Monday, May 14, 2018

Equality PAC, Homosexual Congressional Candidates, Vice President of the United States, the EPA, Bigots, Leftists, and Judicial Appointments

Home Free [Artists]How Great Thou Art

My old pageview record:

“Transsexual Fantasy Strikes Morton, Illinois School District 709 and Four Board Members Capitulate to a Sexual Delusion.”

The new pageview leader:

“March for Our Lives, March for Life, Mainstream Media Hypocrisy, Leftist Hypocrisy, and Students as ‘Useful Idiots?’”

Men fight for the good so they dont have to fight against the evil.

Or as GOD says in Proverbs 14: 34 (NIV)

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.”

Mathew 15: 17-20 (NIV)

[Jesus asked them.] ‘Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of a persons mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughtsmurder [abortion], adultery, sexual immorality [homosexual behavior], theft, false testimony, slander. These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

“24 Republicans Vote To Preserve Transgender [Transsexual] Ideology in Military
Warner Todd Huston | July 14, 2017”

My full post on the above article:

House of Representatives Republicans Wall of Shameas established by their own votes:


H R 2810 RECORDED VOTE July 13, 2017 5:41 PM
AUTHOR(S): Hartzler of Missouri Amendment No. 10
QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Amendment

Yes: Republican 209 ~ Democrat 000 = TOTALS 209.
No: Republican 024 ~ Democrat 190 = TOTALS 214.
Not voting: Republican 06 ~ Democrat 04 = TOTALS 10.

House of Representatives Republicans Wall of Shame.”

These 24 Republicans voted to force taxpayers to pay for mutilating surgery for delusional transsexuals who are in the military.

Republicans voting No to defeat the amendment:

[Conservative Review Conservative Scorecard grade]

01) Justin Amash [Michigan-District 3 A 96%]
02) Jack Bergman [Michigan-District 1 F 50%]
03) Mike Coffman [Colorado-District 6 F 56%]
04) Barbara Comstock [Virginia-District 10 F 19%]
05) Paul Cook [California-District 8 F 43%]
*06) Ryan Costello [Pennsylvania-District 6 F 19%] Not running for reelection. (3/26/18)
07) Carlos Curbelo [Florida-District 26 F 19%] 
08) Jeffrey Denham [California-District 10 F 33%]
*09) Charlie Dent [Pennsylvania-District 7 F 29%] Not running for reelection.
10) John Faso [New York-District 19 F 50%]
11) Brian (Michael) Fitzpatrick [Pennsylvania-District 1 F 50%]
12) Darrell Issa [California-District 49 F 55%]
13) John Katko [New York-District 24 F 25%]
14) Steve Knight [California-District 25 F 31%]
15) Leonard Lance [New Jersey-District 7 F 42%]
16) Frank LoBiondo [New Jersey-District 2 F 31%]
17) Tom MacArthur [New Jersey-District 3 F 25%]
18) Brian Mast [Florida-District 18 F 50%]
19) Tom Reed [New York-District 23 F 43%]
*20) Dave Reichert [Washington-District 8 F 28%] Not running for reelection.
*21) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [Florida-District 27 F 23%] Not running for reelection.
*22) Bill Shuster [Pennsylvania-13 F 47%] Not running for reelection.
23) Elise Stefanik [New York-21 F 19%]
24) Claudia Tenney [New York-District 22 F 50%]

No votes from Republicans by State:

1) Paul Cook [California-District 8 F 43%]
2) Jeffrey Denham [California-District 10 F 33%]
3) Darrell Issa [California-District 49 F 55%]
4) Steve Knight [California-District 25 F 31%]

1) Mike Coffman [Colorado-District 6 F 56%]

1) Carlos Curbelo [Florida-District 26 F 19%]
2) Brian Mast [Florida-District 18 F 50%]
*3) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [Florida-District 27 F 23%] Not running for reelection.

1) Justin Amash [Michigan-District 3 A 96%]
2) Jack Bergman [Michigan-District 1 F 50%]

1) Leonard Lance [New Jersey-District 7 F 42%]
2) Frank LoBiondo [New Jersey-District 2 F 31%]
3) Tom MacArthur [New Jersey-District 3 F 25%]

1) John Faso [New York-District 19 F 50%]
2) John Katko [New York-District 24 F 25%]
3) Tom Reed [New York-District 23 F 43%]
4) Elise Stefanik [New York-21 F 19%]
5) Claudia Tenney [New York-District 22 F 50%]

*1) Ryan Costello [Pennsylvania-District 6 F 19%] Not running for reelection. (3/26/18)
*2) Charlie Dent [Pennsylvania-District 7 F 29%] Not running for reelection.
3) Brian (Michael) Fitzpatrick [Pennsylvania-District 1 F 50%]
*4) Bill Shuster [Pennsylvania-13 F 47%] Not running for reelection.

1) Barbara Comstock [Virginia-District 10 F 19%]

*1) Dave Reichert [Washington-District 8 F 28%] Not running for reelection.

Everyone of these Republicans In Name Only should be primaried and defeated by an actual constitutional conservative who has not capitulated to the radical homosexual lobby in this nation. These 24 RINOs by voting to affirm the delusional fantasies of transsexuals are helping to destroy the military and are, in my opinion, putting both delusional transsexuals and all other military personnel in danger on the battle field during combat.

Update: Illinois Leftists Wall of Shame.”

Original Article:

Transgender/Transsexual Delusion, Legislative Fraud, and a RINO Governor Who Signed into Law His Reelection Defeat

1) Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner
1a) Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner: The last week of September, 2017 Governor Rauner also signed into law a bill requiring Illinois taxpayers to pay for the murder of babies within the womb for Illinois Medicaid recipients and State of Illinois employees.  

2) 64 members of the Illinois State House of Representatives [Listed at the end of the original article]
3) 32 members of the Illinois State Senate [Listed at the end of the original article]

Update: The Illinois House of Representatives overrides the Governors veto increasing the individual State income tax rate by 32%.

“The Illinois State House was back in session this afternoon to override Governor Bruce Rauner’s veto of a 32 percent permanent tax hike on Illinois families (SB 9). This tax grab also raises the corporate income tax rate by 33 percent. As anticipated, the House voted to override the veto this afternoon by a vote of 71-42 [71 being the minimum number of votes to override.]—with 61 Democrats and 10 Republicans voting in favor of increasing our taxes [By raising the tax rate by 32%. Plus, no doubt, increasing the cost of goods and/or increasing unemployment by raising corporate income tax rates by 33 1/3rd percent.].

To see how your state representative voted, please click HERE. To see how your state senator voted, please click HERE.

Much has been written for many years now about how Illinois is being mismanaged. The votes to override common sense is only the latest chapter in that mismanagement.”

Illinois Republicans Wall of Shame.”

From: David E. Smith of Illinois Family Action
July 7, 2017

The Republicans who voted for the tax grab include:

01) Steve Andersson (Geneva)
02) Terri Bryant (Carbondale)
03) Mike Fortner (West Chicago)
04) Norine Hammond (Macomb)
05) David Harris (Arlington Heights)
06) Chad Hays (Danville)
07) Sara Jimenez (Springfield)
08) Bill Mitchell (Decatur)
09) Reggie Phillips (Charleston)
10) Mike Unes (East Peoria)

David E. Smith, Executive Director

Illinois Family Action
P.O. Box 93
Mokena, Illinois 60448”

“The highest, the transcendent glory of the American Revolution was thisit connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the precepts of Christianity. If it has never been considered in that light, it is because its compass has not been perceived.” ~ John Quincy Adams

Y Mike Unes (Republican voted to increase taxes! Lives in East Peoria)
Y Gordon-Booth (Democrat voted to increase taxes! Lives in Peoria)

Four of the seven Morton, Illinois District 709 School Board members voted to support transsexual sexual delusions. TheFour Pretendersare:

Shaun Bill elected term ended in 2017. He is off the school board.

Clint Heinold elected term ended in 2017. He is off the school board.

Kelly Scarfe elected term ended in 2017. She is off the school board.

Michelle Bernier elected term ends in 2019. [Will she run for reelection after the results of the 2017 election?]

