Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Case Against the Republican Party (AKA the Capitulation Party)

I supported Senator Ted Cruz for President of the United States. I voted for him in the primary in Illinois. There are a number of excellent conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives and a few in the United States Senate. However, they are in the minority even though a major of the voters within the Republican Party are conservative. In many respects, the leadership of the Republican Party are nothing more than Democrat-lite. The leadership has led the Republican Party into the Capitulation Party.

From: https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2016/07/conservatives-list-of-grievances-against-the-2016-gop-establishment

“The enemy of the American Patriot is the American Left. They fight for the murder of the innocent, they offer tolerance to the enemy, they destroy every possible pursuit of happiness, they conjure crisis after crisis to reconcile takings of liberty, they relax law and order so street thugs can destroy whole cities, and they take the future away from our children by spending and use their positions in education to destroy their ability to reason.

So, who really stands with the American Patriot? It certainly isn’t the Democratic Party. And while conservatives get thrashed over trashing Republicans, the truth is right now, the Republican Party is held in contempt by the American Patriot because they were put in charge to oppose the Democrats and they instead, went along with them [AKA the Capitulation Party]. Republicans have spent numerous recent elections saying, ‘Hey, at least we aren’t as bad as the Democrats!’ And because of that, we have a presumptive nominee who is actually a Democrat.

But with zero intention of making light of the powerful rebuke that the Declaration of Independence was of government tyranny back in 1776, there may be a festering bill of particulars against the leadership of the Republican Party, and how their actions have quite possibly ensured decades of Leftist rule in America.

[My additions are the ones identified by letters. The numbered ones are from the article.

A) They have refused to end the murder of unborn babies although they have the constitutional power to end said murders.

B) They have knowingly financed the murder of unborn babies both at home and abroad.]

1) They have fused their power with their friends across the aisle [Leftist Democrats] for their own personal ambition.

2) They have squandered gains in the House brought to them by the people, and openly mocked their base.

3) They have pretended at opposition to the fundamental transformation of America, implementing each and every insult to the detriment of the people.

4) They have given lip service to the United States Constitution, refusing to restore the balance of power among the branches.

5) They have made solidarity with the Chamber of Commerce whose mission is to create a permanent underclass of cheap labor [Illegal aliens].

6) They have silenced conservatives within the party, going so far as to defeat them in general elections by standing by Democrats.

7) They have increased the debt exponentially upon the president’s orders.

8) They deal with swarms of lobbyists to fuse government and business, destroying the American entrepreneur.

9) They have surrendered the treaty power.

10) They have surrendered the power of the purse.

[C) They have surrendered the impeachment power and informed the Democrats up front of the surrender of both.]

11) They have openly described their tactics as show-votes for the praise of their constituents.

12) They have refused to fight the nationalization of healthcare, and have embraced it.

13) They refuse to fight for the Right to Life and by doing so, insured the Democratic upper hand on the issue, insuring more death of innocent lives.

14) They have acquiesced to the president’s illegitimate amnesty decree, thwarting the rule of law.

15) They have repeatedly tried, void of the consent of the governed, to impose amnesty and give up security on our borders.

16) They have guilted the base into giving them more power, yet continued to work against the powers of the constitution.

17) They have made a charade of the election process, promising to stay in line with conservative America to get elected, then abandoning all pretense of servitude once elected.

18) They have lost all principle to the overwhelming attraction of raw power, and have a delusional belief in their own lies.

19) They will not hold the president and his overreaching administration accountable and rebuke those who will.

20) They have redefined the meaning of the word, ‘compromise’ to mean ‘surrender.’

21) They have high praise for Democrat lawmakers and scorn for conservative challengers.

22) They accept the language of the Left and embrace the demolition of the Second Amendment.

23) They have made a mockery of Congress by refusing to gather sufficient political capital for impeachment.

24) They have dragged their feet on the Benghazi investigation, and when finally called on a special committee, have allowed the administration to circle the wagons.

25) They have decreased our military at a time when warring nations see us as weak.

[D) They have allowed the President to weaken the military through social experimentation and supported it.]

26) They rail against conservatives who reach an audience unafraid to take part in their own civics, because information has become their greatest enemy.

27) They have saved their most vitriolic and vengeful political rhetoric for conservative challengers, and would never dream of treating the Democrats that way.

28) They have offered up our daughters to fight the enemy in case of draft.

[E) They allowed radical appointments to the executive and judicial branches with little or no resistance.

F) They allowed tyranny to flourish within both the executive and judicial branches with both rewriting laws with impunity.

G) They have remained silent as radical social experimentation endangers women and children]

I’m sure many could add to this list, and expand on the fact that GOP leadership will pay zero attention to the reasons why the party is in its death throes. What will become of the organization is anyone’s guess, but the way it is set up right now is playing into the hands of the enemies of America, and it has to stop.

We, therefore, the base of the crumbling Republican Party [AKA the Capitulation Party], the true defenders of the great United States of America, its lifeblood and its soul, solemnly publish and declare that a complete destruction of the Republican Party by the foolishness of their own actions culminating in the nomination of a Democrat, is fully the fault of the leadership, and is what they have strived for ever since the American public woke up to the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.”

In Illinois, the Democrat Donald Trump is presumed to be at the top of the ticket for the Republicans. The incumbent Republican Senatorial candidate for the RepublicansSenator Mark Kirkhas an 80% rating from Planned Murderhood and is a vocal supporter of the radical homosexual agenda. His Conservative Review Scorecard rating is at 19%. Only one Republican Senator has a lower scorecard rating and that is Maine Senator Susan Collins at 12%. The Republican incumbent House member from my 18th Congressional District is Darin LaHood. He represents the most Republican District in the State according to his own statement. And yet, he is supporting Democrat Donald Trump for President. He supported Mark Kirk in the Republican primary opposing a candidate who is pro-life and grew up in this part of Illinois. He is supporting Mark Kirk in the general election. His Conservative Review Scorecard rating is 40%. Sadly, that is the third highest rating of the Republican members of Congress from Illinois.

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative. In all good conscious, I can not and will not support any of the three “Republicans” at the top of the ballot in the 18th District. Consequently, I have joined the Constitution Party of Illinois and am running for the House of Representatives for the 18th District as a member of the Constitution Party. The Constitution Party also has a Senate candidate and a Presidential candidate running in Illinois. The Constitution Party is the conservative alternative to the Capitulation Party.

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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