereign States (or nations). The thirteen sovereign States gave up some of their sovereignty in forming the United States. However, the remaining and majority of the sovereignty remained with the States and was not possessed at all by the federal government. There has been a major push to nationalize the federal government and turn the sovereign States into nothing more than provinces of a national government. To restore the Constitution is to restore the original sovereignty the States maintained after the creation of the federal government.]

American Sovereignty: American government committed to the protection of the borders, trade, and common defense of Americans, and not entangled in foreign alliances.

The Constitution Party shall:

steadfastly oppose American participation in any form of world government organization, including any world court under United Nations auspices;

call upon the President, and Congress, to terminate United States membership in the United Nations, and its subsidiary organizations, and terminate U.S. participation in all so-called U.N. peace keeping operations;

bar the United Nations, and its subsidiaries, from further operation, including raising of funds, on United States territory; and

propose that the Constitution be obeyed to prohibit the United States government from entering any treaty, or other agreement, which makes any commitment of American military forces or tax money, compromises the sovereignty of the United States, or accomplishes a purpose properly the subject of domestic law. In this connection we specifically denounce the agreement establishing the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and any other such trade agreements, either bi-lateral or regional in nature. All treaties must be subordinate to the Constitution, since the Constitution is the only instrument which empowers and limits the federal government.”

In Illinois, the Constitution Party, which is not a recognized political party in Illinois, attempted to get a Presidential candidate and a Senate candidate on the ballot. The nominating petitions was challenged. The number of signatures necessary to get on the ballot was not achieved. Both candidates plan to run in Illinois as a write-in candidate.

The Constitution Party’s Presidential candidate is Darrell Castle. His Vice Presidential running mate is Scott Bradley. Their website is:

The Senate candidate is Chad Koppie. His website is:


I am the only member of the Constitution Party running for the House of Representatives in Illinois. I intend to be a candidate in Illinois Congressional District 18. At the present time, the Illinois State Board of Elections and I have a disagreement on whether or not my petition arrived according to the deadline established by the State of Illinois. Yesterday, I e-mailed 25 questions under the Freedom of Information Act. I will have more on this at a later time. If the Board keeps me off the ballot, I will run as a write-in candidate and this episode will be a campaign issue.

At the present time, this blog is my website. It is, of course:

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” 





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