Board decisions have consequences. Elections have consequences.

Note: [ ] = my additions

Roe vs. Wade decided January 22, 1973 = 45 years ago as of January 22, 2018

45 years of government sanctioned murder of our own children. EVIL personified!

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Three months after the 45th year of the illegal
, unconstitutional Roe vs. Wade decision, 246,575 babies within the womb have been murdered because of federal government sanctioned evil based upon one million murders of babies within the womb per year. And the AMERICAN HOLOCAUST continues day after day. What has Congress done to stop the unconstitutional murder of our own children? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Congress can not even defund Planned Murderhood. Establishment Republicans continually CAPITULATE to the Leftist MURDERERS.


Abolishing the murder of babies within the womb by Congressional law will actually be faster and more effective than waiting on the court. Right now there are five justices on the court who support the murder of babies within the womb. The four radical Leftist justices appointed by Democrat Presidents and Justice Kennedy. Therefore, to even have a chance of the court reversing, we need one more Constitutional Justice and the one appointed has to replace one of the five pro-murdering babies within the womb justices. Even then, it would take a couple of years, at least, to get the case through the court system.

Passing a law of Congress is the best way of ending the terror of our American holocaust. The best way to abolish the murder of babies within the womb. The best way to stop any State from passing a law allowing the murder of babies within the womb. And it is also best constitutionally.

Life for all persons within the United States including babies within the womb is guaranteed and protected by the Declaration of Independence, Amendment V of the United States Constitution, and Amendment XIV of the United States Constitution. No court, no government body, no individual can constitutionally sanction the murder of babies within the womb. All such decisions, laws, and regulations are patently unconstitutional and illegal and should be immediately abolished by Congress by law!

Statistically, everyday of delay over 2,700 babies are murdered in the womb through abortion using 1 million abortions a year as a baseline. It is past time to attack the evil of murdering babies within the womb on every front with every legal weapon we can use until the murder of babies within the womb is abolished completely throughout the United States and its territories. Murder of babies within the womb is a horrendous evil that needs to and must be terminated.

Sign the petition to the Health and Human Services Secretary to help put an end to taxpayer funding of Planned Murderhood.

Click here to sign the petition.

No organization that murders babies within the womb and/or supports and promotes the same should ever receive federal government money either directly or indirectly.

The latest released video exposing Planned Murderhood and the murder of babies within the womb industry:

Above video was removed by youtube as it censors video that is in opposition to its LEFTIST agenda.

New link to the video:

This one has now been removed too. What does the murder of babies within the womb industry fear? The truth and the truth getting out to the world. No better proof than this censorship.

Newer link to the video:

As of 1PM CDT Saturday 5/27/2017 the video is at this link. I do not know how long it will remain. I am listening to it as I write.

As of 3:33AM CDT Sunday 5/28/2017 the video has been removed.

This video does not exist.”

Censorship by the Left reigns supreme in the United States of America.

My post on the judge who censored the videos:

Order given by federal judge William Orrick who was appointed by President Barack Hussein Obama.

Petition to Defund Planned Murderhood NOW!:

NO organization, including Planned Murderhood, which is involved in any way with the sinful, evil, barbaric practice of murdering babies within the womb should ever receive our taxpayer money!

The lies of Planned Murderhood supporters and promoters

I have been asking these questions for a good while. The correct answers are given below.

A brief quiz on the Constitution:

1) What Article, Section, Paragraph within the United States Constitution gives the federal courts the power to interpret the Constitution of the United States?

There is no provision within the Constitution that gives the federal courts the power to interpret the Constitution of the United States.

2) What are the constitutional qualifications for individuals appointed to the federal courts?

Appointed by the President and approved by the Senate by a simple majority vote. There are no other specific qualifications. They do not have to be lawyers. Technically, there is not even a citizenship requirement.

3) What is the constitutional term of office for individuals appointed to the federal courts?

Good behavior. As stated in this post: there is no life time appointment. The correct answer is good behavior.

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

I am a Christian, Constitutionalist, conservative

Isaiah 1: 1-31 (NIV)

The vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem [Applicable to the United States today, in my opinion. GOD is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. HE is righteous, just, and true yesterday, today, and tomorrow!] that Isaiah son of Amoz saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Hear me, you heavens! Listen, earth! For the Lord has spoken: ‘I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me [The United States has and is rebelling against GOD!]. The ox knows its master, the donkey its owner’s manger, but Israel [the United States] does not know, my people [the United States] do not understand.’

Woe to the sinful nation [the United States], a people whose guilt is great, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! They have forsaken the Lord [the United States]; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel [the United States] and turned their backs on him [the United States] .

Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion? Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted. From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness—only wounds and welts and open sores, not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with olive oil.

Your country is desolate, your cities burned with fire; your fields are being stripped by foreigners right before you, laid waste as when overthrown by strangers. Daughter Zion is left like a shelter in a vineyard, like a hut in a cucumber field, like a city under siege. Unless the Lord Almighty had left us some survivors, we would have become like Sodom [destroyed by GOD because of homosexual sin!], we would have been like Gomorrah [destroyed by GOD because of homosexual sin!].

[Read Genesis 18 and 19 for the Biblical account. Genesis 19: 23-29 (NIV)]

“By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land. Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. Thus he [GOD] overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities [A righteous act by a righteous GOD WHO destroyed evil people who refused to repent from their evil. And yes, I believe the account and so did JESUS the SON of GOD. HE referenced Sodom and/or Gomorrah several times. Matthew 10: 15 (NIV) “Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.”]—and also the vegetation in the land. But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the Lord. He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the land of the plain, and he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace.

So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he [GOD] brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.”

This is also why homosexual radicals attack Christians who speak out against homosexual behavior. Christians who know the Bible know that homosexual behavior is sin punishable by spiritual death. There is NO rightto homosexual behavior and people are NOT born homosexual. Homosexual behavior is learned behavior. Therefore, people do not have to be involved in the behavior and people can repent and STOP being involved in the behavior!]

Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom [the United States]; listen to the instruction of our God, you people of Gomorrah [the United States]! ‘The multitude of your sacrifices—what are they to me?’ says the Lord. ‘I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats. When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts? Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations—I cannot bear your worthless assemblies. Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals I hate with all my being. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you [the present or the future for the United States?]; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening [the present or the future for the United States?].

Your hands are full of blood [the present for the United States as we as a nation MURDER over a million babies a year through government sanctioned abortions!]!

Wash and make yourselves clean [Will we?]. Take your evil deeds out of my sight [Will we?]; stop doing wrong [Will we?]. Learn to do right [Will we?]; seek justice [Will we?]. Defend the oppressed [Will we? Who are more oppressed than murdered babies?]. Take up the cause of the fatherless [Will we? GODS family structure not mans]; plead the case of the widow [Will we? GODS family structure not mans].’

‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient [Stop rebelling], you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.’ For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

See how the faithful city has become a prostitute! She once was full of justice; righteousness used to dwell in her—but now murderers! Your silver has become dross, your choice wine is diluted with water. Your rulers are rebels, partners with thieves; they all love bribes and chase after gifts. They do not defend the cause of the fatherless; the widow’s case does not come before them.

Therefore the Lord, the Lord Almighty, the Mighty One of Israel, declares: ‘Ah! I will vent my wrath on my foes and avenge myself on my enemies. I will turn my hand against you; I will thoroughly purge away your dross and remove all your impurities. I will restore your leaders as in days of old, your rulers as at the beginning. Afterward you will be called the City of Righteousness, the Faithful City.’

Zion will be delivered with justice, her penitent ones with righteousness. But rebels and sinners will both be broken, and those who forsake the Lord will perish. ‘You will be ashamed because of the sacred oaks in which you have delighted; you will be disgraced because of the gardens that you have chosen. You will be like an oak with fading leaves, like a garden without water. The mighty man will become tinder and his work a spark; both will burn together, with no one to quench the fire.’”

