Tuesday, November 22, 2016

President-Elect Donald Trump: A Man of His Word or Not?

What will win out at Morton School District 709, Morton, Illinois? The scientific truth or an emotional sexual delusion?

Four of the seven Morton, Illinois District 709 School Board members voted to support transsexual sexual delusions. TheFour Pretendersare:

Shaun Bill elected term ends in 2017

Clint Heinold elected term ends in 2017

Kelly Scarfe elected term ends in 2017

Michelle Bernier elected term ends in 2019

Note: [ ] = my additions

Petition: Support North Dakotas suit against the dangerous transgender mandate


Support North Dakotas suit against the dangerous transgender mandate
By CitizenGO USA · 11/11/2016

Respect practitioners freedom of conscious

Dear Department of Health and Human Services and the Office for Civil Rights,

I am writing to express my disappointment in your department’s final rule on ‘Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities.’ This rule disregards the freedom of medical practitioners to refuse to perform treatments that they believe will seriously and permanently harm their patients. Your mandate forces medical practitioners to violate the Hippocratic Oath [And is morally obscene!].

The State of North Dakota and several other institutions in North Dakota recently filed suit against you for this dangerous mandate. I am writing in support of their suit. I ask you to immediately revoke this mandate to protect the freedom of medical practitioners.

The Department of Health and Human Services previously declared that Medicare and Medicaid need not pay for gender transition treatments since ‘there is not enough evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries with gender dysphoria [It does not! It mutilates the body of a person for no possible reason. Mutilating the body of a person does not change the sex of an individual!]’ Especially given this lack of evidence, the freedom of medical practitioners should be respected.


Don L. Vance”


By CitizenGO · 11/10/2016

“Recommendation on HRC report, Res. 32/2

With regards to the report of the Human Rights Council (#A/71/53)

[ http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/71/53 ], resolution 32/2

‘Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,’ I recommend the following:

1) The General Assembly must suppress the office ofindependent expert on violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.’ Anything short of this amounts to allowing the United Nations to launch a global campaign to destroy the family and the health and morals of our children.

2) Abstaining from an inevitable vote to suppress the mandate is not an option and amounts to a betrayal of the family and our children. We will not stand idly by while marriage, the family, and our children are attacked.

3) We will not be intimidated by threats to withdraw development assistance. Development assistance will not save the family and our children if it comes at the cost of sacrificing their heath and morals.


Don L. Vance”

It is past time for the US to get out of the UN and the UN to get out of the US. It has become a corrupt international organization!

Petition: Defund Planned Murderhood forever


“The painful truth is this: Your tax-dollars help finance Planned Parenthood [Of course they do and the Republicans even while having a majority in Congress since the 2014 election keep funding it every year. The Continuing Resolution ends December 9 of this year. Will the Republican majority continue to fund Planned Murderhood?].

Becauseevery yearPlanned Parenthood [Murderhood] gets about $528 million in federal funding, which covers 40% of its pro-abortion [Murder] budget. With that infusion of cash, Planned Parenthood killed [Murdered!] 327,653 babies in one year, according to its own annual report.

That’s 27,304 abortions per month ... 910 per day ... 37 per hour [And about 1/3rd of all abortions/murders per year.].

Please sign this pro-life petition now. Tell Congress to STOP funding Planned Parenthood [Murderhood].”

Now is the time to seize the day to win in 2018 with pro-life candidates to abolish the murder of unborn babies once and for all through an act of Congress!


Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

On November 11, 2016, I posted the following at


“Will Hillary Clinton be investigated once again [with the Trump Administration taking over the Department of Justice] for possible criminal activity while an employee of the federal government? As Secretary of State, she was a federal employee under ALL federal laws. Under therule of law,” there certainly is sufficient evidence for an investigation in expectation of an indictment. Even the current FBI Director admitted that there was sufficient evidence! Is Hillary Clinton above the law?”

Donald Trump during the campaign certainly implied that Hillary Clinton should be and would be held accountable. What seems to be his position now as he prepares for his new administration?


“Trump Backs Off Promise of Special Prosecutor For Clinton: ‘They’re Good People’
Leah Barkoukis | November 14, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump quipped [That was a quip?] during the debates that Hillary Clinton would be in jail if he were in charge of the laws in this country and vowed to get a special prosecutor to investigate her. But in an interview with ‘60 Minutes’ that aired Sunday, he seemed to back off that pledge.

‘I’m going to think about it [Does the President decide who to investigate and prosecute or do the officials at the Justice Department?],’ he said, adding that he wants his focus to be on jobs, health care and immigration [And not focus upon upholding the laws of the United States?].

‘She did some bad things, I mean she did some bad things [And therefore we are not going to investigate?],’ Trump said.

‘I know, but a special prosecutor?’ interviewer Lesley Stahl responded.

‘I don’t want to hurt them, I don’t want to hurt them,’ Trump said. ‘They’re, they’re good people. I don’t want to hurt them [Is that now the standard for upholding the law at the Justice Departmentnot wanting to hurt people and determining if they are good people?” How does calling Hillary Clinton crooked all through the general election square with now saying she is a good person? Which is it? Is she a good, crooked person or a crooked, good person?].’

Trump promised to give Stahl a ‘very, very good and definitive answer [Seriously? What of what he has been saying until now? Meaningless?]’ during the next interview he does with ‘60 Minutes.’”

“President-elect Trump: ‘I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, they are good people’ 60 Minutes”



“It’s Over: Trump Officially Won’t Pursue Further Criminal Investigations Against Hillary Clinton
Katie Pavlich | November 22, 2016

It was a common demand on the campaign trail: Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!

But according to former Trump campaign manager and senior advisor Kellyanne Conway, President-elect Donald Trump has no plans to pursue criminal charges, an investigation or further legal action against former rival Hillary Clinton. This includes her use of a private email server and her controversial involvement with the Clinton Foundation during her time as Secretary of State [Isnt this something to be decided by the Justice Department? Is Donald Trump now the Justice Department?].

‘I think when the President-elect, who’s also the head of your party, tells you before he’s even inaugurated that he doesn’t wish to pursue these charges, it sends a very strong message, tone, and content to the (Congressional) members,’ Conway reportedly told Morning Joe Tuesday.

During the final presidential debate, Trump said Clinton would be ‘in jail’ if he won the White House.

[ “Donald Trump: ‘Because you’d be in jail’”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKiBk3zG4CY ]

During an interview with 60 Minutes after the election, Trump walked back his campaign comments and said he didn’t want to hurt the Clintons because they are ‘good people.’”

Is this the beginning of the disconnect between what was said repeatedly during the campaign and what is actually going to happen after the Trump Administration takes office? WasBuyer Bewareignored once again? Is Donald Trump a man of his word or not?

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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