Wednesday, November 16, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump: Why Did Christians Vote for Donald Trump Over Hillary Clinton?

What will win out at Morton District 709, Morton, Illinois? The scientific truth or an emotional delusion?

TheFour Pretenders

Shaun Bill elected term ends in 2017

Clint Heinold elected term ends in 2017

Kelly Scarfe elected term ends in 2017

Michelle Bernier elected term ends in 2019

Note: [ ] = my additions

Petition: Support North Dakotas suit against the dangerous transgender mandate

Support North Dakotas suit against the dangerous transgender mandate
By CitizenGO USA · 11/11/2016

Respect practitioners freedom of conscious

Dear Department of Health and Human Services and the Office for Civil Rights,

I am writing to express my disappointment in your department’s final rule on ‘Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities.’ This rule disregards the freedom of medical practitioners to refuse to perform treatments that they believe will seriously and permanently harm their patients. Your mandate forces medical practitioners to violate the Hippocratic Oath [And is morally obscene!].

The State of North Dakota and several other institutions in North Dakota recently filed suit against you for this dangerous mandate. I am writing in support of their suit. I ask you to immediately revoke this mandate to protect the freedom of medical practitioners.

The Department of Health and Human Services previously declared that Medicare and Medicaid need not pay for gender transition treatments since ‘there is not enough evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries with gender dysphoria [It does not! It mutilates the body of a person for no possible reason. Mutilating the body of a person does not change the sex of an individual!]’ Especially given this lack of evidence, the freedom of medical practitioners should be respected.


Don L. Vance”

By CitizenGO · 11/10/2016

“Recommendation on HRC report, Res. 32/2

With regards to the report of the Human Rights Council (#A/71/53)

[ ], resolution 32/2

‘Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,’ I recommend the following:

1) The General Assembly must suppress the office ofindependent expert on violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.’ Anything short of this amounts to allowing the United Nations to launch a global campaign to destroy the family and the health and morals of our children.

2) Abstaining from an inevitable vote to suppress the mandate is not an option and amounts to a betrayal of the family and our children. We will not stand idly by while marriage, the family, and our children are attacked.

3) We will not be intimidated by threats to withdraw development assistance. Development assistance will not save the family and our children if it comes at the cost of sacrificing their heath and morals.


Don L. Vance”

It is past time for the US to get out of the UN and the UN to get out of the US. It has become a corrupt international organization!

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

“The painful truth is this: Your tax-dollars help finance Planned Parenthood [Of course they do and the Republicans even while having a majority in Congress since the 2014 election keep funding it every year. The Continuing Resolution ends December 9 of this year. Will the Republican majority continue to fund Planned Murderhood?].

Becauseevery yearPlanned Parenthood [Murderhood] gets about $528 million in federal funding, which covers 40% of its pro-abortion [Murder] budget. With that infusion of cash, Planned Parenthood killed [Murdered!] 327,653 babies in one year, according to its own annual report.

That’s 27,304 abortions per month ... 910 per day ... 37 per hour [And about 1/3rd of all abortions/murders per year.].

Please sign this pro-life petition now. Tell Congress to STOP funding Planned Parenthood [Murderhood].

And remember:

Your signature to end abortion is a prayer before the throne of God. A prayer of reparation for the national sin of abortion. And a prayer that will attract the blessings of God upon you and your family.

Your petition will give a voice to the voiceless. You will speak for the preborn. And your voice will urge our civil leaders in Congress to finally defund Planned Parenthood [Murderhood]forever.

Your petition will broadcast the truth by exposing how Planned Parenthood [Murderhood] harvests baby organs and sells them for profit. The chilling videos put out by the Center for Medical Progress document this horror in detail.

We must stand up and fight for the unborn.

With prayer, perseverance and action the Culture of Death can be defeated. Planned Parenthood [Murderhood] can be defunded. And the God-given right to life can be restored. Your petition will propel this crusade for the unborn forward. Act now.”

Now is the time to seize the day to win in 2018 with pro-life candidates to abolish the murder of unborn babies once and for all through an act of Congress!

Americans Upset with Election Donate to Planned Parenthood in VP-Elect Mike Pence’s Name
Monica Sanchez | November 14, 2016

“Talk about petty.