Planned Murderhood does not provide healthcare video:

“Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood] says it needs hundreds of millions in taxpayer funding to help pregnant women. Yet when moms need prenatal care, ultrasounds, and adoption services, Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood] turns them away and tells them toGoogle it.’ How is the abortion [murder of babies within the womb] giant using our tax dollars [Over half a billion dollars of federal money in the last fiscal year and funded by a Republican Congress through the 2016-2017 fiscal year that ended September 30, 2017.]?”

Video: “Pregnant women call Planned Parenthood [Planned Murderhood] to hear about their options”

My post from Monday:

Pro-Life, Abortions, Abortion Exceptions, the Nuremberg Trials, and the Forty-Fifth Anniversary of Pure Evil.”

My Tuesday post:

Pro-Life, Abortions, Murder, Judicial Tyranny, and Constitutional Accountability

Update: The Senate had a vote on the proposed bill to abolish the murder of babies within the womb if the babies can feel pain. A previous post on this particular bill is here:

Tuesday’s post on banning the murder of babies within the womb after 20 weeks:

Abortion, Senate Vote, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and More Conservatives Needed.”

Murdering babies within the womb is absolutely immoral and is sin personified. Murdering babies within the womb makes the mother a murderer of her own childinfanticide. Financing the very organizations that support and promote the murder of babies within the womb is absolutely immoral and is sin. Those who voted to continue financing Planned Murderhood and the Presidents who signed such financing into law WILL be held accountable. If not by the voters, by GOD. It is past time to repent and to DEFUND Planned Murderhood.

GOD knows the EVIL we as a nation have done and the EVIL we continue to condone. It is past time to REPENT. It is past time to ABOLISH the murder of babies within the womb. Forty-five years of murdering babies within the womb is forty-five years too long. We will ALL be held accountable for our actions and for our inactions.

Boycott Target UPDATE:

The purpose of the Target boycott is to help Target change its current policy of allowing men into the facilities of women and allowing women into the facilities of men by hurting its bottom line. A classic “follow the money” approach. Is it working? Your decision:

Target stock as of the day American Family Association called for a boycott of Target because of its transsexual policy.

4/20/16: Open price: 83.94 High price: 83.96 Close price: 82.87

The following are selected end of the week closing prices for Target common stock:

Target: 05/17/16 close: $ 73.61 DOWN $9.26 in just under a month.
Target: 06/18/16: 67.50.

Target: 12/05/16: 77.68 Peak retail businesses time of the year.

1 Year later: Target: 12/01/17: 59.50 Peak retail businesses time of the year. Down over $18 a share over this time last year with the Dow Jones hitting new highs.

Target: 12/30/16: 72.23 end of year. Christmas time and after is the most important time of the year for retailers such as Target.

Target: 01/20/17: 64.10.
Target: 03/15/17: 54.57.

5 year price for Target stock as of March 15, 2017

High 84.69 on July 17, 2015
Low 54.56 on March 15, 2017
Average 68.03 for past 5 years

Target: 06/02/17: 55.52.
Target: 06/16/17: 52.61 new weekending low since boycott started.
Target: 06/23/17: 50.67 After Hours new weekending low since boycott started.
Target: 06/30/17: 52.24.

DOWN $30 a share in just over a year and two months. DOWN $30 a share.

Follow the money. One million shares of common stock equals a loss in share value of 30 million dollars.

Boycott update:

Target: 09/01/17: 56.15.
Target: 10/06/17: 57.13.

Dow Jones Industrial Average June 1, 2017 closed at 21,144.18
Dow Jones Industrial Average September 1 closed at 21,987.56 up 3.99%.
Dow Jones Industrial Average October 6 closed at 22,773.67 up 3.58%.
Dow Jones Industrial Average December 1, 2017 closed at 24,231.59 up 6.4% from October 6, 2017.

Target from 55.52 on 6/2/17 to 56.15 on 9/1/17 up 1.14%.
Target from 56.15 on 9/1/17 to 57.13 on 10/6/17 up 1.75%.

August is back to school month which is normally the second busiest season for retailers like Target. Yet, while the Dow Jones was up 3.99%, Target was only up 1.14%. The boycott stills seems to be having the desired effect.

Dow Jones was up 3.58% in just over a month. Target was only up 1.75%. Target is still lagging behind the larger market as measured by the Dow. The boycott stills seems to be having the desired effect.

Target from 57.13 on 10/6/17 to 59.50 on 12/1/17 up 4.15% with the Dow up 6.4% over the same period. Target is still lagging behind the larger market as measured by the Dow. The boycott stills seems to be having the desired effect.

I’m putting this series on hold for awhile. There is just too much going on at the moment. I do plan to return to it eventually. Here are my four posts in the federal courts series:


The Constitution, Congress, the President, the Federal Courts, the Federal Bureaucracy, and the Will of the People.”


US Constitution, Congress, President, Federal Courts, We the People, and the Powers of the Federal Government.” 


US Constitution, Federal Courts, Congress, President, We the People, and the Powers of the Federal Government.”


US Constitution, Answers to the Federal Courts Questions, Congress, President, We the People, and the Powers of the Federal Government.”

It is past time to hold federal judges accountable. Impeachment is a method provided within the Constitution to hold federal judges accountable. We need to elect Congressional candidates who are willing to expose the misdeeds of judges and are willing to hold them accountable through impeachment and conviction, if necessary.

The Republican primary runoff election for Texas House of Representatives candidates is May 22, 2018.

U.S. Representative District 2.

Dan Crenshaw 27.40%
Kevin Roberts 33.02%

U.S. Representative District 5.

Lance Gooden 29.87%
Bunni Pounds 22.01%

U.S. Representative District 6.

Ron Wright 45.12%
J.K. ‘Jake’ Ellzey 21.74%

U.S. Representative District 21.

Chip Roy 27.05%
Matt McCall 16.93%

A Chip Roy commitment. Too few candidates running for public office, including unfortunately conservatives, are willing to put in writing their commitments to the voting public. Thus, this section:

“If you elect me to represent our Hill Country district, I’ll make sure [1] we fund President Trumps border wall. [2] I will never vote for amnesty for those here breaking the law [Does he include being here illegally as breaking the law? Because it is.]. And [3] I will make certain taxpayer dollars are never used to support illegal aliens [Including their children?].” May 10, 2018

U.S. Representative District 27.

Bech Bruun 36.09%
Michael Cloud 33.86%

U.S. Representative District 29.

Phillip Aronoff 38.61%
Carmen Maria Montiel 23.58%

Update: Arizona Special Election for Congressional District 8 was won by Republican candidate Debbie Lesko. The Leftist candidate Hiral Tipirneni has declared that she will run in the general election which is normal in House special elections.

Over the last hours of the election, I received twelve e-mails from the Tipirneni Campaign and other supporters asking for money. I have never contributed to a Leftist but Ive gotten on their mailing lists and I am being bombarded with requests for money. Keep spending. You are helping the economy in conservative Arizona.


Issues page:


EVERY pro-life person should tell the truth. Abortion is murder. Every conservative should actively campaign on social issues particularly including the murder of babies within the womb. They are winning issues, if done correctly.

From: House Freedom Fund.

This year, House Freedom Fund has endorsed the following ten candidates:

*Next primary election for supported candidates is May 15, 2018. Tomorrow. 

1) Debbie Lesko (Arizona-8)

The election was April 24, 2018. Won by Debbie Lesko.

Debbie Lesko Republican 91,390 52.6%
Hiral Tipirneni Democrat 82,318 47.4

173,708 votes, 100% reporting (143 of 143 precincts)

2) Chip Roy (Texas-21)

Top vote getter in the primary. The runoff election is May 22, 2018.
Total Investment - $82,921

3) Ohio-12 - MELANIE LENEGHAN. [lost the primary coming in a close second out of nine candidates.]

4) Ohio-16 - CHRISTINA HAGAN. [lost the primary coming in second out of three candidates. The winner received over 53% of the vote.]
*5) Idaho-01 - RUSS FULCHER.
Total Investment: $54,511
May 15 - Primary Election

*6) Pennsylvania-13 - STEVE BLOOM.
Total Investment - $60,589
May 15 - Primary Election

7) Texas-27 - MICHAEL CLOUD.
Total Investment - $22,630
May 22 - Primary Runoff

8) New Mexico-02 - YVETTE HERRELL.
Total Investment - $5,100
June 5 - Primary Election

9) Tenessee-06 - JUDD MATHENY.
Total Investment: $61,058
August 5 - Primary Election

10) Tenessee-07 - MARK GREEN.
Total Investment - $57,683
August 5 - Primary Election

Please support these outstanding candidates by making a secure online contribution to their campaigns.

