Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Transsexualism Is NOT a Constitutionally Protected “Right”

Yesterday on this blog, I listed numerous reasons why the Republican Party has become the Capitulation Party and is no longer worthy of the support of Christians, Constitutionalists, and conservatives. One of those reasons given was “G) They have remained silent as radical social experimentation endangers women and children.”

The latest example of that radical social experimentation began with the Obama Administrations directive through the Departments of Education and Injustice that individuals who identify as transsexuals must be permitted to use the restrooms, shower facilities, bedrooms, and participate in the sports of the sex they identify with rather than the sex they are. Such a directive is morally reprehensible and physically danger to, particularly, women and children.

For the most part except for some conservatives including Senator Ted Cruz, the Republican leadership representing the Capitulation Party has remained silent. As a result, the Obama Administration has now officially extended the directive to the national park system, in relation to restrooms, and the military. The military directive seems to include the government, which is us, paying for surgery to physically mutilate men who want to appear to be women and women who want to appear to be men. Of course, no such surgery can actually change a woman into a man or a man into a woman.

When two inferior federal court judges in Virginia ruled that a school district must accommodate a female student, who believes she is male, by allowing her to use male restrooms; I sent e-mails to both my CongressmanRepresentative Darin LaHood of Illinois District 18and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan calling for the immediate impeachment of both judges. Neither of the two responded to my e-mail. Thereafter, I sent an additional 25 e-mails to the Speaker related to this new push to give special “rights” to individuals who identify as transsexual.

The 26th one was sent on May 31, 2016 as follows:

“The cardinal rule is that boys and girls never entered each other’s private facilities. Never!

How the world has changed! Who would have believed a day would come during my lifetime when boys could meander into the private sanctuary of girls’ toilets, or that it would someday be a civil right for men to use women’s locker rooms and showers without permission or apology [IT IS NOT! Governments do not create rights!]? Imagine sex-absorbed junior high boys ogling the bodies of developing pubescent girls or standing beside them in their showers. Have we gone absolutely mad? What ever happened to modesty, safety, and Christian mores?”

“Obama, acting like a king, is wielding dictatorial powers never envisioned in the law. He is determined to change the way males and females relate to one another, and worse, how children perceive themselves. If you are a married man with any gumption, surely you will defend your wife’s privacy and security in restroom facilities. Would you remain passive after knowing that a strange-looking man, dressed like a woman, has been peering over toilet cubicles to watch your wife in a private moment? What should be done to the pervert who was using mirrors to watch women and girls in their stalls? If you are a dad, I pray you will protect your little girls from men who walk in unannounced, unzip their pants and urinate in front of them. If this had happened 100 years ago, someone might have been shot. Where is today’s manhood? God help us!

(You are probably aware that Target has taken a stand to allow persons who ‘self-identify’ as a man or woman to use the restroom of their choice. In addition to Target Stores, the following retailers have also decided, against the objection of their customers, to create ‘gender neutral’ bathrooms: Starbucks, Ross, Walgreens, ToysRUs, and Barnes & Noble [Macys too according to one news report]. My wife, Shirley, and I will no longer patronize these stores, and I hope millions of others will do likewise.)

Let’s talk more about Barack Obama, who is a tyrant in many ways. How dare he assault centuries of modesty and moral beliefs! By what authority does he tell parents and school officials what to teach children under their care? Christian parents, does this outrageous order violate something deep within your sense of propriety? The president has already maneuvered the courts to undermine a 5,000-year-old definition of marriage, after experiencing his infamous epiphany. Now he is determined to change Western civilization forever. He becomes more reckless and defiant as his second term comes to an end. Never has an American president been so absorbed with the use and abuse of power, and unfortunately, he still has seven months to go [The Capitulation Party, at the federal level, does NOTHING!]. What is next?

I grew up respecting the authority and dignity of the nation’s presidents. Each of them was tasked to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to protect our rights as citizens. That is what I was taught. My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Harris, described for us the three branches of government, and how each division has the authority to restrain the other two according to a principle known as ‘checks and balances.’ It made America unique among nations. But, with the complete refusal of the U.S. Congress to restrain the presidency or to curtail a runaway judiciary that is itself drunk with power, ‘we the peopleare victimized by those who steal our freedom. [I refuse to be a victim of unconstitutional, illegal, immoral actions!]. Our Founding Fathers would be shocked to learn how the safeguards on our freedom have been abandoned.

“‘It’s all part of a radical movement trying to destroy the fact that God created man and womanand that somehow people can choose what gender they want to be. The ultimate goal is to break down all sexual inhibition and moralitya goal that would result in social chaos.’” [Revolution]

“The bottom line is that they want to destroy human sexuality and take with it the foundation of the family. That is their goal, and they have a president in office who is willing to use his executive authority to force this nonsense on us all.”

“I urge you to protect your boys and girls from those who are espousing these views. Shield them from gender feminism and from those who would confuse their sexuality. They will be under increasing political pressure in years to come.”

“I urge you to base your teachings about sexuality on the Scriptures, which tell us, ‘God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them’ (Genesis 1: 27). Jesus, who was the first Jewish leader to give dignity and status to women, said, ‘Haven’t you read … that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,'’ and, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’ (Matthew 19: 4-5). That is the divine plan. It leaves no doubt that the Creator made not one sex but two, each beautifully crafted to ‘fit with’ and meet the needs of the other. Any effort to teach children differently is certain to produce turmoil in the soul of a child [And in the soul of a nation!].

We must fight to protect our homes and families from politically correct politicians who would create new entitlements that take away our liberties. There is no time to lose. Our children hang in the balance.”

Power given to it NOT by the Constitution but by a Congress run by the Capitulation Party!

The Capitulation Party! The Capitulation Party! The Capitulation Party!

In a moral society, we would NEVER sanction the murder of our own children! In a moral society, we would NEVER condone and protect homosexual behavior! In a moral society, we would NEVER persecute Christians! In a moral society, we would NEVER have Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as the Presidential nominees for the two major political parties. In a moral society, we would know the difference between liberty and licentiousness!

“Barber also is issuing a call for parents and their children to press members of Congress to hold President Obama accountable.”

I’ve been trying since April 20th. The Speaker of the House doesn’t seem to care. Why?

I want to impeach the radicals who are violating their oath of office and the Constitution!

As Speaker of the House, what is Congress going to do about these ongoing acts of tyranny? Do you accept them?

As a former high school teacher and a former school board member, I would not and will never consent to this nonsense.

When I taught American Government, I taught that with rights come responsibility and accountability. Furthermore, an individuals right ends when it interferes with the rights of others. Since when are the rights of 99% of the people ignored to protecta perceived but non-existentrightof less than 1% of the people?

Has [almost] everyone in the federal government gone insane? That includes Congress since clearly Congress is not willing to do anything about this flagrant violation of the Constitution!

Galatians 6: 7-9 (NIV)

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows [So do nations]. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Do your constitutional duty.

James 4: 17 (NIV)

“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.”


Proverbs 14: 34 (NIV)

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.”

Do your constitutional duty.

Ephesians 5: 11 (NIV)

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”

Know this: The American people may not hold you accountable. GOD WILL!!!

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

P. S. “Thank you. We'll be in touch soon.” [after sending an e-mail, the system automatically generates this response from the Speakers websitemy addition for informational purposes for those who have never sent an e-mail to the Speaker through his website]

25 e-mails since April 20, 2016. Not once have I received a specific response to any of the e-mails! Not once!”

Does the Capitulation Party even have a moral compass anymore?

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”


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