In protest of the 2016 general election results, people are trolling Vice President-Elect Mike Pence by donating to Planned Parenthood in his name [A great example of the type of people who support and promote the murder of unborn babies! The most intolerant people in this nation are those who scream tolerance! Their motto: “Tolerance for me, not for thee!”].

The pro-life Indiana governor has fought in his state to defund America’s largest abortion provider.

Vocal of his opposition to the business, Pence has become a target by liberals.

Celebrities such as comedian Amy Schumer, actress Amber Rose Tamblyn, and music artist Bethany Cosentino [Who are these people? OK. I know of Amy Schumer. She is a relative of New York Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer.] have donated in Pence’s name and promoted the arguably creative protest on social media.

With every donation, Planned Parenthood [Murderhood] sends a certificate to Pence, thanking him for his generosity.

Planned Parenthood [Murderhood] tweeted over the weekend thanking its supporters for the donations in Pence’sand, apparently, Clinton’sname.

‘Thank you so much! We’ve been blown away by the support we’ve received. Many people are donating in Clinton or Pence’s name. #WeWontGoBack,’ the tweet reads.”

With all these donations from both pro-life and pro-murder people which, by the way, are tax deductible if filing a Schedule A form or used as a business deduction, obviously Planned Murderhood does not need direct money from The US government. With tax deductible money included, Planned Murderhood receives much more money from the federal government directly and indirectly than half a billion dollars. It is past time to end the money handout from the federal government! Are you listening Republican Party?

“The painfully obvious reason Christians voted for Trump (that liberals just don’t understand)
By Jonathon Van Maren

November 14, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) - Since the election of Donald Trump, the level of meltdown on the Left has now reached proportions rivaling Chernobyl. University students at Cornell hosted a cry-in, meeting together to weep at the fall of Hillary Clinton. As per usual, more hate crimes were faked [Obviously, these Leftists, who do this, dont know or dont understand the moral of the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” I explained it to my children at a very early age. It does not pay to be known as a liareven when both candidates are liars!] and every bit of potentially racist graffiti was pounced on as evidence that Trump’s election would result in vicious race wars. Actual violence and rioting done by angry progressives has been almost completely ignored [Of course! It does not fit the agenda to expose the violence of the Left! Violence and intimidation are one of their main tactics!]. And then, the one theme that keeps recurring on talks shows across the nation: fear. As the result of Donald Trump’s election, many people, apparently, feel as if the leadership of the country is now fundamentally opposed to them in some way, and they are scared.

Which is exactly how Christians have felt under Barack Obama for the past eight years [At least some Christians.].

Many of my non-Christian and liberal friends find it bewildering that both evangelicals and Catholics voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump, a thrice-married casino operator infamous for his vulgar trash talk [Among other sins!]. I want to take a moment to explain to them directly why most Christians voted for him anyways [sic]. It’s simple, really: Christians voted for Donald Trump because they felt that the threat a de facto third Obama term posed to Christian communities was an existential one [They chose the lesser of two evils. I did not. However, I can certainly understand their reasoning! However, I absolutely disagree with the claim of someChristiansthat Donald Trump was divinely selected by GOD tosaveAmerica. I do not believe that for a second! GOD has never used evil tosaveChristians, that I know of from studying the Bible. HE has used evil to advance HIS agenda. HE has used evil to discipline/punish but I know of no instance when HE used evil tosaveHIS people. JESUS saves not governments, not people, and certainly not evil!].

[Romans 3: 8 (NIV)

“Why not say—as some slanderously claim that we say—‘Let us do evil that good may result’? Their condemnation is just!”

Romans 12: 9 (NIV)

“(Love in Action) Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”

Romans 12:21 (NIV)

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Matthew 12:35 (NIV)

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.

Mark 3: 4 (NIV)

“Then Jesus asked them, ‘Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?’ But they remained silent.”

John 5: 28-29 (NIV)

“‘Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come outthose who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned [Note the dichotomy. Good or evil! There IS NO third option!].”

3 John 1: 11 (NIV)

“Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God. [And is NOT from GOD!]”]