You can donate to multiple candidates with one easy transaction and each candidate will receive 100% of your donation.

To learn more about our candidates, visit or download this candidate summary.”


Vote for conservatives in the primaries. Vote for conservatives in the general election.

Update: There is another “frightening” budget deadline approaching at the end of this week [Came and gone.]. I don’t plan on writing about it unless something drastic pops up. We have played this song and dance many times before. Even though the Republican Party is now the majority party, it does not seem to matter. The question is NOT will the Republican Party capitulate? The question is how much will the Republican Party give away to the Left in their capitulation? The list of what the Capitulation Party has surrendered is long and damaging to the nation.

The question is how much will the Republican Party give away to the Left in their capitulation?

The answer is absolutely everything. We have been utterly betrayed by the cowardly, Establishment Republicans. They couldnt even, wouldnt even defund Planned Murderhood which is personally responsible for the murder of a third of a million babies within the womb a year. Murderers given OUR tax money by a so-called Republican Congress and a so-called Republican President who signed this unread bill into law. Establishment Republicans are just as much liars as the Left. They need to be replaced just as members of the Left need to be replaced.


National Debt as of April 12, 2018: $21,062,482,347,576.05 or over 21 TRILLION dollars.

The federal government does not have a revenue problem. The federal government has a spending problem. Saturday March 14, 2018, I posted one outstanding example of the lavish spending in which the federal government is engaged.

Here is that post:

“The National Debt, the Federal Bureaucracy, Congress, and the Programs that Are Necessary for the Good of the Nation?”

Your federal tax dollars hard at work for the good of the nation. No such thing, in the last approved budget. Meanwhile, the national debt keeps growing as Congress keeps spending more and more money for the good of the nation.

It seems that it was not only the Obama Administration that manipulated the amount of the National Debt. The day that Congress approved a new budget and increased the debt ceiling the National Debt was $20,494,637,976,880.62. The next day the National Debt increased to $20,669,079,408,408.12. An increase of almost 175 billion dollars in one day.

National Debt as of February 08, 2018: $20,494,637,976,880.62 or almost 20 and one-half TRILLION dollars.

National Debt as of February 09, 2018: $20,669,079,408,408.12

National Debt as of February 15, 2018: $20,710,203,610,249.74

National Debt as of April 12, 2018: $21,062,482,347,576.05

Just started today 5/11/2018. Need 100,000 signatures in 30 days to have it brought to the attention of the White House. That is, by June 10, 2018.

Abolish the Federal Department of Education.

The Federal Department of Education should be abolished because it is costly and ineffective, it is unjust and unethical, it is too political, and it is unconstitutional [And it was used by the Obama Administration to try to force transsexual nonsense upon all schools in the nation. The height of arrogance and immorality.] We, the undersigners, call upon President Donald Trump to keep his campaign promise to close the Federal Department of Education and end all Common Core aligned standards and testing.

Elimination of federal intervention can be achieved in 5 steps:

1) Send all program management and funding to the states.
2) Repeal all laws permitting federal intervention in education starting with ESSA [Every Student Succeeds Act].
3) Privatize college loan programs.
4) Eliminate all offices and divisions in US Dept. of Education and related spending.
5) Reduce federal tax collection, shift revenue control back to states.

More information at

[Give the Department half of its 2017 budget to shut down the Department. Shut it down with the next fiscal budget and NO money.]

The site will send you an e-mail to verify your e-mail address and confirm your “signature.”

This does not end with the boycott which was not covered in any of microsofts morning news items that I read. Is that a surprise?

Sex Education, Leftist Sexual Propaganda, and the April 23rd Sex Education School Boycott Campaign

To sign the statement:

“Hands Off Our Children!”

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” ~ Vladimir Lenin

All Lenin said he needed was four years. In contrast, we are giving Leftists as many as seventeen years and more. It is much easier for the Left to control education through one federal Department of Education than it is to control education in fifty separate, sovereign States

An attack on education at the federal level by the radical Left:

Stop the New Homosexual Classrooms Act (H.R. 1957/S. 2572)

Whereas: Schools should be institutions of learning, dedicated to the unbiased and unpoliticized pursuit of knowledge equally for all students; and

Whereas: The misnamed ‘Safe Schools Improvement Act’ actually DOES discriminate by creating special protected classes of students, while outlawing Christian beliefs held by teachers, students and parents; and

Whereas: The ‘Safe Schools Improvement Act’ will brainwash young children into supporting the radical Homosexual Agenda and the homosexual lifestyle as healthy and normal; and

Whereas: Government should have NO AUTHORITY to force the Homosexual Agenda on the American people, much less their children;

Therefore: As your constituent and a concerned pro-Family voter, I strongly insist you oppose the so-called ‘Safe Schools Improvement Act,’ and make every attempt to see it defeated.”

The petition:

The federal government should not even be involved in education. Education is not a power granted to the federal government by the Constitution. The Obama Administration proved that it is a disaster to have the federal government involved in education. Congress needs to end the Department of Education and ALL programs involving education. Oh, and we will save taxpayer dollars as well. An added bonus considering the federal government is over $21 TRILLION in direct current debt.

I have been following the case of Alfie Evans in England from the time Lifenews started reporting on it. Ive been reluctant to write about it because, quite frankly, socialist governments almost always win out in the end. In socialism whether so-called socialist democracies or in flat out tyrannical socialist governments, the government is supreme over the citizen.

Alfie Evans has died. He was almost 2 years before the government murdered him.

This was my April 25, 2018 post:

This was my April 26, 2018 post:

This was my April 28 post:

I have received NOTHING about Alfie from my Leftist e-mails. That does not surprise me.

The government is supreme in socialism. When it is the parents or the ordinary citizen vs. the government, the government almost always inevitably wins under socialist tyranny. It does not matter if the imposed socialism is ademocratically electedsocialist government or a forced tyrannical socialist government. The government is supreme for thecommon goodas DEFINED by the government.

What happened in England with Alfie Evans happens when societies try to and essentially succeed in removing GOD from the society. A GODLESS society is a soulless, corrupt, condemned, evil society.

Selected results of the May 8, 2018 primaries in Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, and West Virginia

West Virginia US Senate Republican Primary

1) Patrick Morrisey (Republican) WON.

Indiana US Senate Republican Primary

2) Mike Braun (Republican) WON.

3) Jim Renacci (Ohio) Republican WON.

Conservative Review Scorecard:

Representative Jim Renacci D 64% 7 years in Congress
Senator Sherrod Brown (Ohio) [Leftist] Democrat F 10% 11 years in Congress 2018 next election

4) Mark Harris North Carolina Congressional District 9 (Republican) WON defeating an incumbent.

5) Representative to Congress - Ohio District 12 (R) - Unexpired Term Ending 01/03/2019

Troy Balderson (R) WON.

Representative to Congress - Ohio District 16 (R)

6) Anthony Gonzalez (R) WON.

A couple of months ago, I said I was going to take a day and post several days worth of e-mails that I have received from the Leftist organizations and candidates that e-mail me. That day has finally come. Last month about this time of the month, I started working on it. However, I got distracted and never got back to it till now. Therefore, this morning’s post consisted of seven e-mails received last month and six e-mails received in the last couple of days from Equality PAC. As is often the case with Leftist organizations, its name does not fit its actual agenda. Equality PAC is not about equality.

Please note: All e-mail addresses and all hyperlinks have been removed.

01) From: Equality PAC

“first-class BIGOT [Typical Leftist name-calling with no evidence.]

ACTION REQUIRED: Sign to IMPEACH Scott Pruitt [Head of the Environmental Protection Agency ~ EPA]

The Environmental Protection Agency is being run by a HUGE bigot: And his name is SCOTT PRUITT

He’s SO EVIL [More name-calling.]! And now he’s STEALING [Proof? More name-calling.] taxpayer dollars to pay for luxury travel for himself [Really? Do you mean like the Obama family did when Michelle carted the family ondiplomatic vacationsaround the world?]’:

Scott Pruitt has GOT to go [Because he is an alleged bigot or because of his spending practices? Or both?]!! But we need AT LEAST 20,000 signatures to convince Congress to impeach him [Right? To convince a Republican Congress to impeach an agency head appointed by a Republican President.].

That’s why we need you to add your name immediately →

DonScott Pruitt is HEINOUS [More name-calling.].

He actually believes that climate change is a MYTH [Man made global warming is a lie. Climate change ALWAYS happens over time.], and is using funds meant for research [Research what?] on ritzy flights and hotels.

He is JUST like Trump [More name-calling.]: unconcerned [More name-calling.], unethicall [sic. More name-calling.], and UNQUALIFIED [More name-calling.].

He must be impeached IMMEDIATELY [Why? Did not happen. What a surprise.].

20,000 signers needed: Sign now to impeach Scott Pruitt →

Scott Pruitt is just another bigot on Trump’s cabinet [I do not believe the head of the EPA isonPresident Trumps cabinet.]:

He thinks Marriage Equality [No such thing.] threatens ‘religious liberty [How many Christian business people have been persecuted and prosecuted for not supporting faux homosexualmarriage?”]’
He once said that transgender [Transsexual. Delusional men and women who believe they are a sex other than their birth sex.] people ‘threaten biology [Is that an impeachable offense?]’ (???)
He’s gone ON-RECORD saying that LGBT [homosexual] people are ‘objectionable and violate common sense [Their homosexual behavior IS very objectionable and very sinful and DOES violate GODS natural order.]’

He is a hateful [More name-calling.] person who is also actively DESTROYING our environment [Seriously? All by himself too. What utter nonsense.]!!

Time is running out, and we must to take action RIGHT NOW before he does any more damage [Did not happen. So much for must.].

We are counting on you, Don: Help us hit 20,000 signatures to IMPEACH Scott Pruitt →

Counting on you,

Equality PAC”

From this e-mail we learn, according to Equality PAC, that Scott Pruitt is 1) a first-class bigot, 2) a huge bigot, 3) evil, 4) a thief, 5) heinous, 6) ignorant, 7) just like Trump [I believe that is meant in a negative way.], 8) unconcerned, 9) unethical, 10) unqualified, 11) hateful, and 12) destructive. How did such a person ever get appointed?


02) From: Equality PAC


Don!!! Lesbian [homosexual] Senator Tammy Baldwin is being ATTACKED by conservatives trying to take her seat [Seriously? As if the Left does not attack Republican Senators trying to take their seats?]!!

Tammy’s race is CRUCIAL [Why?]:

She’s running in one of the most competitive races in the nation.
She’s already been RUTHLESSLY attacked for being LGBT [homosexual. Is that against the rules? Equality PAC attacks Republicans for being opposed to homosexual behavior.]!
She’s counting on our help to stop this VICIOUS [Give an example, at least.] assault.

Donelection experts ALL agree: if Tammy doesn’t win, we will have NO LGBT [homosexual] representation in the Senate [Why is that bad? Senators are suppose to represent a State NOT a behavior.]!!

WE CAN’T LET THIS HAPPEN!! Chip in $5 right now to elect LGBT [homosexual] progressives [Leftists] like Tammy Baldwin!! →

DonWe can’t risk losing this race [Why? More concerned about homosexual behavior than the welfare of the nation?].

Trump and his whole homophobic [Name-calling.] administration are DETERMINED to strip away our civil rights [There IS NO civil right for homosexual behavior.].

And if we don’t have LGBT [homosexual] progressives [Leftists] like Tammy in the Senate ... there’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING we can do to stop him [And one homosexual Leftist is going to stop him?].

So what do you say? Will you (please) rush $5 or $10 to make sure Tammy WINS [No.]→

Equality PAC”


03) From: Equality PAC

“BREAKING from NBC News:

FIRST: Trump’s reign of bigotry [Name-calling.] and homophobia [More name-calling.] inspired a HUGE WAVE of LGBT [homosexual] candidates to run for office. We. Were. So. HAPPY [!!!]

BUT THEN: Trump COMMANDED his conservative mega-donors to dump MILLIONS into our races [Our races? President Trump is only concerned when a homosexual Leftist is running?] to SHUT US DOWN [Seriously? He commanded?]!!

SO NOW:We’re DESPERATE for cash to support LGBT [homosexual] candidates.

Unless we raise 1,000 donations by our mid-month deadline (in THREE DAYS), we’ll NEVER elect these LGBT [homosexual] candidates to Congress [Promises, promises.].

We KNOW you care about this [You do?]so will you please step up and give our LGBT [homosexual] candidates $5 [No.]?? →

DonOur candidates are simply the best [Really? On what basis? That they are homosexuals?].

Equality [PAC] is proud to uplift LGBT [homosexual] community leaders, activists, and candidates and even prouder to send them STRAIGHT to Congress [Be careful of what you are proud of. Pride has consequences just as actions and inactions do.].

But if we can’t meet our deadline, their chances are SHOT.

That’s where you come in: These leaders have a chance to fight Trump’s bigotry [More name-calling.], and actually stand up and make a difference for LGBT [homosexual] Americans.

But without grassroots donors like you, they will NEVER make it.

So what do you say, Don?? Can you spare JUST $5 to send LGBT [homosexual] leaders to Congress [No.]?

Thanks for stepping up [Sure.],

Equality PAC”


04) From: Equality PAC


Listen up, DonEquality has a HUGE deadline for an LGBT [homosexual] candidate running for Congress in Texas: Gina Ortiz-Jones [It is still primary season in Texas. This is a runoff election against a fellow Leftist.].

1) Gina is running in a DEEP RED district [It is not a deep red district. It now has a Republican Congressman. However, before he was elected, the seat was held by a Leftist. At the moment, she is running against a fellow Leftist. Why is this PAC lying?].

2) She’s ALREADY been attacked for her sexuality [By the Leftist candidate? Are Leftists afraid that she is too radical to win in more conservative Texas? This is considered a winnable district by the Left.]!

3) She desperately, DESPERATELY needs our help to win [Against a fellow Leftist?].


District 23:

Will Hurd (R) [Incumbent. He has been in Congress for 3 years and has a F 33% Scorecard rating according to Conservative Review.] - (Campaign Site)
Gina Ortiz Jones (D) [Leftist] - Iraq War Veteran & Ex-US Trade Representative Official
Rick Trevino (D) [Leftist] - Teacher, Sanders Campaign Activist & ‘17 City Council Candidate”]

Our mid-month deadline coming up in 3 days.We promised we’d raise Gina 250 donations to help her outbut we’re so far behind [You are about to break your promise? So sad?]!!

We NEED her to win [Why?], so let’s make it happen!! Chip in $5 right now to elect LGBT [homosexual] progressives [Leftists] like Gina Ortiz-Jones [Does it seems like her main qualification according to Equality PAC is that she is a homosexual? How is that equality? Some people are more equal than others even within the Leftist camp?]!! →

Donwe can’t afford to lose this race [Why?].

Election experts are ALL prediction: if Gina doesn’t win, there is NO WAY progressives can take back Congress [What? Who are these so-called election experts?]!!

That means that Trump will continue to EVISCERATE LGBT [homosexual] rights [There is no right to homosexual behavior. Utter nonsense.], women’s reproductive rights [i.e. Murdering babies within the womb which is not now and never has been a right.] , and make our lives [more?] MISERABLE.

And if we can’t support Gina, there’s NO WAY we will be able to stop him [Really? Gina must win or else?].

So can we count on you, Don [No.]?? Will you rush $5 to elect Gina [No.]?

Equality PAC”


05) From: Equality PAC

“we have a serious problem (LGBT [homosexual] rights [No such thing as homosexual rights.] EVISCERATED)

OK, we have a SERIOUS problem:

IF the current (EXTREMELY slow) rate of donations continues...

AND IF we don’t raise enough to support our LGBT [homosexual] candidates...