The attacks on Christians from the highest levels of government have been relentless now for nearly a decade [Almost eight years and it will still be coming for at least two plus months]. Obama wants to force Christian churches and schools to accept the most radical and most recent version of gender [sex] ideology [That is, males using female facilities and females using male facilities!], and he is willing to issue executive decrees on the issue to force the less enlightened to get in line. Christian concerns are dismissed out of hand as ‘transphobia [Everything (everyone) the Left disagrees with is a phobia, hatred, intolerance, sexist, or racism or some other name calling nonsense! Name calling is a major propaganda tool used repeatedly by the Left! Just listen to them!]. ’

PETITION: Congratulate Trump, and urge him to keep his pro-life promises. SIGN HERE.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton informed one audience that Christians would have to change their beliefs on some issues [By her direction!]. And now Christians are having conversations around the dinner table about what do if the government forces curricula on them that they cannot accept, because their own government is increasingly indicating that Christian parents are too homophobic and too hateful to teach their own children. Can you understand how terrified mothers and fathers are at the prospect that those in power want to actively prevent them from passing their beliefs on to their own children?

I can understand why those from some immigrant communities might be worried about how a Trump presidency could affect them personally—but as for the largely white liberal university students throwing a temper tantrum—what do you have to freak out about? No one is saying that you can’t pass your values on to your children. No one is saying you’re a bigoted, fascistic [Fascism is a Leftist ideology: National Socialist German WorkersParty] hater of minorities [Name calling] simply because you happen to have a different belief system. But they are saying that about Christians—and you were, too. And they mean it. The students weeping in fear at a Trump administration have nothing to worry about. No one’s going to cancel their Women’s Studies program or shut down their LBGTQ2etc Collective. Get over it.

And then there was the rapid rise of rainbow fascism [Radical homosexuals!]. Christian bakers are under attack. Christian photographers. Christian pastors. Real people are losing real businesses that they had labored for years to build. Their way of life is being destroyed. In some cases, Christian business owners saw the wages they needed to feed their families dry up because they were targeted by gay activists and labeled hateful, homophobic bigots simply for declining to assist in celebrating a gay union [Homosexual faux marriage.”]. That’s all. They just wanted to live their lives in accordance with their own beliefs, and because of that, activists came gunning for them [Deliberately! Notice they NEVER go after Muslims who believe in and practice killing homosexuals for their sinful behavior.]. It wasn’t good enough to go down the street to any number of photographers or bakers who would be more than happy to help celebrate a gay wedding. They needed to see those little family businesses destroyed, even if it meant that the baker and his family ended up on the street. Dissenters must be crushed.

These things happened, and are happening, and many of you shrugged your shoulders and thought to yourselves that the homophobes got what they deserved. You didn’t care about these people, and you didn’t respect their right to live out their beliefs because you thought there was something fundamentally wrong with those beliefs.

And then there was the fact that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton wanted [wants] to force Christians to fund the abortion industry, something many of you support because everyone babbles on about ‘reproductive rights [Translation: Murdering unborn babies!]’ without ever talking about what abortion [Murder!] actually is. Abortion. Google it. I’m challenging you in all seriousness. That’s how I ended up involved in the pro-life movement: by Googling it and realizing what abortion [Murder!] was. Take a second, and actually look at pictures of the dead [Murdered!] babies, and then remember that Barack Obama even voted against protecting those children who survived abortion [Murder!], and that Hillary Clinton defended abortion [Murder!] even in the latest stages of pregnancy.

Is it really so hard for you to understand that those who fight tirelessly to protect these babies might be willing to gamble on the support of a brash billionaire rather than cast their vote for someone who thinks the youngest members of the human family are nothing more than soulless trash? I’ve seen an aborted [Murdered!] baby before. I’ve held a butchered little boy in my hands. Maybe if you did, too, you could understand why we don’t think Hillary Clinton is a good person [She is EVIL! Anyone who supports and promotes the murdering of unborn babies is EVIL! It is not name calling. It is a fact. Sorry, if you do not agree. Your not agreeing does not mean it is not a fact! What do you think GOD thinks of those who murder unborn babies? “Thou shalt not murder.” has NO exceptions! Fortunately, GOD does accept repentance!]. We think her political positions directly result in dead [Murdered!] children, because that’s the truth [Yes it is!].

This is not even to get into the fact that the Democratic war on religious liberty was so malicious it had them going to court to force nuns—a group called ‘Little Sisters of the Poor’—to fund birth control [As if they need birth control!]. Dissenters must be crushed, after all.