AND IF we FAIL to elect a progressive [Leftist] majority in Congress ...

Trump will EVISCERATE LGBT [homosexual] rights [No such thing as homosexual rights. Rights come from GOD and GOD condemns homosexual behavior as sinful behavior.] ... FOR GOOD [How can one possibly know this even if there was such a thing as homosexualrights?”]!!!

We still have at least 736 donations (of $5 or more) to go!! If you care AT ALL about protecting LGBT rights [No such thing as homosexual rights.], chip in NOW →

Every single day we read the news about Trump’s attacks on the LGBT [homosexual] community [Seriously? I believe he is very weak in ending this nonsense of pretendrightsfor a behavior.]. And we KNOW it will only get worse.

If we don’t have the resources to help our LGBT [homosexual] candidates …

... LGBT [homosexual] freedom [licentiousness] will be a thing of our past [As it should be. Homosexual behavior is sinful behavior.].

So this mid-month fundraising deadline is NON-NEGOTIABLE [Seriously? We must donate or what? You will take us off of your mailing list? Not likely?].

Our candidates are counting on us (and YOU)! So we’ll keep fighting until the very last minute.

Will you chip in $5 to elect LGBT [homosexual] candidates this election year [No.]?

Equality PAC”


06) From: Equality PAC

“Trump [The enemy.] MELTDOWN

Donald Trump is MELTING DOWN [Proof? None of which I know.].

So he’s sending Paul Ryan [The enemy.] to Texas to fundraise AGAINST Gina Ortiz-Jones [She is running in a runoff election. She may not even be the Leftist candidate. Distortion of the truth?]who could be the first lesbian [female homosexual] Congresswoman from Texas [Is that what is important to this PAC?]!!

Don, Paul Ryan is going to Texas with ONE mission: to get his homophobic [Name calling propaganda. Intolerance of the Left.] millionaire friends [The enemy.] to ATTACK Gina [Seriously?]. UGH!!

We have a huge mid-month deadline (TOMORROW), and we need every dollar we can raise to fend of Paul Ryan’s attacks on Gina [Of course you do.].

DONATE NOW: Fight Paul Ryan and help Gina WIN [No.]→

Gina is seriously one of the most qualified progressive [Leftist] candidates [That doesnt mean much. By definition, Leftist are not qualified to participate in a democracy since their agenda is built upon totalitarian principles.]:

1) She BRAVELY stands up for LGBT rights [No such thing as homosexual rights.]
2) She is UNAPOLOGETICALLY pro-woman and pro-choice [Contradiction in terms. Can not be both pro-women and pro-murdering babies within the womb. Over half of the murders are of females and every abortion turns a mother into a murderer.]
3) She is COMMITTED to bringing her UNMATCHED [Seriously?] experience as a veteran and community leader to Congress [Never held political office before?]

But if there’s anything we can promise it’s this: Donald Trump and Paul Ryan will do ANYTHING to make sure she loses [Do they even know who she is? She is not even the candidate of the Left yet.].

They are outraising her THIS VERY MINUTE [So?]!!

Don’t wait until it’s too late [Runoff election is not until May 22.], Don!! We NEED you to chip in $5 right now to support Gina [No.]→


Equality PAC”


07) From: Equality PAC

“sick to our stomachs

We’re sick to our STOMACHS [So sad.]:

We told you: Trump [The enemy.] is attacking LGBT [homosexual] candidates across the country [I thought it was just Gina in Texas.].

We told you: We have a huge fundraising deadline (TOMORROW [And I do not care.]).

So we thought: Equality supporters would step up to help our candidates fight back ... but we were WRONG [So sad; too bad.].

DonWe can’t support our candidates and take back Congress unless we hit our mid-month fundraising goal [Why not? Dont have qualified candidates? Have to buy and lie your way into office?]

Picture this, Don: If we don’t win, Trump will have FREE REIN to:

put LGBT [homosexual] rights [wrongs] on the chopping block [No such thing as homosexual rights.]
elect MORE judges [Judges at the federal level are not elected.] who will overturn Roe vs. Wade [Unconstitutional, immoral federal government sanctioned murder of babies within the womb. Where is the equality for babies within the womb? These babies have NO rights according toEqualityPAC.]
continue to persecute [What persecution?] minorities [Seriously?], women [It is the Left who is waging a War on Women.], and LGBT [homosexual] people [Absurd.]!!

We are HORRIFIED by this possibility [Is that why you are lying?]that’s why we need your help!!

Can you (please, please, PLEASE) make a $5 or $10 donation to get us back on track [No.]??”

Equality PAC”


Seven e-mails from Equality PAC last month. Now, the six most recent e-mails from the same PAC.

08) From: Equality PAC

Mike Pence [Vice President of the United States] is totally OBSESSED [According to whom?]

Mike Pence [The enemy.] just declared all-out WAR on our ONLY lesbian [homosexual] Senator [Because she is homosexual or because she is a terrible Senator?]:

He’s PERSONALLY attacking her progressive [Leftist] record [For good reasons according to his point of view.]. And his homophobic [Name-calling.] HATCHET-MEN [The enemy.] have already spent $11,000,000 to take her down.

If she loses, Progressives [Leftists] have ZERO chance of winning the Senate [There is little chance of gaining control of the Senate. There are too many vulnerable Leftist candidates up for reelection this year. Over twenty and at least twelve of them are vulnerable.].

SO REMEMBER: We have until midnight Friday to reach 1,000 donations to SAVE Tammy’s Senate seat [What makes you think you can?]!!

Rush $5 to defend America’s ONLY lesbian [homosexual] Senator [Her claim to fame is that she is a homosexual? She has no otheraccomplishments?”]→

DonPence is totally OBSESSED [Proof?] with taking down Tammy.

It’s actually kind of creepy [It is creepy that you believe he is obsessed and it is creepy that her claim to fame, according to you, is that she is a homosexual.]!!

So what DID Tammy vote against??

She voted AGAINST cuts to Medicare [Medicare is an unconstitutional federal program.]
She voted AGAINST cuts to Social Security [What cuts in social security?]
She voted AGAINST tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% [The tax cuts were only for the wealthiest 1%? Absurd. A stubborn fact that Leftists ignore. Almost 50% of all those who file federal income tax returns pay no taxes and many of them receive additional money from the federal government through such unconstitutional programs as the child tax credit and the earned income credit.]!!

Mike Pence HATES [Prove it. How do you know how he feels?] Senators like Tammy who actually care about the wellbeing of ALL Americans [Seriously? How much does she care about the wellbeing of white heterosexual males? Of conservative females? Of Christians? Of small business owners? Of all those people whom you choose to falsely label as bigots, haters, and homophobes?]NOT Pence’s rich, right-wing [conservative] friends [Only rich right-wing friends are in the top 1%? Does that include George Soros? Bill Gates? Leftist Hollywood celebrities?!!

That’s why it’s ESPECIALLY important that she winswe NEED a pro-choice [We certainly DO NOT need a Leftist who supports and promotes the murder of babies within the womb.], pro-Medicare [Pro-unconstitutional programs?], pro-LGBT [Pro-sinful homosexual behavior.] Senator like Tammy [Three excellent reasons NOT to support her.].

Don’t wait another minuteDonate $5 to re-elect our only lesbian [homosexual] Senator, Tammy Baldwin [Not going to happen. I dont vote for baby murderers or the promoters of the same. Why would I donate money to one?]→

Thanks for stepping up [Glad to give my assistance to the cause of defeating her.],

Equality PAC”


09) From: Equality PAC

“TRUMP strips healthcare from CHILDREN [How did he manage to accomplish that feat? He has no authority in this matter. Furthermore, the federal government has no constitutional authority over healthcare.]:

FIRST: Trump vowed to slash BILLIONS from Children’s Health Insurance [How? The federal government has no constitutional authority over health insurance.]!!

THEN: We set an aggressive fundraising goal to take back Congress and SAVE healthcare for children [There is nothing constitutionally to save.]HUNDREDS of progressives [Leftists] stepped up!!

SO NOW: We need another 176 MATCHED donations to hit our goal and SAVE CHIP [What is CHIP?]!!

If we can get at least 500, that equals 1000 DONATIONS!!

So if you ACTUALLY care about saving CHIP [And if one does not?], now is the time to show it: Make a MATCHED donation to SAVE CHIP →

Trump’s cuts are just HEARTLESS [What cuts? It is not constitutional for the federal government to be involved in health insurance. It has nothing to do with being heartless or not being heartless.]!! He’ll destroy just about anything just to save a buck [Proof?].

SO Don: we need to PUNISH Donald Trump [Really? Are you going to put a voodoo curse on him?]and make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that we will PROTECT our children [By murdering them within the womb? Is that how you protect children?].

Please chip in just $5 and have it MATCHED before it’s too late:

Now or never [Never.],

Equality PAC”


10) From: Equality PAC

“Pence [The enemy.] SHAKING in his boots [Really? Seriously? How do you know?]

FIRST: Mike Pence went all the way to Wisconsin to ATTACK lesbian [homosexual] Senator Tammy Baldwin. (BOOOhe’s the WORST [Name-calling.]!!!!)

THEN: We BEGGED you to chip in and DEFEND Tammy’s Senate seat.

NOW: Donations are POURING in. Pence is shaking in his BOOTS [Proof?]!

We know you haven’t chipped in yet to defend Tammy’s Senate seat [True.], so PAY ATTENTION: This is your final chance to help us hit our goal [Ill pass. Thank you.]→

Don’t let Mike Pence DESTROY Tammy’s shot at winning [All by himself? Amazing?]. Chip in $5 to make sure Tammy Baldwin WINS [Why? She promotes the murder of babies within the womb.]→

Don, it’s not hard to see why Tammy Baldwin is Mike Pence’s #1 target:

She stands up for LGBT rights [No such thing as homosexual rights.]
She’s unapologetically pro-choice [She supports and promotes the murder of babies within the womb. She needs to repent.]
She holds conservatives accountable for their bigotry [Name-calling. What bigotry? Prove it.] Every. Day!!

And if she loses, progressives [Leftists] WILL NOT take back the Senate [There is little chance of gaining control of the Senate. There are too many vulnerable Leftist candidates up for reelection this year. Over twenty and at least twelve of them are vulnerable.]. That’s why we CAN’T let Mike Pence take Tammy down [He will do it alone?].

Do your part to re-elect the only openly lesbian [Homosexual. Her claim to fame?] Senator: Chip in $5 to support Tammy Baldwin [No.]→

And if she loses, progressives [Leftists] WILL NOT take back the Senate [There is little chance of gaining control of the Senate. There are too many vulnerable Leftist candidates up for reelection this year. Over twenty and at least twelve of them are vulnerable.]. That’s why we CAN’T let Mike Pence take Tammy down.

Do your part to re-elect the only openly lesbian [Homosexual. Her claim to fame?] Senator: Chip in $5 to support Tammy Baldwin [No.]→

Equality PAC”


11) From: Equality PAC

“gay [homosexual] people JAILED

HOMOPHOBE WORST [Name-calling.] ALERT: Trump judicial nominee thinks gay [homosexual] people should go to JAIL [The quote given does not say that homosexuals should be in jail. The quote: “I strongly disagree with the outcome of Lawrence vs. TexasSo do I. It was an unconstitutional decision.]

Damien Schiff is a radical [Name-calling.] anti-LGBT [Homosexual. Name-calling.] homophobe [Name-calling.]he thinks gay [homosexual] people should go to PRISON [That is not part of the quote.] ...

... and he’s about to hold one of the highest judicial offices in the entire country!!

NOT ON OUR WATCH [How are you going to stop it?]!! Sign our petition right away to BLOCK his nomination [How will that block his nomination?], before it’s too late →

SIGN YOUR NAME: Block Damien Schiff [How will my signature block his nomination?]→

Damien Schiff is the latest bigot [Name-calling.] that Trump has appointed to serve a LIFETIME [There are NO lifetime appointments to the federal bench. If you can show me that in the Constitution, Ill sign the fake petition. However, you cant because it is not in the Constitution.] appointment on the court.

We won’t mince words: Damien Schiff is a radical conservative extremist [Name-calling.]. He’s a direct threat to our judicial system [Absolutely not. He wants to uphold the Constitution as written.] (and LGBT Equality [There is no such thing as homosexual behavior equality.]).

He OPENLY disagrees with the Supreme Court’s decision to protect LGBT [homosexual] people from being JAILED [Because it is a State issue not a federal issue and the federal courts have NO jurisdiction in that area.]:

WHAT?! We can’t let him take the bench [How are you going to prevent it?]!!

He’s a DANGER to LGBT [homosexual] people everywhere [Not true.]!!

We must stop Damien Schiff’s nomination before it’s too late. Will you add your name immediately to BLOCK him [No.]?

Schiff has built a career TERRORIZING LGBT [homosexual] people [Seriously?].

He has gone ON-RECORD saying:

The ‘homosexual lifestyle is wrong [Absolutely correct. Homosexual behavior is sin. Biblically true in both the Old and New Testaments.]’ (what??)
Gay [homosexual] people are against ‘natural’ and ‘divine law [Absolutely true and homosexuals know it to be true. That is why they desperately need to silence those who speak the truth.]’ (HUH??)
‘Consensual [These days, with the #Me too movement, there is a real problem with what is and is not consensual. Consensual sex historically has never been the standard for what was and was not moral or legal.] sodomy’ should be outlawed [A State government decision. Was true for the vast majority of our history until the federal courts started handing down unconstitutional decisions.] (UGH!!)

We can’t let this dangerous bigot [Name-calling.] get anywhere NEAR a courthouse [Really?]. That’s why we need all hands on deck to STOP his nomination!!

Will you add your name right away to BLOCK Damien Schiff [Absolutely not.]??

Sign now: BLOCK Damien Schiff →

Thanks for stopping bigots [Name-calling. What bigots?],

Equality PAC”


12) From: Equality PAC

“DONYOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED [Do I want to be? Seems I had no choice?]

SUBMIT NOW: Tell us what you think of Michelle Obama [She was part of the most politically corrupt Administration in our history. Is that one of the choices? I didnt think so.]→

DonAs an active supporter [Not a supporter. Where did you get this idea?] in [My zip code deleted.], you’ve been selected to provide feedback on Michelle Obama’s Legacy!

[Blasphemy deleted.]Michelle Obama is an INSPIRATION [Are you telling me or asking me?]!

She’s FIRED UP a generation of young, diverse [If being a Leftist is also being diverse.] leaders to make a difference in their communities! We just love her SO much [Are you asking or making a declaration?].

Even though right-wing extremists [Name-calling.] CONSTANTLY attack her, we think she’s one of the most IMPORTANT leaders in modern history [Seriously? Then why are you bothering to ask my opinion?]!

That’s why we want hard data on paper to PROVE that she’s the BEST [Are you telling us what to say? How is that hard data?]!

So we need EVERYONE (especially you, Don!!) to answer IMMEDIATELY [You would not like my answers and I would not waste my time.]!

Tell us how YOU think Michelle Obama did as First Lady [She was part of the most politically corrupt Administration in our history.]→

So excited to see your answers [Im sure you are after you told us what to say.]!

Equality PAC”


13) From: Equality PAC

“lesbian [homosexual] veteran NEEDS to win [Why? Why this hang-up on homosexual behavior?]

Equality-endorsed lesbian candidate [homosexual] Gina Ortiz-Jones faces a RUNOFF election in ONE WEEK [Finally, you admit it is a runoff election against another Leftist. The difference is one is a homosexual and the other is not?]!!!

Here are the facts:

Gina is running in a DEEP RED district [Not true. See # 04 e-mail.].
She’s ALREADY been attacked for her sexual orientation [By the Leftist candidate? Are Leftists afraid that she is too radical to win in more conservative Texas? This is considered a winnable district by the Left.]!!
She desperately, DESPERATELY needs our help to win her race [Against another Leftist. A Bernie Sanders Leftist, at that.].

That’s why we are dedicating our mid-month goal of $20,000 to supporting Gina before her runoff election. LET’S DO THIS!!