The simple fact is that Christians voted in self-defence. They voted to put the brakes on the relentless, eight-year-long assault not just on their values, but on their ability to live their lives unmolested without having radical progressives attempt to force some newly invented ideology down their throat or hang some new phobialabel around their necks or garnish their wages to pay for medical exterminators [Murderers!] to suction tiny human beings into bloody slurry. Most of these Christians are not activists. Most of them simply want to be left alone. But for eight long years, they weren’t left alone. And so this time around, they voted to give Obama and his progressive minions the hugest shove they could [After eight years of President Obama, the Democrat Party, which was the majority party in 2008, has become the minority party at both the federal and State level. Barack Obama was good for the Republican Party. He was a disaster for the nation and States! Do the Democrats even understand why? Hey. He did receive the Nobel Peace Prize. What a joke that was! He should have been impeached in his first term and most certainly in his second term!].

PETITION: Congratulate Trump, and urge him to keep his pro-life promises. SIGN HERE.

Donald Trump may well prove to be destructive force [I think he will be! I pray he is not!]. Time will tell. But for many people, he is currently destroying all the right things. Michael Moore wasn’t wrong to refer to Trump as a “legal Molotov cocktail [We will see. He hasnt actually done anything yet except win the election.]” that the voters threw right through the front window of the elites. Secular progressives have been using political correctness to strangle the life out of Christians, calling them every name in the book and treating them like seething, hateful gay-bashers. Now, the media saddled a man with every label they could possibly come up with—and he won anyways [sic]. Progressives created a system that would convict Christians every single time, replete with ever-shifting speech codes that informed any number of bewildered men and women that the hate they didn’t feel towards anyone was obviously there, anyways [sic]. And then a sledgehammer named Donald Trump showed up, and the harried and henpecked voters decided to use it to smash a system created specifically to marginalize and label them.

What you have to understand is that Christians hear the media much differently than the rest of you. They hear themselves being mocked and ridiculed by men like John Oliver, who believes that a man with a penis can simultaneously be a woman. They hear themselves being cursed as awful people by Samantha Bee, who thinks that it’s perfectly okay to stab a baby in the skull in the third trimester of pregnancy. They hear themselves being called hateful bigots by Bill Maher, who claims to value diversity. And they may chuckle painfully, but they also know that they are loathed by those who are now demanding to know how they could possibly have voted for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton [The corrupt baby murderer!], a woman who would have taken her own sledgehammer to religious liberty at the very earliest opportunity.

We’ll have to see how a Trump presidency progresses. With men like Mike Pence around him, he may prove to be an ally to the Christians who cast their ballots for him last Tuesday [At least during his first term IF he wants a second! Barack Hussein Obama waited for his second term to do MOST of his damage. He knew he was term limited and he knew that the Republicans in leadership would DO NOTHING to stop him!]. But even if he isn’t, Christians are simply relieved that he isn’t Hillary Clinton. As I pointed out prior to Election Day, most of us are quite aware that Donald Trump doesnt care about abortion or religious liberty. [or stopping the radical homosexual agenda including the current transsexual nonsense!] But on the other hand, Hillary Clinton is passionate about abortion [Murder!], and she is passionate about furthering her partys radical social agenda. Even if Donald Trump does nothing for Christians, at least he’ll leave them alone [Not in the second term, if there is a second term. Maybe not in the first term. The test will be what he does with the transsexual issue and the radical homosexual agenda in general! To my knowledge, he has never spoken out against either and has offered his support!]. After eight years of Barack Obama, that would be a tremendous relief.

Thats why so many Christians voted for Donald J. Trump [I pray we dont live to regret it. Once again, I was Never TrumpandNever Hillary.” Still am but Donald Trump MAY BE better than Hillary. I will wait and see. When conservatives speak of holding Donald Trumps feet to the fire, it tells me that they do not trust him either. And for good reason! I wanted to impeach Hillary on January 4. I believe the Justice Department should examine whether or not to indict her for her alleged crimes!].

Through all eight years of this travesty, where was the Republican Party leadership? Nowhere to be found. The Republican Party at the federal level is the Capitulation Party! Will they still capitulate controlling both Congress and the Presidency?

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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