DonWe can’t risk losing this race [Why?].

Trump and his whole homophobic [Name-calling.] administration are DETERMINED to rip away our civil rights [Homosexual behavior is NOT a civil right.].

If we don’t elect progressives [Leftists] like Gina ... there’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING we can do to stop him [The other candidate in the runoff is not a Leftist? He supported Bernie Sanders in 2016 according to Politics1.].

And ALL the election experts agree: if Gina doesn’t win, there is NO WAY progressives [Leftists] can take back Congress [They cant anyway.]!!

Her runoff election is NEXT WEEK, Don!! Let’s help Gina WIN [No.]!

Will you rush $5 or $10 to elect Gina [No.]? GO GO GO →

Equality PAC”

Vote for conservatives in the primaries. Vote for conservatives in the general election.

Eye opening video: “Ami Horowitz: How white liberals [Leftists] really view black voters.”

“As of May 3, 2018, 34 states enforced (or were scheduled to begin enforcing) voter identification requirements. A total of 18 states required voters to present photo identification, while 16 accepted other forms of identification.

Commonly accepted forms of ID include drivers licenses, state-issued identification cards, and military identification cards.”

Bonus post:

JW [Judicial Watch] 60 Seconds [Time of video.]: The [Hillary] Clinton/[Russian] Uranium Connection

“Judicial Watch announced that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of State for all records of communications relating to Uranium One (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00722)). The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on March 29.

This lawsuit is part of Judicial Watch’s continuing investigation of the highly controversial 2010 Uranium One deal. At the time, a Russia state-owned nuclear firm, Rosatom, sought to buy Uranium One, a Canadian mining company. Because Uranium One held licenses for 20 percent of Americas uranium production capacity, the sale had to be approved by the nine members of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who assented to the transaction. Uranium One interests contributed more than $140 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Read about our latest lawsuit here.”

Another Bonus Post:

Reminder: Babylon Bee is satire. It is not “fake” news.

“ATLANTA, GA—An exclusive new CNN report revealed Thursday that President Trump has kidnapped three people from the paradise of North Korea, forcing them to get on a plane and return to the United States against their wishes.

A teary-eyed CNN anchor broke the story, visibly enraged at the egregious act of international terrorism. CNN reporters had discovered that the three visitors had been in North Korea enjoying a vacation for many months before Trump unilaterally decided to have them forcibly flown back to America, even aggressively accosting them when they landed.

‘This heartbreaking story shows just how low President Trump will go,’ the anchor said, his voice quavering. “How much longer will this country allow this madman to go on trampling the name of the United States on the world stage? This is an unprecedented act, for a sitting president to personally kidnap perfectly happy visitors to the communist wonderland of North Korea.’

‘The time for impeachment is now!’ he added, beginning to chant, ‘Impeach Trump! Impeach Trump!’

At publishing time, sources at CNN had been able to confirm that Trump is planning on flying to a meeting with Kim Jong Un, where the two will discuss how to most efficiently destroy and enslave the world.”

Babylon Bee perfectly understands the Left in this instance.

Abortion, the Heartbeat Bill, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, a Chance to Make History, and a Chance to Save Innumerable Innocent Lives

Link to sign the petition:

At the same time, either in the same bill or a stand alone bill, the House needs to defund every organization that either directly or indirectly is involved in murdering babies within the womb. Actions speak much louder than words.

“… Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” James 2: 17 (NIV)

Vote for conservatives in the primaries. Vote for conservatives in the general election.

For Republican Senator Mitch McConnells edification, the Bibles statement about judging others.

Matthew 7: 1-3 (NIV)

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?’”

Question for Mitch McConnell. Since you judged Judge Roy Moore guilty by accusation and demanded that he immediately withdraw from the Alabama Senate race, are you going to resign from the Senate based upon this current accusation/allegation against you? I didn’t think so.

A major problem in our country at every level is holding those in power accountable. A Democratic Republic does not work if the powers that be ARE NOT held accountable. Decisions have consequences.

If You’re Gonna Run in Texas | Ted Cruz for Senate Statewide Radio

The Donald Trump commercial that has the Left in an uproar:


Decisions have consequences.

NO amnesty for illegals EVER.

The Link to Monday’s post:

DACA, DREAMERS, Amnesty, Congress, President Trump, Illegal Aliens, Border Security, and Decisions Have Consequences

The link to Tuesday’s post:

DREAMERS, DACA, Amnesty, Illegal Aliens, Arizona, Senator Jeff Flake, and Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens

The Link to Wednesday’s post:

Illegal Aliens, a Federal Government Shut Down, DREAMERS, DACA, and Amnesty for Everyone?”

The Link to Thursday’s post:

Immigrant Terrorists, Illegal Aliens, Sanctuary Cities, DREAMERS, DACA, and Amnesty for Everyone?”

The link to the February 1, 2018 post:

Amnesty for Dreamers, Republicans, the Left, the President, and Some Are More Equal than Others?”

I and many others fought against amnesty during the Bush Administration and won. I and many others fought against amnesty during the Obama Administration and the Gang of Eight and won. I and many others will fight against amnesty now.

Warning to Establishment Republicans: Now is NOT the time to give in to the Left and grant amnesty to anyone who is here illegally. Decisions have consequences.

Contact your Congressman

Contact your Senators

Ephesians 6: 10-17 (NIV)

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

1) belt of truth.
2) breastplate of righteousness.
3) feet fitted gospel of peace.
4) shield of faith.
5) helmet of salvation.
6) sword of the Spirit. [Our weapon is the HOLY SPIRIT. Is there a more powerful weapon, if used righteously?]

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!


Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.”

At the sign of triumph Satans host doth flee;
On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hells foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
Brothers lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.


Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.”

Matthew 5: 10-12 (NIV)

“‘Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.’”

From: The Loop from Catholic Vote

QUOTE OF THE WEEK // Hans Fiene on anti-Christian Twitter mobs: ‘Twitter: We hate Joel Osteen for not following the Bible. Also Twitter: We hate the Nashville Statement for following the Bible.’”

Supposedly, Joel Osteen said his church would not be available during the current Houston flooding challenge. The Nashville Statement confirms the long standing Christian acknowledgment that homosexual behavior is sinful behavior.

The Left hates anyone and anything that disagrees with them and their agenda.

At the Orgy of Self-Righteousness.
George Neumayr | August 18, 2017”

One wonders what entitles this generation to speak so confidently about past evils given its inability to recognize present ones. Modern America is awash in the blood of millions of aborted [murdered] childrena monstrous evil were told is as central to the modern lifestyle as slavery was to the ancient one [Make no mistake about it. Murdering ones own children is far more evil than slavery. And yes, slavery is evil.]”

The best, most constitutional way to accomplish abolishing abortion is to do the following:

1) Congress by law affirms that human life begins at conception/fertilization.

2) Congress by law affirms that human life is protected by both Amendments Five and Fourteen from the beginning of life at conception to the end of life through natural causes.

3) Congress by law affirms that the taking of a human life within the womb is a criminal offense and establishes the legal parameters for prosecuting and punishing all such criminal offenses. Congress by law affirms that any local official and/or State official who tries to hinder and/or does not apply these laws properly has committed a criminal offense. Congress by law establishes the legal parameters for prosecuting and punishing all such criminal offenses.

4) Congress by law affirms that any and all previous court case rulings in contradiction to these specific laws passed by Congress are null and void.

5) Congress by law removes the courts from any ability to alter and/or invalidate any provisions of these specific laws passed by Congress.

Rules of Life:

1) Actions have consequences and may have a lasting impact on the rest of your life.

2) There is no reset, undo, or edit button in life.

3) You are the ONLY person responsible for your actions.

4) You are free to choose whatever action you want to take, but you are NOT free from the consequences of that action.

5) Doing nothing is an action.

Or, as GOD said in James 4: 17 (NIV)

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesnt do it, it is sin for them.”

Matthew 12: 35-37 (NIV)

“‘A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned [We are all held accountable by GOD.].’”

Restore the Constitution
Take Back the Nation

For Life, for liberty

Don L. Vance

“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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